Next meeting
Wednesday December 15, 2021
Marine Wildlife
Dr. Lance Morgan
Dr. Lance Morgan will discuss What’s Happening with Marine Wildlife in the Oceans? A new study provides a roadmap for ocean conservation actions that should be taken to protect nature and people. The study’s novel approach to conservation is to analyze the places that, if protected from fishing and harmful activities, would produce multiple benefits to humanity.
–> Debi will send you the Zoom login link for the 12:00 meeting once you have paid. Feel free to put your feet up, grab a sandwich, and join the meeting. <–
In-Person / Hybrid Meeting details:
All meetings are in-person and online meetings. In-person meetings will be located at the Epicenter Sports Center located at 3215 Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa, CA. Use the first door, closest to Piner Road. There will be greeters at the door to guide you.
–> Please note: You NEED TO MAKE A RESERVATION IN ADVANCE so we have a proper count. Payments received by Saturday will be considered for the upcoming meeting. Payments after that will be for the following meeting.
–> Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid. Use this link for details and to pay. CLICK HERE!
Wednesday December 22: CLUB DARK – For Holidays
Wednesday December 29: Trivia
Keep checking back. New Programs coming soon!
–> International Service Project
–> 100th Birthday Celebration:
100th Flier 211107 Put this date on your calendar: Friday, May 13, 2022. The party will be at the Santa Rosa Golf and Country Club. Tickets are $125.00 or pay $150.00 to be at a table of eight Rotarian friends. The club is so pleased that we came to an agreement with SRCC for the new date!
Keep checking back. New socials coming soon!
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Watch The Meeting: Did you miss the meeting? Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click Here)
Please note it is only available to view until: 12/18/21
Opening Ceremonies:
President Ray was absent today. Filling in for him was former club president, former district governor Doug Johnson. He brought a bunch of Rotary Swag with him so members could take home for a price (Money to go to Polio Plus). President Ray did not give Doug an agenda, so Doug found an old one from 6 years ago to guide him. “Will Don McMillan please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.” Oops. Pete Lescure led us in The Pledge and The Four-Way Test. His Reflection were quoted from three wise men, George Bernard Shaw, Theodore Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill. “Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” “Do what you can, with what you got, where you are.” “Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue what counts.”
Visiting Rotarians:
Willie Rodriguez from Burney Falls (he now works for Keysight and will be looking for a new club) and Rebecca Southwick from Clearlake. She also is looking for a new Santa Rosa Club as she has moved here. Doug Johnson’s fiancé!
Jennielynn Homes, Gail Schwarz, and Michael Kellison
Sunshine Report:
All is good!
Poinsettia Project:
Ginny Cannon said 50 poinsettias were delivered to Vigil Lights on Tuesday. Those for club members were at the meeting to be picked up.
Question: what happened on August 25th a year ago? Kris Anderson guessed that it was when Rotary named Pakistan and Afghanistan the only two countries that were not free from polio. Close enough; it was the day Africa was declared polio free. Kris got a Rotarian at Work T-shirt.
Down to 3 marbles. $114 in the pot. Steve Olson’s number was called, but he did not win. Only two marbles next week!
Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army:
Casey Carter announced that we only have two days this year: Saturdays December 11 and 18th from 10:00 to 6:00 at the Safeway on Fourth Street. Volunteers are needed on both Saturdays. See Casey or review SignUp Genius.
Public Safety Awards:
Craig Meltzner announced that January 19th will be the date
Steve Olson said December 9th is his and Elaine’s 54th wedding anniversary. They met at Fresno State when they were both in the agriculture program. In honor of his bride and their anniversary he donated $54.00 to the Jamison Fund. Former President Doug asked if anyone was going anywhere in December. Charlie Howard-Gibbon is going to Aptos for Christmas. His granddaughter, Amelia, is now one year old. He donated $20.00 to Polio Plus.
Ryan Thomas is going to Pasadena for New Year’s. He has a friend on the Rose Parade Committee. He gets to go to the Rose Bowl Game! He said he is giving $100 to the club. Scott Bartley is going to San Francisco to shop and visit some favorite bartenders. I missed his contribution. Julia Parranto is going to the Christmas Gala for the American Board of Trial Lawyers Association. She will also be giving out toys with the Salvation Army. She is giving $100 to the Jamison Fund. Craig Meltzner is not going anywhere, but his in-laws are coming for a month in January. He also was happy to announce that he could now do contra dancing in person again. He donated $100 to the Larry Miyano fund.
Former President Doug asked Craig Meltzner about the article in The Press Democrat today about the 300-year-old Torah that has come to a Petaluma Synagogue. Torahs that were handwritten in the Czechoslovakia, have been highly prized. The Nazis confiscated them, and many were destroyed. After the war Jewish people tried to return the Torah’s to their original village. In many cases the villages were destroyed. Craig says his Synagogue got one of the Torahs 40 years ago.
Today’s guest speaker is JennieLynn Holmes on the status of the homeless problem in Sonoma County.
Jennielynn is the Chief Program Officer at Catholic Charities diocese of Santa Rosa which oversees all aspects of the largest shelter and housing system between the Golden Gate Bridge and the Oregon border. Santa Rosa has the highest homeless population per capita in the Bay Area. The most current data says that there are 2951 homeless as of 2019. This has been trending down since 2011. Of that total 34% are sheltered and 66% are unsheltered. This is because of the high cost of housing in Sonoma County. 22% are employed, 36% are unable to work, 40% are looking for work and 24% are not looking at all for work. 89% want housing. 87% of our homeless are from Sonoma County. Most have lived here for 10 years or more. 675 people are the chronic homeless that we see the most often. Many are 55 years old or more. Most are in Santa Rosa because that is where most of the services for the homeless are located. The Psychology of Homelessness stems from the consequences of trauma. 75% have experienced a major trauma. 53% have had a brain injury. This brought up the concept of Presentism. “As you begin to normalize the experience of being homeless, your psychology re-adjusts, and you begin to thrive within homelessness rather than try to get out of it.” Stockholm Syndrome and people who stay in abusive relationships experience are examples this concept. You need to get people out of that living situation and housed before they can improve. It is not easy as they are comfortable in their lifestyle. Jennielynn has invited us to sign up for a tour of Caritas Village (the first half is almost completed). There is nothing like it in the United States.
Program Slide
Click on Image below for presenter slides:
Additional Pictures:
Click on the picture below to see a slide show.
Governor, District 5130
Dustin Littlefield
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
President Elect, Kris Anderson
Club Service I, Membership, Julia Parranto
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Diane Moresi
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Pete Lescure
Club Director, Casey Carter
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe
DIGITAL EDITION No. 436 December 8, 2021 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick