Note that next week’s program will begin early, at 12:15 PM

Next meeting
Wednesday October 12, 2022

WWII Historical Novel 

Jeane Sloan

Author Jeane Sloan will discuss her WWII historical novel “She Was A WWII Photographer Behind Enemy Lines”. She is the author of 4 historical novels dealing with women who participated in the war including She Flew Bombers During WWII which was the winner of the national 2012 Indie Book Award.

Jeane Slone enjoys researching pieces of the forgotten past, especially involving amazing, powerful female heroines of the forties who experience gender and ethnic discrimination.


PLEASE NOTE: In-Person & Zoom meetings returned!  Please register.

–> Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid.  Use this link to payCLICK HERE!

Wednesday October 19: Medtronics Products
Wednesday October 26:
Goals For Sherrif’s Office
Wednesday November 2:
Family court Awareness

Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).


Annual Meat Auction – October 15, 2022 (Click here for flyer with details)
Foundation Oktoberfest Celebration – Saturday October 8, 2022  (Click here for flyer with details)
Foundation Dinner North – Mardi Gras – Saturday October 15, 2022 (Click here for flyer with details)
Free Dental Care – Wednesday October 12th (Click here for flyer with details)
It’s All About Grants, Foundation Raffle – Drawing October 15, 2022 (Click here for flyer with details)

Keep checking back.  New socials coming soon!

Rotary Announcements

10/12/2022: Free Dental Care for active military, veterans and/or their families at the Petaluma Dental Group, 1301 Southpoint Blvd., Petaluma. Email [email protected] to set up an appointment.

10/12/2022: The next work day at the Redwood Empire Food Bank is from 5:00 – 7:00pm. Please note that all the bagging is now done inside the warehouse. It is always the second Wednesday of the month. 10. April 4 – 6, 2023: District Conference will be at the renovated Konocti Harbor Resort

10/15/2022: The meat auction will be on this date at the Gospe’s home. This is a good event to invite your friends to participate. Details are to follow;

10/16/2022: Former DG Bruce Campbell’s Celebration of Life will be at Sally Tomato’s at 1:00pm

May 27 – 31, 2023: The Rotary International Convention will be in Melbourne, Australia. You can sign up now and book you room(s). This will be RI President Jennifer Jones’ convention so it should be epic as the first woman RI president.


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Watch The Meeting:  Did you miss the meeting?  Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click here for recording
Please note it is only available to view until: 10/16/22

Opening Ceremonies

Peter Lescure led the opening ceremonies while adding his touch of humor to the day.

The quote selected was the following: “Be a reflection of what you would like to receive. If you want love, give love. If you want truth be truthful. If you want respect give respect. What you give out will always return.”

Visiting Rotarians

There were no visiting Rotarians today.


Steve Olsen introduced Kanani Reynolds, Sonoma County Fair Director.

Dr. Casey Carter introduced Robin Yonash. Robin was a very active volunteer in Placer County working with the library, fire department, and on Colfax fire safety. Robin has put in an application to our club.

Laura Stephens was introduced by Past-President Julia Parranto.

Susan Nowaki introduced our guest speaker, Matt Daly. Matt Daly is the Chief Operations Officer for the Sonoma County Fair and Event Center.


Membership Minute

Past President Julia Parranto, chair of the club’s Membership Committee, announced that there have been no resignations this month. She also announced that the Board has voted to accept Laura Stephen’s application for membership. She will be inducted on October 19, 2022, after the publication of her potential membership for two weeks in the bulletin.

Secret Greeter

Keven Brown was the Secret Greeter today and identified Steve Olsen as the first person to greet him. Steve’s name will go into a drawing to be held at the end of the Rotary year.


Debi Zaft has recovered from Covid and is back in action!


Scott Bartley is back from his cruise in the Mediterranean just in time to do today’s raffle.

Robin Yonash pulled the ticket number. Laura Stephens had the winning ticket, but not the winning marble today. She received a $10 consolation prize. The second drawing winner was Peter Lescure who had to choose a candy bar. The prize bag needs some more Scratchers…anyone willing to provide a few for the prize bag. Please see Kris if you would like to contribute.


Bell Ringing – Dr. Casey Carter saw Rotarian, Major Randy Hartt from the Salvation Army on Zoom, and decided to immediately take care of business. She asked that he reserve the first two weekends of December at Safeway on Fourth Street for the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa bell-ringing participation. He graciously said he would take care of it! Thank you, Major Hartt.

Disaster Relief – Jeff Gospe announced that we were successful in getting our second Disaster Relief Grant of $12,500 for First Aid kits to be sent to Ukraine. It brings the total close to $200,000 in the relief effort.

Meat Auction – President-elect Ann Gospe reminded everyone that the annual Meat Auction and Social will be held on Saturday, October 15th at the Gospe’s. See the flyer for details. This year make sure to invite friends, family members, and guests. All Rotarians in the area are invited to attend. Ann has made personal appearances at many of the clubs to extend an invitation to this special event. As Ann put it, “the more we work together and have fun together the better!” A $50 donation will get you a bottle of wine and a mystery cut of meat. There will be the annual live auction of the choice meat lots with RCSR’s own auctioneer, Ray Giampoli, and a Paul Harris Board with numerous prizes including a Paul Harris. Remember, this event helps support Youth in Agriculture!

Rotary FoundationIt is an Oktoberfest theme and costumes are encouraged. The cost is $50. See the attached flyer. Registration is closed, but you may still attend. If you participate in Rotary Direct contact Debi regarding raffle tickets. For everyone else, they are 6 for $100 or $20 each.

Paul Harris SquaresWe are down to 16 squares today. As soon as the board is completed, President Kris will hold the drawing for the Paul Harris and wine.

Redwood Empire Food Bank – Mark your calendar for the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa’s volunteer evening at the Food Bank. It is Wednesday, October 12 at 5 PM.

Celebration of Life – Former DG Bruce Campbell’s Celebration of Life will be on October 16, 2022, at 1:00 PM at Sally Tomato’s.

SCARC – This month Sonoma County Area Rotary Club meeting will be held on October 27, 2022. See the attached flyer.

Hurricane ReliefDistrict Governor Jennifer Strong sent information to Rotarians on contributions for hurricane relief in Florida. See the attached flyer if you missed the email.

Rotarian Birthdays

 Those Rotarians recognized today for their October birthday were President Kris Anderson, President-elect Ann Gospe, and Nicole Le. Those Rotarians not present to have “Happy Birthday” sung to them were Dan Bornstein, Tim Fawcett, Greg Johnston, and John Poremba. Keven Brown donated three gifts today from Corrick’s today to honor the Rotarian’s birthdays.


President Kris recognized Keven Brown for gracing the cover of the “Mayacamas-Mountain Magazine” with his wife and father. In recognition of the photo and article which mostly centered around Keven’s father, he contributed $100.

Keven also donated $50 for his “advertisement” of the upcoming Art Trails event on Friday, October 14, 2022, from 5 PM-7 PM at Corrick’s.


Susan Nowaki introduced our speaker Matt Daly, the Chief Financial Officer of the Sonoma County Fair. He moved to Sonoma County just six months ago from Florida. His presentation today was titled “What’s a Fair? – A Brief Introduction to the Sonoma County Fairgrounds and How We Intertwine with our Community”.

Matt introduced three main goals of the fair. First, to EDUCATE the public about where our food comes from. Second, to EXHIBIT agricultural products or services in Sonoma County with the objective of promoting business, and third, to provide COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT that creates economic impact.

The first Sonoma County Fair was in 1855 and was held in front of the courthouse and organized by the Agricultural Society. The current fair is designated as a non-profit organization governed by the Board of Supervisors. There is currently a 10-day annual fair with 355 expositions. This past summer the fair had approximately 200,000 in attendance and generated $1.9 million in market animal sales. There were nearly 50 carnival rides with hundreds of food choices. Attendance reached pre-Covid levels and concessions, rides, beverages, and market sales were up from those 2019 levels. He stated that education is the key to increasing county fair viability. The Sonoma County Fair will continue to focus on education and support agriculture through the previously stated goals.

Next Meeting

Note that next week’s meeting will begin at 12:15 PM.

Program Slides

Click image to view program slides

NEW – Obie’s Adventures

Obi 1 & Obi 2 are back in town, They are taking a break this week

Club Job Openings:

Still need a few bulletin writers. Need a person on the board for Vocational Service Recognition

Additional Pictures:

(Click on image to view additional meeting pictures)


Governor, District 5130

Jennifer Strong


Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

Kris Anderson – President
Ann Gospe – President Elect
Casey D’Angelo – President Elect Nominee
Ray Giampaoli – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Karen Ball – Treasurer
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
Andrea Geary – Club Service – Club Meetings
Matthew Henry – Club Service – Fund Raising
Charlie Howard-Gibbons – Club Services – Member Activities
Pete Lescure – Club Service – Records and Outreach
Casey Carter – Member Involvement
Mary Graves Community – Service – Youth
Position open – Vocational Service
Scott Bartley – International Service
Paul Hamilton – Foundation Representative

DIGITAL EDITION No. 474 October 5, 2022  EDITOR: Diane Moresi PHOTOGRAPHER: Richard Lazovick PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick