Next meeting
Wednesday October 5, 2022
Sonoma County Fairgrounds and Event Center
Teejay K Lowe & Matt Daly
PLEASE NOTE: In-Person & Zoom meetings returned! Please register.
–> Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid. Use this link to pay. CLICK HERE!
Wednesday October 5: Sonoma County Fairgrounds and Event Center
Wednesday October 12: Author Jeane Sloan – Her WWII Historical Novel
Wednesday October 19: Medtronics Products
Wednesday October 26: Goals For Sherrif’s Office
Wednesday November 2: Family court Awareness
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
Celebrating the life of Larry Miyano – Sunday October 2, 2022, 2pm (Click here for more flyer with more details)
Save The Date – Annual Meat Auction – October 15, 2022 (Click here for flyer with details)
Foundation Oktoberfest Celebration – Saturday October 8, 2022 (Click here for flyer with details)
Foundation Dinner North – Mardi Gras – Saturday October 15, 2022 (Click here for flyer with details)
Free Dental Care – Wednesday October 12th (Click here for flyer with details)
It’s All About Grants, Foundation Raffle – Drawing October 15, 2022 (Click here for flyer with details)
Keep checking back. New socials coming soon!
Rotary Announcements
10/2/2022: Larry Miyano’s celebration of life at Sally Tomatoes at 2:00. See the flyer at the meeting for details 4.
10/4/2022: The monthly board meeting is at 4:00 on Zoom. Members may attend the first part of the meeting for public comment.
10/8/2022: Foundation BBQ south at Wulff and Paula Reinhold’s home. It is an OKtoberfest theme and they are encouraging costumes. The cost is $50.00. You should have received an email on 12:35pm Sunday, September 11th with the registration information. The Reinhold’s address is 1200 Oak Springs Ln, Santa Rosa (it is way out in the boonies).
10/15/2022: The meat auction will be on this date at the Gospe’s home. This is a good event to invite your friends to participate. Details are to follow;
10/16/2022: Former DG Bruce Campbell’s Celebration of Life will be at Sally Tomato’s at 1:00pm
10/12/2022: Free Dental Care for active military, veterans and/or their families at the Petaluma Dental Group, 1301 Southpoint Blvd., Petaluma. Email [email protected] to set up an appointment.
10/12/2022: The next work day at the Redwood Empire Food Bank is from 5:00 – 7:00pm. Please note that all the bagging is now done inside the warehouse. It is always the second Wednesday of the month. 10. April 4 – 6, 2023: District Conference will be at the renovated Konocti Harbor Resort
May 27 – 31, 2023: The Rotary International Convention will be in Melbourne, Australia. You can sign up now and book you room(s). This will be RI President Jennifer Jones’ convention so it should be epic as the first woman RI president.
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Watch The Meeting: Did you miss the meeting? Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click here for recording )
Please note it is only available to view until: 10/8/22
Opening Ceremonies:
President Kris, “Welcome to the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa where we imagine a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.”
Casey D’Angelo led us in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. His reflection was a section from the book, “The Four Seasons of Rome” by author Anthony Doerr.
“Before any outcome, before cynicism, or disappointment or exultation – there is hope, and the promise of change. The joy is in the expectancy, in the swelling potential of it all. The last-second shot hangs above the rim; the final ballot box is upended onto the counting table. It’s the admissions envelope in the mailbox, the corner of the telegraph slip sticking out from under the door, It’s Christmas morning. It’s holding the pregnancy test to the light. It’s springtime.
Not knowing is always more thrilling than knowing. Not knowing is where hope and art and possibility and invention come from. It is not-knowing, that old, old thing, that allows everything to be renewed.
Chiara Puddu, Robin Yonash, Laura Shepard, Marcel Hetu, Mary Miyano, Rodrigo Betioli (Robin, Marcel and Laura will all be Rotarians before you know it)
Secret Greeter:
Today Ray Giampaoli was our Rotarian, just waiting for the first person to “greet” him. That was Dan Balfe. Dan’s name will go into a drawing for a prize at the end of President Kris’s term.
Sunshine Report:
Chuck Bartley’s friend, Betty Freedman has passed away. Debi Zaft is the current victim of Covid (but she was on Zoom today, recording too).
Since Debi Zaft was out sick and Karen Ball is in Seattle, we don’t know what the carry-over of the pot from last week. That is OK. Pete Lescure had the winning number, but he did not get the blue marble. Julia Parranto had the winning number for the second chance drawing and took a Scratcher. It wasn’t a winner. Seven marbles next week.
Dates to Remember:
October 2 – Larry Miyano’s memorial at Sally Tomatoes. The program starts at 2:00, but Mary says the slideshow starts at 1:30.
October 8 – The Foundation South BBQ with an Oktoberfest theme. It will be at Paula and Wulff Reinholds home starting at 2:00pm. They live at 1200 Oak Springs Ln, Santa Rosa. It is way out in the boondocks so give yourself time to get there. The cost is $50.00. Please use the personalized email link to sign up and pay. Can’t find it? You probably got the email on Sunday, September 11th at about 12:25pm.
October 15 – The Annual Meat Auction and Multi-Club Social (yes, we are inviting all Rotarians to come). $50.00 for a guaranteed meat lot and a bottle of wine. Former President Ray Giampaoli has agreed to be our auctioneer for some of the lots of meat. There will be a raffle of homemade desserts and….. If your last name ends in A-F please bring a salad or fruit. G-L bring a dessert. M-Z bring a heavy appetizer. Like last year the event will be at Ann and Jeff Gospe’s house, 1565 Baird Rd, Santa Rosa. RSVP via text to 707-495-3239 (requested, but not required) 3:00 – 6:00pm.
October 16 – Former District Governor Bruce Campbell’s memorial at Sally Tomatoes.
May 4-6- District Conference at Konocti Harbor Resort.
May 27 – 31 The International Convention in Melbourne, Australia
June 24- Tentative date for the next Giro Bello!
Today’s program: Chiara Puddu and Rodrigo Betioli and the Youth Exchange experience.
Chiara Puddu is from Cagliari, Italy which is on the island of Sardinia. The name Puddu means “chicken,” but she does not know of any chicken farmers in her past. She is seventeen years old. Her birthday is February 14. She likes traveling, playing tennis, hanging out with her friends among other things. Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean and is known for the beautiful beaches. Cagliari is the largest city in Sardinia with a population of about 500,000 people. The city was founded somewhere between 6000 and 3000 BC. It has been conquered by the Phoenicians, the Carthaginians and the Romans. In the Middle Ages Sardinia was under Spanish domination. Even today in the medieval center of Cagliari it is like walking through an ancient Spanish town. The center of the town is referred to as Castello. Her family also owns a beach house in Santa Luria where she spends her summers. Her school is called Liceo Classico “G.M.Dettori.” It was founded in 1852. School for Chiara is different than American schools. The students are only in school five hours a day, Monday to Saturday. They stay in the same classroom all day and the teachers move from class to class. She has 12 classes! Latin, ancient Greek, philosophy, history, Italian literature, English literature, history of art, physical education, and religion. High school lasts five years and she stays with the same students in all classes all five years. They become like a second family. As for her family, her dad is Luca, and he owns a building company. He is also a Rotarian. Her mom is Rita, and she is an engineer, but she also teaches. Her sister, Guilia, is 22 and she is studying law at the University of Cagliari. while she is gone her family will be hosting two Rotary Youth exchange students! Phoebe will be arriving in September from Arkansas and in February they will be hosting Ivanna from Mexico. She loves to go to concerts but has only seen Italian artists that come to Sardinia. Once she is 18, she can travel to Europe with her friends to see other artists. Chiara is having great fun in the Meltzner’s home. She has learned to play cribbage and contra dance. Craig was nice enough to give her and Elaine Covid. She has joined the tennis team at the high school. So far, she is having fun and enjoying her new friends. She cannot wait to see her fellow RYE friends and hear their stories. Some of the new things she has seen/done is go to the Redwoods, hike at Point Reyes, see (and stick her toes in) the Pacific Ocean and ate at In-and-Out! She did not expect Covid, and earthquake and a shelter in place experience at school.
In other words, she is having a wonderful time!
Rodrigo Betioli was a Youth Exchange student in 1994-1995 when Steve Olson was president of the club. Rodrigo says that his Youth Exchange experience was life changing. He comes from a wealthy Brazilian family. He says that deciding to do Youth Exchange was the scariest and most exciting this he has ever done. Now he feels like he has 3 moms and 3 dads. He stayed with Jim and Vickie Kefford for the first two months and the rest of the time with Larry and Mary Miyano. He learned to make his own bed and take the trash out. He learned to cook and made huge omelets. The experience gave him confidence, independence, understanding, patience and a sense of self. Everything was possible! He has two master’s degrees, one in business and one in law. He works for the Brazilian Development Bank. Knowing English helped him get the job.
In 1997-98 with a matching grant from the RI Foundation, one quarter from the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa and on quarter from a Brazilain Rotary club they bought equipment for a hospital in Brazil.
Program Slides
Click image to view program slides
NEW – Obie’s Adventures
Obi in Barcelona before flying Home
Club Job Openings:
Still need a few bulletin writers. Need a person on the board for Vocational Service Recognition
Additional Pictures:
(Click on image to view additional meeting pictures)
Governor, District 5130
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kris Anderson – President
Ann Gospe – President Elect
Casey D’Angelo – President Elect Nominee
Ray Giampaoli – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Karen Ball – Treasurer
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
Andrea Geary – Club Service – Club Meetings
Matthew Henry – Club Service – Fund Raising
Charlie Howard-Gibbons – Club Services – Member Activities
Pete Lescure – Club Service – Records and Outreach
Casey Carter – Member Involvement
Mary Graves Community – Service – Youth
Position open – Vocational Service
Scott Bartley – International Service
Paul Hamilton – Foundation Representative
DIGITAL EDITION No. 474 September 28, 2022 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick