Next meeting
Wednesday September 28, 2022
Inbound Exchange Students
William Folkesson & Chiara Puddu
PLEASE NOTE: In-Person & Zoom meetings returned! Please register.
–> Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid. Use this link to pay. CLICK HERE!
Wednesday October 5: Sonoma County Fairgrounds and Event Center
Wednesday October 12: Author Jeane Sloan – Her WWII Historical Novel
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
Redwood Empire Food Bank – The next workday at the Redwood Empire Food Bank will be – Wednesday September 14, 5:00 to 7:00pm
Youth AG & Leadership – 18th Annual BBQ Fundraiser – Saturday September 24th, 3:30 – 7:30 pm (Click here for flyer)
Celebrating the life of Larry Miyano – Sunday October 2, 2022, 2pm (Click here for more flyer with more details)
Save The Date – Annual Meat Auction – October 15, 2022 (Click here for flyer with details)
Foundation Oktoberfest Celebration – Saturday October 8, 2022 (Click here for flyer with details)
Foundation Dinner North – Mardi Gras – Saturday October 15, 2022 (Click here for flyer with details)
Free Dental Care – Wednesday October 12th (Click here for flyer with details)
It’s All About Grants, Foundation Raffle – Drawing October 15, 2022 (Click here for flyer with details)
Keep checking back. New socials coming soon!
Rotary Announcements
1. 9/29/2022: Sonoma County Association of Rotary Clubs (SCARC) is at The Union Hotel Restaurant, 280 Mission Blvd, Santa Rosa at 6:00PM. This month’s topic is “In Search of the Perfect Hybrid Meeting.” The cost is $50.00. email [email protected] to make a reservation. Please note that these meetings are monthly and the location rotates throughout the county. Usually on the last Thursday of the month and are open to all Rotarians. It is a good way to meet members from other clubs.
2. 10/01/2022: There is a Rotary work party in the area of the ancient redwoods at Jack London State Park. They will be clearing pear and apple orchards. The meeting place is at the Eldridge Fire Station. They will leave the parking lot promptly at 8:30 and caravanning to the work site. They expect to be done by noon. Wear long pants, boots and wear protective eyewear; ear plugs if you have them. Garden gloves and hats too. If you have a string type weed wacker, please bring. Go to Signup Genius to sign up.
3. 10/2/2022: Larry Miyano’s celebration of life at Sally Tomatoes at 2:00. See the flyer at the meeting for details 4. 10/4/2022: The monthly board meeting is at 4:00 on Zoom. Members may attend the first part of the meeting for public comment.
5. 10/8/2022: Foundation BBQ south at Wulff and Paula Reinhold’s home. It is an OKtoberfest theme and they are encouraging costumes. The cost is $50.00. You should have received an email on 12:35pm Sunday, September 11th with the registration information. The Reinhold’s address is 1200 Oak Springs Ln, Santa Rosa (it is way out in the boonies).
6. 10/15/2022: The meat auction will be on this date at the Gospe’s home. This is a good event to invite your friends to participate. Details are to follow;
7. 10/16/2022: Former DG Bruce Campbell’s Celebration of Life will be at Sally Tomato’s at 1:00pm
8. 10/12/2022: Free Dental Care for active military, veterans and/or their families at the Petaluma Dental Group, 1301 Southpoint Blvd., Petaluma. Email [email protected] to set up an appointment.
9. 10/12/2022: The next work day at the Redwood Empire Food Bank is from 5:00 – 7:00pm. Please note that all the bagging is now done inside the warehouse. It is always the second Wednesday of the month. 10. April 4 – 6, 2023: District Conference will be at the renovated Konocti Harbor Resort
11. May 27 – 31, 2023: The Rotary International Convention will be in Melbourne, Australia. You can sign up now and book you room(s). This will be RI President Jennifer Jones’ convention so it should be epic as the first woman RI president.
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Watch The Meeting: Did you miss the meeting? Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click here for recording )
Please note it is only available to view until: 10/2/22
Opening Ceremonies
Mary Graves led the opening ceremonies and left us with the following thought for the day,
“Just when it seems things are falling apart, they may be coming together.”
Visiting Rotarians
There were no visiting Rotarians.
Robin Yonash, introduced by Dr. Cara Carter
Emily was introduced by Sam McMillian
Marcel EuTu, introduced by Debi Zaft
Jeannie March, introduced by Ray Giampoli
Speaker Duskie Estes, introduced by Peter Lescure
Ginny Cannon reported that all was well and welcomed Craig Meltzner and Robert Pierce back.
Craig said unfortunately he had given everyone in his family COVID.
Kim Murphy announced that she is a grandma and donated $100 to the club AND $100 to a Paul Harris for her new granddaughter!
Debi Zaft led the raffle today with $43 in the pot. Bill Hatcher had the winning ticket but did not select the winning marble today. For his participation, he received a $10 consolation prize.
Ted Wilmsen was the second chance winner and selected a “scratcher” over a delicious candy bar.
Dr. Cara Carter announced that it was time to start thinking about our Salvation Army Bell Ringing Project during December. She asked for a show of hands from those who were interested in participating.
Susan Nowaki announced that the Youth Exchange Committee is currently advertising at each of the high schools for qualified students. Do you know a student who might qualify? If so, there is a flyer on the tables advertising this wonderful opportunity. Marcos Stephens is our outbound student to Germany. As part of his official responsibilities, he must send a report every month to Susan who is the Outbound Counselor. He completed his first report and reports that everything is going well.
Past President Ray strongly encouraged everyone to purchase Paul Harris squares. Each square costs $10. There are 27 squares remaining on the current board. There will be five boards throughout the year which will raise $5,000 toward the Club budget. The winner will receive an instant Paul Harris. There will be numerous additional prizes. The additional funds will help prevent the club from having to raise dues.
President Kris announced the upcoming SARC next week. The cost is $50. The presentation will be on hybrid Rotary meetings. Robert Pierce is going in President Kris’ place. He would love to have someone from our club join him at the meeting.
President Kris reminded everyone that the Larry Miyano Memorial Service is on October 2, 2022, at Sally Tomatoes.
The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Meat Auction will be on October 15, 2022, at the Gospe’s home.
The Sonoma County Ag BBQ is Saturday, September 24th at Sara Lee Vineyards. See Sam for more information.
Sawyer Water Systems is offering reduced prices for Rotarians on their water bucket systems.
Please email Kris for more information.
Website Upgrade and the Club’s new Submission Process
Rotarian Peter Lescure explained the purpose of the new submission process is to have more participation from club members in keeping our website current and interesting to the public as well as to club members. The more engaging and informative the website is the higher ranking the club gets when the public does a Google search.
Submission Form Presentation – 092122bRotarian Richard Lazovick presented the new submission form and gave an overview of how to use the form. There was a handout on each table to review during his very thorough and informative presentation. The document is attached for your use. The form is for club directors and committee chairs as well as all Rotarians participating in projects. Past President Julia Parranto, the club “grammar guru”, will check all submissions for grammar and content accuracy/relevance. (Please note: This is not as complicated as it looks. You will only fill out the first page and one other page, depending on your entry on that first page.)
President Kris auctioned off a bottle of Vermeil Winery 2019 Chardonnay. Past President Ray had the winning bid at $75.
Today’s program was “Farm to Pantry” presented by Farm to Pantry Executive Director Duskie Estes.
Duskie Estes began with Farm to Pantry after two decades of dedication to ethical sourcing and advocacy for small farmers in her farm-to-table restaurant, ZAZU Kitchen+Farm, and her meat company, Black Pig Meat Co. Duskie states that gleaning with Farm to Pantry feels like everybody wins. First and foremost it gets the most nutrient-rich foods to those who need it. It helps farmers not waste during this food distribution and labor breakdown we are in right now.
Their mission is to bring together our communities to end food injustice and reverse global warming by rescuing and sharing locally-grown food with those who have been systematically marginalized. The vision is for a just food system in which everyone has access to healthy food that honors and nourishes our community and heals the planet by eliminating food waste. The roots began in 2008 when Farm to Pantry was launched to serve a need in our local community: to provide a continuous supply of fresh, healthy produce to our most vulnerable neighbors who lack access to it by cultivating a community of growers and volunteers.
If you would like more information about volunteering or donating to Farm to Table Pantry visit their website at
Program Slides
Click image to view program slides
NEW – Obie’s Adventures
Obie was resting this past week.
Club Job Openings:
Still need a few bulletin writers. Need a person on the board for Vocational Service Recognition
Additional Pictures:
(Click on image to view additional meeting pictures)
Governor, District 5130
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kris Anderson – President
Ann Gospe – President Elect
Casey D’Angelo – President Elect Nominee
Ray Giampaoli – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Karen Ball – Treasurer
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
Andrea Geary – Club Service – Club Meetings
Matthew Henry – Club Service – Fund Raising
Charlie Howard-Gibbons – Club Services – Member Activities
Pete Lescure – Club Service – Records and Outreach
Casey Carter – Member Involvement
Mary Graves Community – Service – Youth
Position open – Vocational Service
Scott Bartley – International Service
Paul Hamilton – Foundation Representative
DIGITAL EDITION No. 473 September 21, 2022 EDITOR: Diane Moresi PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le-Savko PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick