Photo of $10,000 check presentation: L to R – Dr. Frank Chong, President of Santa Rosa Junior College; Eileen Carlisle, Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation President; Terry Lindley, President of the SRJC Board of Trustees.
In December 2012 Eileen Carlisle made a $10,000 donation to the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation with the stipulation that it be used for an agricultural project at the SRJC Shone Farm. Trustees Sam McMillan and Steve Olson worked with Eileen to identify the specific project which turned out to be the upgrade of the livestock facility within the Porter Animal Science Center. Eileen’s gift was made in memory of her parents John and Carol Jean Carlisle who had deep roots in the North Dakota farming community where Eileen grew up. Eileen’s gift will make it possible for future generations of SRJC students to develop their livestock handling skills using state-of-the-art facilities.
The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation exists to support the needs of the local community with a focus on non-profit organizations, public schools and student scholarships. Eileen’s generous donation is a good example of how an individual Rotarian can fulfill a need within the community through the foundations “pass through” process. This process is also being used by Debra Smith and Ray Dorfman for the annual Holly Plummer Honorary Scholarship and the Joe Dorfman Memorial Scholarships respectively.
This is wonderful!