DIGITAL EDITION No. 95 September 24, 2014 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program For October 1st

James D. Wood, D.D.S.
Our program is being presented by James D. Wood, D.D.S. of Healdsburg.
The current popularity of forensic fare on television with shows like “CSI”, and “”NCIS”, has led the general public is toward a skewed view of the true nature of forensic investigation – commonly called the “CSI Effect.” In this presentation Dr. Wood will dispel this myth as it relates to forensic dentistry.
October 8: Legacy Committee Presentation
October 15: Candidates for Santa Rosa City Council
October 22: Sonoma County Winegrowers
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President Mark Burchill opened the meeting. Debi Zaft led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Norm Owen read us a couple of his favorite quotes. Here is one of them, “No two people are exactly alike and they like it that way.”
There were none today.
Karen Ball brought Walt Smith, Rich de Lambert brought Troy Aldrich (Troy who is now the owner of Marquis Autobody has put a huge Pillow Fight sign in front of his business), Wally Lowry brought his lovely wife Ellie. It is their 59th wedding anniversary! Doug Johnson introduced 3 students, Byron V., Shelby Lutton and Jennifer from Santa Rosa Junior College. They are researching service organizations in Santa Rosa and what they do. Ann Gospe introduced her in-laws Steve and Doris Gospe. Last but not least we have our guest speaker, George Selleck.
Eileen Carlisle let us know that Debi Zaft’s brother, Paul, had surgery the other day for lung cancer so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Former member Genie Delles just completed a grueling 100 days of therapy for her cancer and is now home.
Debi Zaft struck fear in all of our hearts, but then she chose the 50 year olds and younger to answer this week’s quiz. Turned out to be an easy one about the Star Spangled Banner. Ann Gospe got the answer out first. President Mark awarded her two Rotary Bux and her name goes in for a drawing at the end of the year.

Elizabeth Karbousky tries her luck in the raffle
President Mark is still asking questions about British words and their American equivalents. Steve Marburger pulled Elizabeth Karbousky’ s number. She had trouble with banger and lorry. Banger is a sausage and a lorry is a truck. The pot rolls over to next week.
Jeanne Levin who has been an estate and Trust attorney in Santa Rosa for over 20 years gave us a quick over view of her business. If you, or anyone you know, needs some estate planning please refer them to Jeanne.
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- President Mark says that the October 15th meeting will be a candidates’ forum. Curtis Byrd, Chris Coursey, Ashlee Crocker, Lee Pierce, John Sawyer and Tom Schwedhelm will be here that day. How cool is that! Feel free to invite Rotarians, family and friends for this event, but please RSVP to [email protected] so that we have enough food and seats for all.
- President Mark also announced the first Interclub Bocce Ball Tournament for Saturday October 25th at Julliard Park. The cost to play is $30.00, but if you just want to come and enjoy the BBQ and have fun with your fellow Rotarians, family and friends the cost is $25.00. Please see the fliers to sign up.
- Cathy Vicini announced that the charitable projects committee is accepting applications from non-profits for donations from $1000 to $10,000. Applications are on the web site. Please let any worthy non-profit know that they are accepting applications now through October 31st.
- Ginny Cannon is still taking orders for Rotary clothing. Please see her ASAP if you would like to order anything. She needs to close out the sale soon so that she can place the order.
- Nick Knickerbocker announced the sale of the Veteran’s Day tickets. As usual the price is $15.00. The meeting will be November 6th and our club will be dark that week.
- Norm Owen announced that the club is still looking for contributions for the John Brown Memorial Fund. They have $3500 in matching donations waiting to be given as soon as our members contribute $3500 (by the end of today’s meeting we made a big dent in that $3500).
Wayne Rowlands gave the latest update on the Pillow Fights. His last minute need was for one more iPad. The pit is being dug on Thursday and most of the setup will be done on Friday. All people who are lending their iPads need to have them down to Sally tomatoes at 3:00 on Friday. At 4:00 volunteers are to be there for set up. At 7:00 there is a volunteer party at Hooter’s for the volunteers. Don McMillan has all the volunteer jobs assigned. See him if you do not know where and when to be.
- Ray Giampaoli says the Cardinal Newman Interact Club has 27 students this year. Two would like to go to Project Amigo, so they will be looking for projects to earn money to get there.
- John McHugh announced that the legacy project committee will have recommendations to the club at our meeting on October 8th!
Jeanne Levin got spammed or was she really broke in the Philippines? No, she is right here in Santa Rosa. Jeanne made a donation to the John Brown fund…. Mike Kallhoff is running for school board. Marine Goldschlag provided a picture of a skeleton holding a sign. Rumor has it that the skeleton is her husband, Eric, in disguise! By the way, Mike is having a kickoff for his campaign at Marnie’s home at 6:00 on October 9th. Mike gave $50 to the John Brown Fund…. Robby Fouts gave $50 to the John Brown Fund…..Nona Lucas’ son Tommy is training to be a professional cyclist and has been getting a little publicity! Nona the proud mother that she is gave a $100 donation to the John Brown Fund….. Wally Lowry gave a $59 donation in honor of his 59th wedding anniversary to the club…..donations! donations!donations!
Mykha’el Wilson was in Amador County to do some wine tasting. He brought back a bottle of wine for the raffle at the end of the year and made a $50 donation to the John Brown Fund….Jack Abercrombie is a proud grandfather! His granddaughter, Julia, is a football player in Minnesota. She was named most improved player and rookie of the year for her team! Jack gave $25 to the club…..Julia Parranto was in Minnesota for her nephew’s wedding and gave a $100 donation to the John Brown Fund…..Tim Delaney was thrilled with the success of Wings Over Wine Country and gave a $50 donation to the John Brown Fund….Elizabeth Karbousky gave a donation of $25 to the John Brown fund due to the announcement of the pending baby girl….Paul Hamilton was dropping everything out of his wallet and was rescued by Tim Delaney so he gave a $50 donation to the John Brown fund in Tim’s name….Rich de Lambert was pouring wine for an event and he donated some happy dollars…..Keven Brown announce the upcoming Art Trails and let us know that Corrick’s is having an event on October 3rd at the store (we are all invited). 70 artists will be represented that evening. Keven made a donation of $100 to the John Brown fund for the Corrick’s advertisement….Ann Gospe was happy her husband was back after a search and rescue adventure (no, Jeff was not lost)….Marnie Goldschlag was ratted out for her new white car….a Mercedes! More money $25 to the John Brown Fund!

Speaker George Selleck
Dr. George Selleck has just come out with his 4th book, “Changing the Game, My Journey Though Life and Sport.”
George says his life was complicated so he found refuge in sports when he was growing up in Compton, CA. He excelled at basketball and went on to play in college. He is only 5’8” but he practiced and played hard and could still succeed in a game dominated by tall people.
All learning is self-learning. If you practice, do the work, you will succeed. It is not just about winning. Winning is a result of the learning process. If you practice your skills, play with friends and have fun…you will win.
He spoke of physical education programs that are put on by older kids for the younger kids as a way to teach leadership skills.
Most kids drop out of organized sports by the time they are 13 because the sports are adult driven, not kid driven. It takes out all the fun. Kids should be allowed to try a number of sports and other activities to find out what they like. If they like it, they will put in the effort.
All learning is experiential. You compete against yourself and the best will come out and that outcome will be positive.
Today’s meeting helpers:
Greeters: Norm Owen and Jackie McMillan
Lunch Ticket Taker: Mike Kallhoff
Lunch Ticket Sellers: Mykha’el Wilson and Matt Fannin
Raffle: Steve Marburger
Scribe: Kris Anderson
Photographer: Kris Anderson
Microphone Jockey: Ann Gospe
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Doug Johnson, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, John McHugh, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini