DIGITAL EDITION No. 141 Septrember 2, 2015 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi
Our Program for September 9th:
Jeff Kolin retired in February, 2015 after 35 years in city government. He and his wife have chosen to return to Santa Rosa, where he once served as City Manager. He began his career in Santa Clarita working in the recreation and parks department, eventually becoming Deputy City Manager. He then served as City Manager in Pittsburg (Contra Costa), Santa Rosa, and, lastly, Beverly Hills, where he was also vice president of the California City Managers Foundation. His impressions of managing such different cities will make for a very interesting program.
Jeff was a member of the Rotary Club of Beverly Hills and has recently become a member of our Club.
Wednesday, September 16th: USGS Fault Lines, Aquifer
Wednesday, September 23rd: Art Trails 2015
Wednesday, September 30th: Afghanistan: Build a School
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Elizabeth Karbousky gives the Invocation
President Doug who runs a Rotary meeting looking and acting like a talk show host, asked Fred Levin to lead us in the pledge. Fred seemed to remember all the words……. Elizabeth Karbousky then gave an interesting invocation written by American psychiatrist M. Scott Peck 1936-2005, best known for his book The Road Less Traveled. Elizabeth read Scott’s description of True Community. This was a very interesting invocation, but after a while, Doug started looking at his watch, and this writer started to feel much the same as he did about the 13th inning of the Giants/Dodger game the other night…….Just kidding Elizabeth! It was splendid……
Dr. Chester Dangremon, a former club member, recently passed away and a funeral service will be held on September 12th in Oakland.
Mead maker (seriously, that’s his profession!) Mike Tripka visited us today from Bluffton, South Carolina. His wife, Juliana was his guest.
Ground floor Opportunity: Our longtime Sergeant At Arms, Jack Geary is seeking a member interested in taking over the Meeting Setup position. This member will be fast-tracked to assume the Board position of Sergeant at Arms by the end of term (July 2016). Contact Jack for more information

Cathy Vicini tells the joke of the week
CATHY’S MOLE (story)
Resident Rotary “foole” Cathy Vicini told us a short story about moleasses (this is the correct spelling, btw……:)
Doug Johnson thanked Nicole Le for hosting a fun family social last Sunday. He also asked that any Rotarian and guests who want to attend Razia’s Ray of Hope program on September 30th reserve their seat asap. There will be a more widespread general promotion outside the Rotary community soon to fill all 200 seats. RSVP directly to President Doug! This program is at the heart of our club’s focus on peace through education both locally and internationally. Invite a friend to come!
Mark Burchill announced that there is still room for the wine tasting social at his house on September 14th.

Mike Kalhoff, Tim Delaney, and Bob Sorenson at the Raffle
Bob Sorenson won the consolation prize of $10.
Eileen Carlisle shared with the club some information about the history and purpose of the local Foundation. The Foundation was started 25 years ago and over that time over $1.2 million has been donated. There are 15 trustees who serve a 3 year term. This year over $23,000 in scholarships will be awarded. Scholarship awards used to be presented directly by the club, but that duty now belongs to the Foundation. Joint Charitable Projects are represented by Marnie Goldschlag (club) and Cathy Vicini (Foundation )members. Eileen shared with newer club members how the John Brown Scholarship came to be. John first served in the Navy, then in the Marines. Though short in physical stature, John became one of the most respected members of our club and was much loved. After the passing of his wife, women Rotary Club members would host a birthday celebration with John. The John Brown Scholarship is awarded each year to a veteran.
For the month of September, The RCSR Foundation will match all gifts to the John Brown’s Veteran’s Scholarship Fund, dollar for dollar, up to a maximum of $3,500. This will help to grow the Corpus for it to become self-sustaining as well as funding this year’s scholarship to be awarded to a Vet in the Spring. September was chosen as that was the month John was born and passed away.

Diane Moresi on the New Gen Peach Project
An exciting new international project is underway in Rotary, and President Doug’s vision of reaching higher is in the process of being realized. The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa will be the first California Club to take part in New Gen Peace Builders. Diane Moresi will head up our club’s involvement and she presented an overview of the program.
With over 2 billion (30% of the world’s population) being under 25 years old, the New Gen is a peace education program that emphasizes the role, value and impact of young people ages 14-24 in achieving a peaceful world.
Next year, 25 10th grade students from 5 local high schools will be given training in conflict resolution by Rotary Peace Scholars. Rotarians will attend and act as mentors to help them identify peace building projects within their schools.
The Club Assembly was today’s program. Our cagy president noticed in the past that the usual table displays (which were generally ignored) offered an opportunity for people to slip out early without signing up for any committees. This time, Doug had everyone stay in their seat and listen as heads of various committees came to speak at each table to recruit new members. Smart boy, that Doug!
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Jeanne Levin and Debi Zaft
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Smiling Peter Holewinski as Greeter

Some of the beautiful flags exchanged over the years
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Governor, District 5130
Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson