DIGITAL EDITION No. 94 September 17, 2014 EDITOR: David Brown PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le
Our Program For September 24th
Dr. George Selleck, a 5’8″ Jewish kid from Compton who became an All-American point guard at Stanford, went head-to-head with Bill Russell, became friends with John Wooden, worked for Ty Cobb, taught Kobe Bryant, turned down the NBA draft to become a Presbyterian minister and psychotherapist, and dedicated his life to helping kids everywhere rediscover the magic of sports and movement will share the grit and love of the game that propelled his sports career and shaped his life.
October 1: Forensic Dentistry – Jim Wood
October 8: Legacy Committee Presentation
October 15: Candidates for Santa Rosa City Council
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at:
Be prepared:
Get your tickets at:
President Mark opened the meeting and the pledge was led by Nona Lucas.
Mike Kallhoff shared some thoughts about the importance of Friendship and its importance in our lives as it relates to the 4-Way Test.
Scott Holder, from the Sunrise Club with the classification of Financial Advisor was our lone visiting Rotarian for the day.
Doug Johnson introduced Tony Marseglia from the Redeemer Presbyterian Church; Danie Pavone, a Real Estate/ land use attorney, was introduced by Karen Ball; Emily Harrington from Summit State Bank joined us again as a guest of Cecil Humes and Leah Steiger our Rotarian Exchange Student was introduce by Craig Meltzner.
In addition Diana Curtin, Lisa Alexander, and Jo Luttrell, staff from Chops teen club, were welcomed as guests who would later present today’s program.
The Sunshine Report made by Eileen Carlisle was that all things were sunny!

Eunice raffle winner again!
Eunice Valentine had the opportunity to win the raffle with the lucky number but failed to answer 2 out of 3 trivia questions so the $41 will be carried over to next week’s total.
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- Prez Mark announced the upcoming SCARC (all rotary clubs from Sonoma County) meeting will be on Thursday, September 25. Contact Mark if you would like to attend.
- A Bocce Ball tournament will be held on Saturday October 25 with more information to come.
- Don McMillan asked for volunteers for the YMCA’s golf tournament that will be held at the Windsor Golf Club on Friday, October 17. Don also reminded all those signed up for the Pillow Fights that it was just around the corner, Saturday September 27.
- Wayne Rolands invited all to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s mixer next Thursday. A Table promoting Rotary means business will be there (check calendar for time and place).
- Nick Knickerbocker announced the annual Rotary and Kiwanis Veterans Day lunch that takes place on Thursday November 6 at the Vet’s Hall. Please buy your tickets! Our club will be dark that week. Also, if you are a veteran, talk to Nick about helping him each week at the back table to sell tickets.
- Yale Abrams thanked all those who helped out last week as volunteers for the United Way’s day of caring. Special thanks to Nona Lucas and to Chip Rawson who brought a crew from his painting business to help out.
- Ginny Cannon reminded and encouraged all to make their order for Rotary Shirts. It’s great to wear Rotary Gear and show our pride!
- Steve Olson shared the progress on the John Brown memorial fund that will match your donation up to an accumulative $3500 by October 31st. This fund rewards an annual scholarship to a deserving student.
- Jack Abercrombie reminded all to pick up the new roster at the back table. No excuses, it’s free!

Lea Steiger
Lea Steiger addressed the club and shared her experience of her year overseas in Finland. During her stay she had 4 host families and that in itself was difficult and with the challenge of learning another culture and language she wondered if she would make it through the year. One of the things she had to cope with was the darkness that welcomed her in the morning and the darkness that was early to arrive in the evening. She was also not used to the bitter cold which isn’t part of her California roots. People were not outwardly friendly and it was difficult at first making friends. With lots of patience and courage she ultimately made good friends and if a fin befriends you, they are your friend for life. In addition to doing some neat things like riding Husky dog sleds and seeing the Northern lights, Lea seemed to learn more about herself and her new found interest in learning and living in other cultures. Because the Rotary Exchange program includes building relationships with other exchange students she became fascinated with the political conflicts in other countries and is eager to learn more about that in the future. She thanked the club for the opportunity that she was given.

Pres Mark modeling his new gift
Karen Ball was recognized for her trip to Monterey with her husband for the Octoberfest. She brought back gifts that included some beer steins and a funky hat that Prez Mark proudly modeled.
Larry Miyano was recognized for becoming a grandfather for the first time with the births of two grandchildren, one from each of his sons. Philipp John and Owen Michael are doing well, congrats to Larry and Mary. Larry donated $100 to the John Brown Fund in recognition of the births.
Member Shannon McConnell introduced today’s program. Executive Director Diana Curtin and Marketing and Communication Director Lisa Alexander of Chop’s Teen Club presented a comprehensive overview of the club located in downtown Railroad sq. The club is dedicated to serving the teen population in Santa Rosa offering a safe and fun place where teens tap into their full potential. Diana shared some of the history of the club from its inception in 2002 to its current operation that includes 5 major program areas. They include a tech lounge, sports and fitness, music and recording, an art studio, and culinary and catering. The club is 21,000 sq feet and provides the space for the delivery of these program components which are quite unique to traditional teen clubs. The club averages between 65 to 90 teens per day with a high of over 120 on some days. 85% of the members come from low income families. Members pay a $1 fee to belong for a year and must sign a code of conduct contract and abide by that in order to keep their membership. A majority of the daily users are in 7th to 9th grade with the older teens using the club for specific programs not necessarily for daily use. The club experienced a 28% increase of participation from last year and currently runs a budget of $840,000 has 23 full and part time staff and raises 44 % of its operating budget from fund raising. Diana and Lisa thanked our club’s support of a foundation gift from last year and invited us to tour the facility and to see the programs in action. The name “Chops” was the nickname of benefactor Charles Demeo, who had a dream of providing a place where teens could call their own. The presentation concluded with a short video and a question and answer period.
Those helping to make today’s meeting possible:
Greeters: Sam McMillan and Rick Allen
Lunch Ticket taker: Jeanne Levin
Lunch ticket Sellers: Judy Glenn and Joy Parker
Raffle: Tim Delaney
Microphone jockey: Cathy Vicini
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Doug Johnson, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, John McHugh, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini