We support local 4-H and FFA Agriculture students. First, our Club’s Foundation helps purchase baby pigs and sheep for worthy students through our Jameson Fund, paying up to ½ the cost fo the animals. Then, after the students have raised the animals, we purchase 2 lambs and 2 pigs at the Sonoma County Fair Junior Livestock Auction, trying to purchase from those students we’ve already helped, and trying to keep our purchases to 2 FFA students & 2 4H students, as well as 2 girls & 2 boys. We then work with the Social Committee and put on a BBQ and meat auction at a Rotarian’s home. Last year we sold out completely and had great fun doing so! We also inform Rotarians and the community of upcoming agriculture events and the significance of agriculture to our community. Here are some thank you letters from this year: (click to enlarge):
For more information, contact:

Kris Anderson, President 2022-2023
[email protected]