Children’s Christmas Program

Each year the club sponsors  a group of local children to attend the Nutcracker at the Spreckle’s Theatre.  Prior to the performance, club members shop for Christmas gifts for the children and then wrap them at one of our club meetings. After the performance, Santa Clause will be in attendance handing out gifts. A good time is had by everyone.


Here are some pictures from the 2017 Children’s Party

The Santa Rosa Rotary Club sponsored their annual special day to recognize the achievement, effort, and citizen ship of approximately 120 socio-economically disadvantaged school children in the Santa Rosa are.  The Santa Rosa Rotary club hosted children from Burbank, Bellevue, Lincoln, Roseland Elementary, Roseland Creek and Sheppard Schools (18 from each school plus 2 chaperones) at a performance of the Nutcracker Ballet at Speckles Theater on December 16, 2017.

The Rotary Club provided buses.  A party followed the performance and each child received a 25 dollar gift card inside a Christmas card along with refreshments.

The club received many thanks from students, staff, and parents.   (Click on an image to enlarge or slideshow to view all.)