President Casey D’Angelo, 2024 – 2025
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa.
Rotary International President-elect Stephanie Urchick announced that the 2024-25 presidential theme is The Magic of Rotary and called on members to recognize and amplify the organization’s power to save lives.
“Don’t misunderstand me – we are not going to end polio or bring peace to the world by waving a wand and saying some funny words,” Urchick told incoming district governors at the Rotary International Assembly on 8 January. “It’s up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member.”
Now in our 103rd year as the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa, we serve our community and world in seven areas of focus: water and sanitation, economic and community development, maternal and child health, supporting the environment, basic education and literacy, disease prevention and treatment, peace and conflict prevention/resolution. We strive to live by our motto “Service Above Self.”… (continue reading)
Rotary in Action in Wartime Ukraine
Since the start of the war Sonoma County Rotary Clubs have partnered with a local Rotary Club in Santa Rosa’s Ukrainian Sister City to deliver much-needed humanitarian support through their network of all-volunteer Rotarians in Ukraine.
Thanks to generous support of our Rotary Clubs and community, to date our partnership with the Rotary Club of Cherkasy-Centre has raised $275,000, of which $185,000 was used for 6,000 specialized first-aid kits and critical medical supplies, and $90,000 for emergency (more…)
Club Happenings

Volunteering At The Food Bank – October 11, 2023
Volunteering at the Redwood Empire Food Bank –10/11/23 - We volunteer at the Food Bank 2nd Wednesday of every month. It is different adventure every time, but we always have fun! This day, we packaged onions. And it is awesome hearing how many tons of food we...

5th Wednesday Social @ Gospe’s- August 26, 2023
Club Dark & Social – Starting the 2023-2024 Rotary year, on the 5th Wednesday of a month, the Club is dark. There will be a social on the following Saturday each month, there is a 5th Wednesday. In August, our Club is Dark August 30, the social was held Saturday,...

Iron & Vine Social – July 20, 2023
Another fun Santa Rosa Rotary Social. This one was July 20, 2023 @ Iron & Vine in Santa Rosa. (Click on images below to expand and to see all pictures)

Giro Bello 2023
This year’s Giro Bello was a huge success The smiles generated by the riders after the ride spoke volumes to the success of the day. The positive comments from the riders about the friendliness of all the rest stop workers and how well the food was presented. The...

SRJC Rotaract officers and Rotary Counselors At SRJC President’s Retirement Dinner
SRJC Rotaract officers and Rotary counselors have key spot at SRJC President's retirement dinner. The Rotaract officers received certificates signed by President Dr. Frank Chong. Present were:Rotaract Leaders President Micaela Baquero, VP Julian Gussart, Liaison...

Telemedicine and Rotaract in Australia 2023
Eight of our rotary club sponsored Global Rotaract Alums met in Melbourne Australia at the rotary international Convention to support the rotary telemedicine project and also to meet other rotaractors and Rotarians from All Over the world.They are from...

Redwood Empire Food Bank
Volunteering at the Redwood Empire Food Bank is a great way to give back to the community and is a feeling of accomplishment. At the end of each session, they report how much was packaged that night. It is amazing to hear numbers in thousands and the tons. The Rotary...

Giro Bello Booth At Wine Country Bike Ride
On May 6th, Rotarians from the Santa Rosa Rotary club took turns staffing the Giro Bello booth at the Wine country bike ride.

Happy Hour Social – April 13, 2023
On Thursday, April 13, 2023, more than 20 members of the Santa Rosa Rotary gathered at the Bennett Valley Golf & Country Club to enjoy the beautiful weather. This was the first time they had assembled in many months. As it turned out, it was also Richard...

Caritas Holiday Celebration – 12/23/2022
On Friday December 23, 2022 Santa Rosa Rotary, the SRJC Rotaracts, and others help the families of Caritas celebrate the holidays. It was a lively celebrations with pizza, arts & crafts, and live holiday music by our club's own Odalis. (Click on images below to...