DIGITAL EDITION No. 97 October 8, 2014 EDITOR: John Poremba PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program For October 15th
Here is the list of Candidates:
Curtis Byrd
Chris Coursey
Ashle Crocker
Lee Pierce
John Sawyer
Tom Schwedhelm
We will have a panel discussion of topics predetermined before the meeting. There will also be a question and answer session.
October 22: Sonoma County Winegrowers
October 29: Evening Meeting
November 5: Club is dark in honor of the Veteran’s Program on November 6th
Thursday November 6: Veteran’s Program 11:30am to 1:00pm at the Santa Rosa Veteran’s Memorial Hall
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at:
Be prepared:
President Mark Burchill called the meeting to order.
President Mark called on Past President Don McMillan to lead The Pledge of Allegiance but for the second week in a row a pledge leader was nowhere to be found. Jackie McMillan let the meeting know that Don was not available since he was performing his legal duties by taking a deposition. Sam McMillan jumped in and with the help of a chorus of Rotarians led the meeting in the Pledge. Norm Owens provided a short but meaningful invocation which reminded us to share our wonderful gifts with others.
Gary Vice welcomed our one visiting Rotarian, Shaun Shields, from the Healdsburg Sunrise Rotary Club.
David Brown introduced his two guests from the YMCA, Michelle Head and Jeremy Hodgdon. Craig Meltzer introduced Craig Anderson, Executive Director of LandPaths. Ryan Thomas proudly introduced his lovely daughter, Jocelyn. Judy Glenn welcomed Brian Rose and Cecil Humes introduced his guest and a prospective Rotarian, Emily Harrington. Larry Miyano welcomed his charming wife, Mary and Doug Johnson introduced Laura Gilbert from the YMCA.
Emily Harrington of Summit State Bank sponsored by Cecil Humes.

Judy Glenn – golfer?
Robby Fouts announced that this week’s raffle jackpot was now $94. Tim Stewart held the winning ticket but was unable to draw the winning marble from the infamous velvet bag. Not at all discouraged Tim left with a $10 consolation prize. In a second drawing Judy Glenn won a spot in the YMCA Golf Tournament on October 17th. Non-golfer Judy returned the prize to President Mark and it was auctioned off with Karen Ball donating $65 to the club for the chance to join this exciting tournament. Hit them long and straight Karen, everyone has a chance to win.
Debi Zaft announced that a long time Rotarian and prior member of this club, Tom Farrell passed away on September 24th. While a member of this club Tom was instrumental in establishing the Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities and starting a recognition program for employers who employed disabled workers. His work in our community will not be forgotten since it benefited so many people.

Wayne Rowlands
Wayne Rowlands was presented with the prestigious Rotarian of the Month award. Wayne was recognized for his tireless volunteer efforts in supporting our Rotary Club. He is responsible for the development of the club’s website and most recently coordinated our new fund raising effort with the Kenwood Fire Department, the World Championship Pillow Fights. Wayne also serves on the Board for the Salvation Army and was a first responder after the Napa earthquake. Wayne embodies the Rotarian spirit that puts “Service above Self”.
President Mark reminded everyone that our next meeting will feature the Santa Rosa City Council Candidates’ Forum. This is your opportunity to see and hear the candidates who hope to represent you on the Santa Rosa City Council. Each candidate will inform you of their positions and their vision for Santa Rosa. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers. We expect a large turnout for this meeting.
Doug Chase announced that this months “Fall Club Social” will be held on Thursday, October 16 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Doug is hosting this social at his home at 5921 Channel Dr., Santa Rosa. It will include our Fall Meat Auction. Please bring an appetizer and something to drink to share with everyone. Club socials are a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the fellowship of our members and their guests.
The First Annual Sonoma County Rotary Interclub Bocce Ball Tournament and BBQ and Family Day will be held on Saturday, October 25th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at Juilliard Park, 227 Santa Rosa Ave. Teams of four will be competing for the Trophy. Our club has two teams already entered and we have room for two more teams. Interested Rotarians should contact Matt Everson. Join us for an afternoon of friends, food and fellowship at this fun event.

Karen Ball announces a murder!
Karen Ball invited everyone to a Murder. A Murder Mystery that is! You’re invited to try and solve a murder. This is an opportunity to get fully involved in a murder mystery game where Rotarians try to discover who killed Georgio Tortellini, owner of the Tortellini Brother’s Winery. You can even come in costume and in character (optional of course). This “Murder Mystery” fun event will be held at the Flamingo Resort/Hotel on October 29th. It will be a club evening meeting. For more information contact Karen or President Mark.
President Mark reminded everyone that the Rotary Foundation South Dinner will be held at 6:00 pm on November 8th at the Hilton Sonoma Wine Country Resort. Your attendance is encouraged.
Save the Date! Note your calendars and save December 8 for a special Wine Tasting Social. A blind wine tasting is planned. More information will follow.
Steve Olsen announced that over $2,000 has been raised for the John Brown Scholarship Fund. Our local Foundation will match all contributions up to $3,500. All Rotarians are encouraged to contribute to this worthwhile fund so we can reach our goal. Contributions can be given to Steve, Judy Glenn or Jeanne Levin. Special thanks to all those who have so generously contributed already. John Brown would have been very grateful for your generosity.
Doug Johnson is looking for volunteers to serve beer at the YMCA Golf Tournament on October 17th from 12 to 3 pm or from 3 to 5:30 pm. The YMCA has supported our fund raising efforts at the Giro Bello and it is our opportunity to help with theirs. Please contact Doug if you are interested. Doug also announced that next year’s Giro Bello team planning meeting will be held at 5:00 pm on October 24th at Rosso’s Pizzeria and Wine Bar. Rotarians interested in participating in next year’s event should plan to attend.
Ginny Cannon has sent in our Rotarian logo clothing order. If you missed your chance to buy some very attractive clothing with our Rotary logo do not worry, another opportunity to purchase logo wear will come around sooner then later.
Peter Holewinski acknowledged that Home Care Assistance has opened new offices in Santa Rosa at 170 Farmers Lane. The grand opening is October 15th from 4-7 pm. In his elation at having new digs Peter donated $100 to our local Foundation.

John McHugh, Craig Meltzner and Craig Anderson
John McHugh, Chair of the Legacy Project Committee, began the program by reviewing the purpose for the establishment of this very special committee. Over two years ago the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa formed the Legacy Project Committee. The idea behind the formation was to identify a local Rotary project that we could devote resources to while gaining recognition in our local community for our work. Our model was the Sebastopol Rotary Club’s very successful “Learn to Swim Program” that has been operating for the last 30 years.
The Legacy Project Committee members included Carman Sinigiani, Craig Meltzner, Eunice Valentine, Mike Kallhoff, Penny Tibbetts, Doug Johnson, Jackie McMillan, Jose Guillen, Peggy Soberanis, Yale Abrams, and John McHugh.
Over the last 2 1/2 years the committee received 16 legacy project suggestions. Two projects were selected for consideration using established criteria and were presented at our meeting. Rotarians were given an opportunity to ask questions and will be surveyed on whether they believe our club should proceed with any of the two projects.
David Brown introduced the first project for consideration. He introduced Michelle Head and Jeremy Hodgdon from the YMCA who presented the “Healthy Lifestyle Program for Youth”. The program addresses the key findings on childhood obesity:
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- Low income children are at high risk for being overweight and obese,
- Students are not meeting basic fitness standards,
- Youth are not consuming the daily recommended servings of fruit and vegetables,
- If obese at 12 years old, children are more likely to be overweight as an adult,
- Overweight children are at higher risk for developing other health conditions.
Students who are physically active tend to have better grades, consistent school attendance, increased cognitive performance and positive classroom behaviors. Schools can influence eating and physical activity behaviors and family involvement is important in establishing good habits. Healthy students help build strong communities.
The program goals are to:
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- Encourage children and their families to adopt lifelong healthy nutrition habits and the desire to be physically active,
- Reduce rates of youth obesity,
- Increase physical activity and nutrition awareness,
- Improve self esteem
- Increase academic performance,
- Staff and Rotary volunteers will provide tools to accomplish the above.
The idea is to work with four Santa Rosa schools and target 4th and 5th graders. It would involve one day per week for 45 minutes per class and last for ten weeks. The curriculum would be a Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) and Food and Fun. It would also include a pre and post testing to measure performance. The budget of a ten week program at four schools is estimated at $11,757.

Penny Tibbetts introduces Building Pathways to Belonging
Penny Tibbets introduced the next program under consideration, “Building Pathways to Belonging”. It is a partnership between our Rotary Club and LandPaths, a non-profit organization. Craig Anderson, Executive Director of LandPaths, presented the program concept. Its goal is to create a collaborative with LandPaths through its established youth programs. It would be centered around the existing youth programs at Bayer Farm Neighborhood Park and Gardens and the Rancho Mark West Learning Landscape.
Bayer Neighborhood Park is a six acre garden and park in the Roseland neighborhood. It was purchased by the City of Santa Rosa and built by LandPaths. It is a place where kids and their families learn to grow and harvest their own produce. All summer long, kids and parents share a free hot lunch followed by a day outdoors working in the garden.
Rancho Mark West is a historic 122 acre ranch just 9 miles east of Santa Rosa. LandPaths operates a nature-based summer camp, “Owl Camp”, that fosters stewardship and appreciation of the land. Kids learn to compost, build and navigate canoes, harvest crops and to take part in new and lasting experiences.
The proposed partnership would include:
- An annual scholarship matching fund in the amount of $10,000 to provide youth the opportunity to attend “Owl Camp”. If matched the scholarship would fund 50 students from the Roseland Community.
- Funding in the amount of $1,000 per class annually to support a Roseland elementary class to experience Bayer Neighborhood Park.
- Overtime, and as available, funding in the amount of $30,000 as challenge match towards a total $100,000 capital projects.
Legacy Project Standards require that the project be sustainable. LandPaths has a 50 year lease with the City for the on-site garden at Bayer. LandPaths is also the fee owner of Rancho Mark West which means they own it outright.
Rotary will partner with LandPaths through its support and annual scholarships. LandPaths already has community support as demonstrated by the extensive participation from the Roseland Community. It would provide hands-on Rotary volunteer opportunities such as field trip assistance, workdays at gardens, trail building, construction projects and camp volunteers. The Club would become known for its contribution to the community and expose our Club to other LandPath volunteers, participants and community collaborators.
In summary, a Rotary LandPaths partnership committed to the well being of our youth, giving kids a chance, transforming kids and their families through outdoor, hands-on experiences. Youth will experience working and playing on the land, develop commitments to the environmental and community stewardship, and most critically, a greater sense of belonging.
In closing, John McHugh announced that a survey would be sent out to all Rotarians. We will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on these proposed legacy projects that will determine whether our Club will participate in either of these proposed projects.

Rotarians doing exercises at their tables
President Mark closed the meeting with the melodious ring of the Rotary Bell!
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Doug Johnson, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, John McHugh, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini