DIGITAL EDITION No. 146 October 7, 2015 EDITOR: Sam Saunders PHOTOGRAPHER: Elizabeth Karbousky
Our Program for October 14th:
Wednesday, October 21st: TEDx Sonoma County 2015
Wednesday, October 28th: New Gen Peacebuilders
Wednesday, November 4th: Dark due to Veterans Luncheon Thursday, 11/5
Wednesday, Novenber 11th: Reflections of a Major General
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With one-quarter of the Rotary year behind him, our seasoned ‘Real Person’ President Doug Johnson made a ‘Real Impact’ by clanging the Rotary bell to get today’s show started and more importantly, wake up the old timers (not me though). Today’s Pledge of Allegiance was led by the leading edge Keven Brown. The Invocation was a real invocation delivered by Tim Delaney, bringing a familiar Biblical quote from the Book of Isaiah. Amen, brother!
Steve Baime introduced our sole visiting Rotarian: Barbara Beedon from the Sebastopol (lunch) club, who once was our Club President (2003-2004). How’d we let her get away? And, What! No banner exchange?
Oddly, there were no guests today. Or, let’s say there were no odd guests today.
Our “cell-ebrated” speaker, Dr. Julie Mangada, was introduced by Doug Chase.
Eleven Rotarians have October as their birth month and they were celebrated when we sang the Happy Birthday song, led by Elizabeth Karbousky. Songs, good wishes, yes; but, there were no gifts, no cake, no party favors. (Ed note: What are we coming to? An era of monetary contractions? If it’s worth celebrating, it’s worth celebrating right!). Let them eat cake.

Mike Kallhoff – Raffle
Steven Dunn found the raffle ticket winner, Mike Kallhoff. Mike didn’t find all the money – he took a ten spot. Karma for being a Chicago Cubs fan. The pot grows. Harvest next week?
No, not the precision US Navy flying team of F/A-18 SuperHornets. It’s Emily Harrington and Kim Graves turning in their red badges for blue badges as presented to them by “Fast Mover” President Doug. For you military lingo-challenged types, “fast mover” is the USAF term for a jet pilot.
President Doug exuded high praises for the September 30th film preview of “What Tomorrow Will Bring” about Razia Jan and her effort to educate girls in Afghanistan. Razia is seeking financial sponsors for the girls attending the Zabuli Education Center in Afghanistan, which is Razia’s flagship project through the Ray of Hope Foundation. President Doug distributed enrollment forms at our meeting and challenged us to sponsor a student (at $25 per month).
To enroll, use the enrollment form at the next meeting and give it to President Doug, or visit
President Doug thanked Rotarian volunteers from the World Community Service committee who helped that evening, and especially Past President Kathleen Archer. (Ed note: her secret nickname should be “Always There for You”).
Last Friday, Oct 2, the club held a meat auction at Wayne Rowlands’ home and $3,500 of proceeds were generated which will be allocated to the charitable giving projects that the Club will support this year. A Big ‘thank you’ to host Wayne!
And, a ‘round’ of applause and a big thanks was extended to the Rotary volunteers who staffed a Gran Fondo bike ride rest stop early AM last Saturday. It was a moving annual cyclical event.
Jack Geary announced that the 12th Annual Employer Best Practice Awards Breakfast is set for the Flamingo Hotel on Wednesday, October 28 from 7:30AM to 9:30AM. Interested members can register and pay $40 online at
Our club has sponsored this event for the past 12 years along with the Sonoma County Mayors’ Committee for Employment of People with Disabilities, Dep’t of Rehabilitation and the Disability Services and Legal Center. Employers, employees and service providers are recognized as well as awarding a scholarship to a local college student. Sonoma County Supervisor Shirley Zane will be the moderator.
The October SCARC (Sonoma County Association of Rotary Clubs) dinner meeting will be held on Thursday, October 29 at 5:30PM at Rosso’s restaurant (1229 N. Dutton Ave., Santa Rosa).
$50 per person and must have a reservation to attend. See Secretary Jack Abercrombie to sign-up (for this month, it is Jack Aberzombie). The guest speaker is a Rotary Peace Fellow (Patricia Shafer) – see page 13 of the August Rotarian magazine.
Paul Hamilton is selling tickets for the 15th Annual Tribute to Our Veterans – a lunch at the Veterans Memorial building in Santa Rosa, on Thursday, November 5 from 11:30AM to 1:30PM.
Tickets are $15 and members are encouraged to attend and host a veteran. Paul needs a few more volunteers for set-up on November 4 and for clean-up on November 5 (it goes quickly).
There is a Monster Bash (dinner & program) coming to town on October 24 at the Flamingo Hotel. It is a Rotary District 5130 celebratory event for the Rotary Foundation. Price is $65 per person and you will receive an invitation by e-mail. Dress in a costume for a chance to win a Paul Harris Award.

Kim Graves and Emily Harrington
Kim (“Blue Angel”) Graves announced that our Club is matching donations ($100 minimum and a $300 maximum) by members to the Rotary International Foundation for the month of October. We are trying to fulfill a $12,000 donation goal to RI Foundation this Rotary year to help bury polio for good.
Past President Don McMillan noted that our member David Brown has retired from the local YMCA and Don is searching for volunteers to help with the Y’s golf fundraiser on October 16. The job is tough – to staff the Lagunitas beer booth for a 2-hour shift. See Don (hic) if you can help.
FINES AND FRIVOLITY (President Doug brings home the Doug-h)
President Doug rounded up a travel pic of Past President Bill Rousseau standing with his arms stretched out wide in front of a French castle with a vineyard in the foreground. No caption was provided, but the thought was probably on the assessed value of that property. For his travels with complimentary (save one night) lodging, visit to the French Alps and hooking up with a Rotary exchange student, Bill made a donation of $100 to his wifes’ Paul Harris Fellowship.
Another photo popped up, of Past President Don McMillan drinking a rather large mug of beer during this years’ Munich Oktoberfest and looking a bit beyond any appreciable concern for sobriety (like everyone else there). For that priceless moment, Don offered some Icelandic currency and a beer coaster. President Doug felt short-changed and rejected the under-valued offer. Don countered with a donation of $250

Jackie McMillan Recognition
toward a Giro Bello sponsorship – for which President Doug cheerfully accepted with no further discussion.
Spouse, traveling companion, best friend and Rotarian Jackie McMillan explained that the trip to six countries was with their two grown sons and she gave $100 to her future daughter-in-laws’ Paul Harris Fellowship.
Doug Chase introduced Julie Mangada, MD, with a lengthy and impressive bio. She is a genetic researcher at The Buck Institute, a IRC Section 501( c)(3) tax-exempt organization engaged in research, prevention and education in the connection between age and chronic diseases. For the past nine years, Dr. Mangada has been involved there as a research scientist with the mission of extending the “healthspan” of people, the healthy years of life.
The world is aging fast and there are now more people over the age of 65 than those under the age of 5. With the aging process, more diseases become prevalent and more resources are devoted toward treatment rather than cures. Dr. Mangada is focused on understanding the connection from a genetic (cell) perspective and she explained how different types of cells are used in her research. She used the term ‘stem cell models’ which are: human embryonic (hESC’s) –obtained from discarded stem cells generated by invitro-fertilization clinics from petrie-dish origins – moss piglet, fruit fly, nematodes, beer yeast and mouse cells.

Speaker Julie Mangada
The world viewed from a microscope shows that cells not only reproduce (divide actually) but they also interact with one another and sometimes combine to form units that become specialized and become part of an organ such as the heart. This is true of the type known as iPS cells (induced pluripotent stem cells) which are skin cells genetically reprogrammed to act like embryonic stem cells and to enable development of an unlimited source of any type of human cell needed for a variety of therapeutic needs (eg, to treat the effects of diabetes or Parkinson’s disease or leukemia cancer).
Her Powerpoint presentation provided good insight into her research methods and kept the audience attentive all the way through. And, adding to all this is that her personality was upbeat and dynamic – very much unlike the standard image of a research scientist.
BTW, she does have a cell phone. She gave no indication of experimenting with jail cells or cells in space – the cell-estial kind. Hopefully, future research will expand into the treatment of cellulite, something we all need to be concerned about. But, that may be a bit shallow and cellfish to think that way.
Thanks to Doug Chase for bringing Dr. Mangada to us as our speaker.
President Doug thanked a small army of Rotarian volunteers for this weeks’ meeting.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Governor, District 5130
Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson
Well done on the Bulletin, Susan!! The extra spacing makes it much easier for my old eyes to read. Thank you.
Sam Saunders