DIGITAL EDITION No. 152 November 18, 2015 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi
The Club will be DARK Wednesday, November 25th
Our Program for December 2nd:
Cantiamo Sonoma: A Cappella Vocal Ensemble

We kick off the holiday season with a musical performance by Cantiamo Sonoma, whose ensemble includes our very own Keven Brown. Due to scheduling conflicts, they will perform from 12:25 to 12:45 pm, so please come early. Our regular meeting will follow.
Known widely as Sonoma County’s premiere a cappella vocal ensemble, Cantiamo Sonoma has enchanted audiences in the North Bay and beyond since 2002. Comprised of 21 talented singers under the direction of acclaimed soprano Carol Menke, the group is lauded for its varied programs which present the finest choral repertoire from the Renaissance through the 20th century. Cantiamo gives several major concerts each year, performing throughout Northern California at such prestigious venues as Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, St. Stephen’s in Belvedere, and the Gualala Arts Center. The ensemble is also well known for its services of Choral Evensong at Church of the Incarnation, Santa Rosa and other local churches.
Wednesday, December 2nd: Cantiamo Sonoma A Cappella Group
Wednesday, December 16th: Myanmar
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Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
President Doug got a rousing hello (as he asked us to do this week) as he started the meeting. Paul Hamilton led us in The Pledge and Rick Allen read page 2 of this month’s Rotarian Magazine for President K.R. Ravindran’s comments on peace; very much on all our minds at this time.
Former member Argo Thompson came by for a visit and dropped off some discount coupons for his new theatre Left Edge. Gary Swartz was here for the last time as a guest. He was inducted as a member later in the meeting. Ted Wilmsen brought his brother Herb Wilmsen with him today. No doubt those two are brothers!
It was our honor to have visiting us today Erin Dunn, District Governor from Fontana Sunrise and Linda Sinkay, Assistant District Governor from Sebastopol Sunrise.

Ginny Cannon & Anne Gospe take poinsettia orders
December 2, 2015: Your last day to buy poinsettias for the holidays! Available now for $10.00 each. Poinsettia Flier 2015
December 9, 2015: Pick up your poinsettias today. After the meeting it is off to Vigil Light for caroling and cookies. Let Ginny Cannon know if you can bake cookies and come for the sing along.
December 10, 2015: Our holiday social at Corrick’s! Thank you Keven Brown!
January 3, 2016: K.R. Ravindran, International President 2015-16, will be speaking at the DoubleTree Hotel in San Jose. Rotary Int’l Reception Flier
May 6 – 8, 2016: Will be the District Rotary Conference at the Napa Valley Marriott.
District 5130 Flier
Eileen Carlisle said that Fred Levin is still suffering with a bad back, Jack Abercrombie was ordered to stay home with a cold by his beloved Pris, and Dan Schell is still recovering in Oakland.
Only 11 numbers are left and the pot is up to $475! Jeff Kolin had the lucky ticket, but not the winning ticket. The pot rolls over to next week.
President Doug reminded us that the Paul Harris raffle is still on! It works very much like a football pool. Each square costs $10 and that money goes to your Paul Harris. Once all the squares are filled, President Doug will pull numbers for the grand prize, a fully funded $1000 Paul Harris award, and many other prizes. So if you bought 3 squares and you happen to win, you would get $1030 toward your Paul Harris contribution.
Kathleen Archer, Diane Moresi, Ray Giampaoli, Jackie McMillan and Steve Marburger have been elected to the board. Their term will start July 1, 2016. Congratulations all!
Membership has a duel mandate; getting new qualified members to join our club and to retain them once they are in the club. Matt is looking for a few more people to join the committee. They meet 3-4 times a year, usually after a meeting. The next meeting will be on December 2, 2015, right after our meeting for about 20 minutes.
Gary Swartz, sponsored by Chuck Bartley, was inducted into our club today. He is a previous Rotarian from the East Bay. He is the General Manager for Freeman Lexus Toyota. He is married to Terri, has 2 teenage children, and loves golf. He lives in Lafayette, so he has quite a commute!
2 years: Jackie McMillan, Robert Pierce
7 years: Jack Geary, Jeff Gospe, Carmen Sinigiani
14 years: Jack Abercrombie, Bill Hatcher
15 years: Kathleen Archer
16 years: Paul Hamilton
18 years: Debi Zaft
19 years: Tim Fawcett, Sam McMillan
20 years: Mark Burchill, Cecil Humes
29 years: Ted Wilmsen
30 years: Dan Bornstein
And the master of meeting attendance for 41 years……Steve Olson!
It just goes to show, there are many ways to make up a meeting and these members are masters.
TODAY’S PROGRAM: District Governor Erin Dunn
DG Erin Dunn met with the board of directors before the meeting today. She called us “innovative!” She spoke of some of the new things that have been happening to Rotary in the last year. The new “elevator speech” was introduced at District Assembly last March. If you haven’t noticed, the Rotary logo has been slightly changed. New pins are available (with magnets). We’ll get Jack Abercrombie to order some.

District Governor Erin Dunn
She asked us to “Explore Rotary.” Her example was that she was never comfortable around kids, but she went out of her way to do things with the exchange students. That led her to be a host family, several times. Go on an international trip, it will change your life.
Polio Plus should end by 2018. In August Nigeria was one full year without a new polio case. If they can go another year, they will be considered polio free. That means there are only 2 remaining countries left. Only 60 cases worldwide this year.
As for our district, we are sending 3 Rotoract kids to Bangladesh with Rotoplast. There will be a Rotary Friendship Exchange with India this next May. 12 people from our district will go there and 12 from India will come here.
As the meeting ended, she had a special award for one of our members. She called it the Shining Star Award and it was awarded to Diane Moresi for the quiet way she does so much for our club.
President Doug thanked the following members for their assistance with the club activities today;
Greeters: Marnie Goldschlag & Karen Ball
Lunch Ticket Sellers: Jeff Kolin & Laura Held
Raffle: Kathy Schwartz
Pledge: Paul Hamilton
Invocation: Rick Allen
Visiting Rotarians: Emily Harrington
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Governor, District 5130
Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson