Wednesday November 17, 2021

Peace Poles At Schools

Fred Ptucha

Peace Poles for Schools, Veterans for Peace, and Santa Rosa  East-West Rotary have created a partnership with a goal of dedicating a Peace Pole on every school campus in Sonoma County. At this time, 7 poles have been made and 2 have been installed.  We believe having a tangible symbol of hope and PEACE on each school campus will have a positive impact on thousands of students and the entire school community.

–>  Debi will send you the Zoom login link for the 12:00 meeting once you have paid. Feel free to put your feet up, grab a sandwich, and join the meeting. <–


In-Person / Hybrid Meeting details:
All meetings are in-person and online meetings. In-person meetings will be located at the Epicenter Sports Center located at 3215 Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa, CA.  Use the first door, closest to Piner Road. There will be greeters at the door to guide you.

–> Please note: You NEED TO MAKE A RESERVATION IN ADVANCE so we have a proper count.  Payments received by Saturday will be considered for the upcoming meeting.  Payments after that will be for the following meeting.
Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid.  Use this link for details and to payCLICK HERE!

Wednesday November 24: Day Before Thanksgiving
Wednesday December 1: 100 Year Anniversary Party

Keep checking back.  New Programs coming soon!


–> International Service Project

Click on image to open

–> 100th Birthday Celebration:

Put this date on your calendar:  Friday, May 13, 2022. The party will be at the Santa Rosa Golf and Country Club. Tickets are $125.00 or pay $150.00 to be at a table of eight Rotarian friends. The club is so pleased that we came to an agreement with SRCC for the new date!

Keep checking back.  New socials coming soon!


Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Watch The Meeting:  Did you miss the meeting?  Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click Here)
Please note it is only available to view until: 11/21/21

Opening Ceremonies:

President Ray welcomed us all; about 50 of us today in person and online. A special hello and thank you for our members and guests who have served in the armed forces. Charlie Howard Gibbon led us in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and The Four-Way Test. His Reflection was part of the Prayer of St Francis.


Bill Adams, Sabra Locke, Patty Kolin, Marty Wait, Allan Hardcastle, Madison Pritchard

Sunshine Report:

All is good!


Ginny Cannon announce that our sources for the flowers have their own supply chain issues! We may have to pay retail for the poinsettias this year.


The pot was $88.00 with only 5 marbles remaining. Julia Parranto had the right number but did not pull the blue marble. The pot rolls over.

Rotarian of the Month:

Carolyn Fassi is our honoree this month. She has put her heart and soul into the public safety and healthcare awards. Just when we were to do the healthcare awards last week, we had to shut it down. Ever the trooper she will put on the program this next spring.

Induction of a New Member:

At last, Randy Hartt was given his red badge! Randy is a major in the Salvation Army. His wife, Tracy is also in the Salvation Army. He has been a Rotarian for 12 years in the Solano County. Welcome Randy and Tracy!

The John Brown Veteran’s Scholarship

John Brown was a beloved member of our club for about 30 years. He was a proud Marine so upon his death we established a scholarship in his name for veterans. At this point the corpus has grown to $80,000 and we want to keep it growing. This scholarship has helped a veteran with their college education for the last 10 years. John was president of our club 1989 – 1990. He was a founder of our Foundation. He was continually active with the Salvation Army and helped our club raise money to buy their canteen. He even drove it. He was so well loved that his birthday (September 16th) was celebrated every year. So, as you are considering your charitable donations at this time of year, consider the John Brown Fund and help a veteran.

100th Birthday Celebration:

Put this date on your calendar:  Friday, May 13, 2022. The party will be at the Santa Rosa Golf and Country Club. Tickets are $125.00 or pay $150.00 to be at a table of eight Rotarian friends. The club is so pleased that we came to an agreement with SRCC for the new date!


Sam McMillan has little meat left over from the Oktoberfest party. Only 3 packages of pork kielbasa ($25.00 each package) and 1 package of lamb chops ($75.00). Call Sam to reserve and arrange to pick it up from him.

Charlie Howard Gibbon thanked those who worked at the Food Bank on November 3rd. The next workday is December 1st, 5:00 – 7:00pm. He is also working with the Salvation Army for bell ringing in December.

Pete Lescure gave a recap of the Sugarloaf tree planting that happened on October 30th. He and Dan Balfe along with Rotarians from the East/West, Santa Rosa Sunrise and Valley of the Moon planted a lot of trees and acorns.


Doug Johnson is engaged to Rebecca Southwick! Rebecca is a member of the Clear Lake Club. She has been a Rotarian for 5 years. They met at District Assembly about 2 years ago. See what happens when you attend District Assembly?

Debi Zaft was on her way to Willits when her car with 209,000 miles on it died on Highway 101. Her mechanic told her it would cost about $1040 to get the car running and $4000 more to fix everything else. Ugh! So, Debi went car shopping and bought a used 2018 Volvo with only 29,000 miles on it.

Today’s Program is Bill Adams on Veteran’s Day…..Especially the Marine Corp.

Bill Adams is a former member of our club. Sounds like the reason he left was because he was still in the Marine Reserves and was deployed several times. I believe I heard Debi Zaft gave him an application since he is now officially retired from the Reserves. The Marines are celebrating their 246th birthday today) founded on November 10, 1775, in Philadelphia). He had lots of trivia for us. In the Marine’s Hymn “the halls of Montezuma” refers to the Battle of Chapultepec during the Mexican American War where are force of Marines stormed the Chapultepec Castle. “The shores of Tripoli” refers to the First Barbary War during the Battle of Derne in 1805. Bill became a Marine through the ROTC program at Northwestern University. Bill had several movies that referenced the Marines like Heartbreak Ridge, Aliens, and Full Metal Jacket. He showed a picture of General Jay Paxton (4 stars, mind you) shoveling his own sidewalk. He spoke of Margaret Kibbin the 18th Chaplain of the Marine Corp and the first woman to hold this position. She is now the Chaplain of the House of Representatives and was there on January 6th when all chaos broke loose.

Veterans of all services need our help. Suicide among veterans is double that of the general population. More soldiers from the most recent war have died from suicide than actual combat 4 to 1! What can Rotarians do to help veteran Marines? Stop by Vet Connect on Tuesdays at the Veteran’s Building in Santa Rosa and ask.

Some Program Slides

Additional Pictures:

Governor, District 5130

Dustin Littlefield


Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

President Elect, Kris Anderson
Club Service I, Membership, Julia Parranto
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Diane Moresi
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Pete Lescure
Club Director, Casey Carter
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe

DIGITAL EDITION No. 433 November 10, 2021  EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick