DIGITAL EDITION No. 123 April 29, 2015 EDITOR: Julia Parranto PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program for May 6th:

Ben Stone
The Sonoma County Economic Development Board (EDB) provides assistance services directed toward encouraging the startup, retention and expansion of Sonoma County businesses and jobs, particularly with small businesses; creation of new jobs and employment opportunities; and diversification of economic activity and strengthening the County’s tax base. The EDB has three major functions:
- To provide information and referral services to help local businesses to start up, succeed, and grow;
- To develop and disseminate factual data regarding significant economic activities, trends and projections for Sonoma County. In addition, the Economic Development Director performs numerous activities on behalf of the Board of Supervisors ranging from coordination to analysis of issues impacting Sonoma County; and
- To offer FREE customized market analysis and tools to give businesses in Sonoma County a competitive edge in today’s marketplace.
Our speaker today will be the very popular Ben Stone, Director.
Wednesday, May 13th: Polio Plus
Wednesday, May 20th: Project Amigo
Wednesday, May 27th: Thea Daniels
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
The meeting today was run by President Elect Elect Jose Guillen, who seemed confused by his actual title.
Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was capably led by Layne Bowen.
Thought for the Day/Invocation: Steven Dunn told us that life can be hard and it takes work, there will be bad times, but just stay focused, do your work, respect yourself and others, never stop dreaming, and do not fear.
Karen Ball introduced Art Farris and Peggy Wyman, both from the Rohnert Park Cotati club.
Cathy Vicini introduced the speaker table, which included Kathleen Morgan from the Santa Rosa Symphony, Cheryl Stanley from Women’s Recovery Services, Cheryl Parkinson from the Living Room, Diane Estrin from Children’s Village, Stacey Sterling from Mighty Mouths, and Eddie Gelsman from WHOA Farms.
Kathleen Archer introduced her guest, Laura Roehrick, wife of former member Tony Roehrick. Matt Fannin introduced Joni Pritchard. Rich DeLambert introduced Kerry Chambers, who is coming back to our club. Steve Marburger introduced Richard Lazovick, who should be inducted within the next couple of weeks.

Guest Art Ferris tries his luck
Steve Marburger announced a pot of $230 and asked Emily Harrington to draw the winning ticket, which was held by our guest Art Ferris, who did not find the winning marble, but at least he got his $10.
The Rotary magazine question for May 6th is: What Oscar winning actor is campaigning for “No Kid Hungry”?
Richard Lazovick
Technology Tutor
Sponsored by Steve Marburger

New member Steve Baime and his wife Michele

Acting President Jose Guillen gives Peter Holewinski his blue badge
Peter Holewinski finally got his blue badge after marathon bureaucratic delays. Yay Peter!
President Elect Elect Jose Guillen announced that volunteers are needed for career day at Piner Olivet Charter Middle School on May 13, 2015. If you’re interested, contact Tim Fawcett.
Debi Zaft said today was the last day qualified for 100% readership for the club. Read your magazine!
Jackie McMillan announced that on Friday, May 15th at 1:00 there will be bag stuffing party for Mighty Mouths, one of our grant recipients; a sign up sheet was circulated at the meeting.

Kathleen Archer
Visiting Rotarian Peggy Wyman announced that the Rohnert Park Cotati Club is putting on a Craft Beer Fest on May 30th, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Sonoma Mountain Village. Anyone like a good beer?
Kathleen Archer made an appeal for funds for the victims of the tragic Nepal earthquake. A hat was passed, and the Club ponied up a total of $1,000 to help.
Ann Gospe announced an evening of French – Basque Cuisine, Hospitality and Music with our exchange student, Chloe Mellier, on Saturday, May 9th, from 6 to 11 PM, at the Gospe’s home in Rincon Valley.
Don McMillan announced Ann Gospe launched Sign Up Genius so we can sign up to work the Giro Bello. Go to to sign up. If you are too crotchety to go on the internet, call Don.
President Elect Elect Jose then turned the meeting over to Cathy Vicini, who introduced each of our charitable giving recipients, who each then gave a presentation about their program and what they are doing with our money. Here’s the summary:

Kathleen Morgan and Marcela Ronan from Simply Strings
Simply Strings: Director Kathleen Morgen
$7000 for Violins For grades 2-6 the students from Sheppard Elementary
Simply Strings is a five-year after-school program with dual ambitions of serving as a music training and youth and social development program for economically underserved elementary school children in Sonoma Count. Inspired by Venezuela’s El Sistema teaching methods, Simply Strings provides high level music instruction directly in the schools at no cost to the students or families.
Women’s Recovery Services: Cheryle Stanley
$3000 Funding to purchase cribs, beds, and dressers for children housed with their mothers in the transitional housing program
We purchased a four bedroom house in 2014 and at this time we need three (3) new cribs, four (4) beds and bedding, and two (2) dressers for infants, children and their mothers. We are grateful for the donation from Sunrise Rotary to help with our down payment.
The infants and young children of mothers, new in recovery, will be the benefactors of this project. These fortunate little ones will have, maybe for the first time, their own beds, sleeping in the safety provided by their mothers and Rotary Foundation.
The Living Room: Cheryl Parkinson
$3500 (Druquer) Mother + Child program
Our Mother and Child Program is an ongoing program that will run from Jan.1, 2015 to Dec. 31, 2015. The program serves homeless mothers and their pre-school aged children. The primary goal is to assist homeless mothers to become better parents in order to break the generational cycle of abuse and neglect that so many of them are a part of. Over 92% of the women in our programs have been exposed to domestic violence, either as children or adults. We provide a safe, welcoming place for them to be during the day. We provide nutritious meals, parenting classes by a licensed MFT, art therapy, positive discipline modeling, early learning encouragement through story reading and songs as well as case management, community referrals and necessities such as diapers, wipes, clothing, feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes etc. Our staff and volunteers practice trauma informed care to help the participants gain the resilience needed to work through their many challenges.
Children’s Village: Diane Estrin
$2500 for children’s 10 bicycles & helmets (ages 6-17) living in the Children’s Village
We presently have 24 children ranging in age from 6-17 years old. Eight of these children are new to the Village. We continue to repair our bicycles, but due to several years of heavy use, many of the bikes can no longer be ridden or repaired. A local bicycle shop that sells used and new bicycles has agreed to sell the Village used good quality bikes. The average cost of the bicycles are $200 each. The remainder of the funds will be used to purchase quality helmets.
Mighty Mouths: Stacey Stirling
$5000 – 2,000 goody bags to Sonoma County’s most vulnerable children that include: a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, fluoride rinse, and oral health educational materials. The money will allow us to reach more children in schools who have requested our services.
WHOA Farm (Work Horse Organic Agriculture): Eddie Gelsman
$5000 facility equipment to upgrade the farm food processing.
The project will have three main components: 1. The retrofitting of an existing multi-use structure (already containing a walk-in refrigerated unit and dry storage pantry) with flooring and interior organizational elements to be used exclusively as a food preparation, packaging, storage and distribution center; 2. The addition to this existing structure of a new food washing station including a double sink area for cleaning leafy greens and a root washer to clean approximately four tons of beets, potatoes, carrots and other vegetables we currently produce each year; and 3. The construction of a new roofed structure to house and protect our valuable farm machinery now stored under the roof of the existing structure.

Kristi Toprakci from Buckelew Programs
Buckelew Programs: Kristi Toprakci
$2000 Tools for mental health/addiction services to promote recovery
Tools for Transition (T4T) is an ongoing project coordinated by program staff and community volunteers. T4T consists of assembling boxes containing basic household, appliance, and bedding supplies for clients moving from shelters or transitional housing to independent living situations. The Tools for Transition program is entirely dependent on fundraisers and grants for its operations and with this grant Buckelew would be able to assemble and provide Tools for Transition boxes for 40 individuals moving out on their own, some living independently for the first time, and who are on very limited incomes and living far below the poverty line.
The Program was well-received and there was a lively question and answer period following the presentations by each group.
President Elect Elect Jose then thanked all those who helped with the meeting: Greeters Joel DeSilva and Yale Abrams, Ticket Taker Peggy Soberanis, Ticket Sellers Ann Gospe and Gary Vice, Raffle by Steve Marburger, and Scribe Julia Parranto.
President Elect Elect Jose then thanked our visiting Rotarians for coming by and gave his final comment: “Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.” – Democritus
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini