Next Meeting is via Zoom – June 3, 2020
Update On Santa Rosa
Ernie Oliveras
Ernie Oliveras, current City of Santa Rosa council member, will be giving an update on the current situation. His activity on the council committees include, but not limited to, the Downtown Subcommittee, Homeless Policy committee, Violence prevention partnership, and Roseland Annexation to mention a few.
He is an active community leader and is obviously in a very sensitive political position right now. I know you will all treat him accordingly.
–> Debi will send you the Zoom login link for the 12:00 meeting. Feel free to put your feet up, grab a sandwich, and join the meeting. <–
Thank you all for your patience and always feel free to pass along any suggestions for programs to me,
President Cathy.
All in-person meetings are currently on hold. Instead, we will be holding online meetings using Zoom. Please be on the look out for an email with the link from either Cathy, Debi, or Richard.
Wednesday June 10, 2020: 2020 NewGen Peace Projects
Wednesday June 17, 2020: Building Unshakable Confidence
Wednesday June 24, 2020: Tony’s Roasting of President Cathy
Keep checking back. New Programs coming soon!
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Opening Ceremonies:
Pledge: Ann Gospe
Refection: Give yourself a pat on the back for surviving this long! We are at day 71!
Visiting Rotarians: Jackie McMillian
Visitors: Erin Greene, Elain Olson, Rita McMillian Wes Daniels Tasia Henderson, and Eva Atkins
Will Haymaker is moving on June 27th to Palo Alto. Will and Joann’s new address will be:
4041 El Camino Way #2000, Palo Alto, CA 94366. Email: [email protected]. Cell phone stays the same at 707-953-0848. 35 years a Rotarian and 25 years a member of our club. We will miss them, and hope Will continues to visit us on Zoom as long as we keep meeting that way.
Jeff Gospe was at the meeting from a hospital bed. What’s with that? He looked good in his black mask!
Andrea Geary says that our Covid-19 fund raiser is up to $1314! Diane Moresi, the chair of the committee, said the funds will be used to buy rice and beans, in bulk, and make up packages to give away through the Salvation Army. Our Hands-on Committee will then work with the Salvation Army to repackage for distribution
Jeff Kolin and the finance committee are meeting to work on the budget for the June 2nd board meeting and to present later in the month to the Club board.
President Cathy is still looking for suggestions for Rotarian of the year.
New Member:
Wes Daniels was inducted as a new member. He was previously a member many years ago. We will get him his red badge as soon as possible, but if we are not meeting for a few months, he might be eligible for his blue badge before we get him the red badge! LOL!
We have a lot of wedding anniversaries and they were all in the mood to donate some cash! Casey and Pam D’Angelo are celebrating 41 years. They got married at sunrise, so they always celebrate at sunrise. Kathleen and Bill Archer just celebrated 39 years in April (They met at a bar). Diane and Robert Moresi are celebrating 47 years. Cathy and John Vicini are celebrating 38 years in April. President Cathy says John is usually in Italy for the month of April, so they got to share the day together!
Our guest speaker today was Erin Greene, Kathleen Archer’s daughter. Somewhere along the way she grew up, went to UCLA and American University, got her low degree and got married! My time flies! She also was a Rotary Exchange student several years ago and went to Italy.
Erin works for a drug company in their regulatory policy. Today she spoke about “Covid-19 Drug Development, Policy Considerations.” She covered 2 areas: clinical development (diagnostics, antivirals, and vaccines) and manufacturing. Right now, they are testing for the disease and for those with past exposure and have antibodies in their blood. The clinical trial process has several steps as more and more people are participating. Preclinical is phase 0- is it safe to use on humans. Phase 1 – is it safe to test on healthy humans? Phase 2- Does the drug or biologic seem effective for its intended use in subjects with the disease? Phase 3 – Is there sufficiently compelling proof of safety and efficacy (compared to placebo) for regulatory approval? Antivirals are the next best thing to a vaccine and over 325 are now in development. Most vaccines can take 12 – 15 years to develop. Once a vaccine(s) developed then comes the manufacturing; how fast and how much can be produced? How is the vaccine distributed? How does the manufacturers avoid shortages? Lastly, she quoted Paul Harris from a message to the 1928 Rotary Conference:
“The best antidote for international fear is international understanding; the best way to cultivate international understanding is through business and social intercourse.”
Flamingo and Meetings Update:
The remodeling is done. However, we don’t expect clearance to meet very soon. It is also very risky because so many of us are older. Julia reported that Rotary International Board of Directors are suspending in person meetings thru the end of the year. President Cathy will look into this to confirm if that means all the clubs are suspended or/and how it affects our club. Hopefully all is better by Labor Day.
Julia Parranto suggested this is a good time to invite younger people to our meetings to introduce them to Rotary. They can come for free!
Even on the international level, Rotary is getting more comfortable with the new video conferencing technologies. Boards that had to travel to meet and now learning to meet online. Decisions that previously took time because boards had to “meet” are now making decisions faster.
Matthew Henry said even the YMCA is rethinking how they do business. They could have a new category of membership for online classes.
Next week will be James Allen who is a speaker, trainer, and transformational coach. His focus is on helping businesses, organizations, and individuals build unshakable confidence in themselves, their teams and relationships, along with their dreams.
Additional Pictures
Governor, District 5130
Kathy Flamson
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Club Service I, Membership, Michael Moore
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Ryan Thomas
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Brandon Urich
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe
DIGITAL EDITION No. 359 May 27, 2020 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson & Diane Moresi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick