DIGITAL EDITION No. 127 May 27, 2015 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Elizabeth Karbousky
Our Program for June 3rd:
Join the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa to hear inspiring stories ofAimal’s first-hand accounts of a childhood in war-torn Afghanistan, then working with the US Military starting at age 17 to translate and facilitate cultural understanding with local tribes in combat zones.
Due in large part to Aimal’s efforts to facilitate mutual respect and understanding, he has been credited by the US Military as being largely responsible for reducing attacks by 70%, resulting in his unit (the Nevada National Guard) being the ONLY military unit in Afghanistan deployed for one year without a single death.
Given his extraordinary, real-world experiences that belie his young age (now 26), Aimal was one of only 50 people selected worldwide by Rotary International for a fully funded Rotary Peace Fellowship for a master’s degree in conflict resolution, starting in September 2015 at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom.
Wednesday, June 10th: What is the Electric Car?
Wednesday, June 24th: Debunking of President Burchill
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Tim Fawcett
President Mark rang the bell and started the meeting with Tim Fawcett leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation. In honor of David Letterman, Tim’s invocation was “The Top 10 Benefits of Growing Old.” Old? Not us!
John McHugh, MeL Konrad, Scott Morgan, Valentin Acosta Flores, and Thea Daniels.
Julie Nation from Santa Rosa West and Brian Ling from Windsor.
Jeanne Levin is having knees surgery on 5/28 and should be home on Saturday before you even see this Bulletin!
Debi Zaft asked the question about two kids who wanted to earn some money for charity and the dad said he would match 1:100 for every dollar they earned. Steve Olson had the answer. The kids earned $26 so their dad had to pony up $2600!

Jack Atkins
Kerrie Chambers was our raffle coordinator for the day. There was $68 in the pot. Jack Atkin’s number was called, but he did not pull the right marble. The pot rolls over to next week.
Cathy Vicini talked about the Charitable Projects Committee and how they make decisions on which projects to fund. The committee is made up of 5 from the Club and 5 from the Foundation.
Yale Abrams gave a brief run down on the Hands on Committee. This committee is usually one day work projects for various organizations in the county. We have bagged food at the food Bank and have done many small projects at the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation. We regularly help out with Rebuilding Together. If you like to get your hands dirty for a good cause, this is the committee for you!

Bob Higgs
Many members gave their craft talk many years ago. This gives us an opportunity to learn a little more about those who have been in the club longer than most. This week it was Bob Higgs, a member since 1973. Bob grew up on a farm and his dad did not believe in giving allowances. Bob’s first job was catching rabbits and selling them to the neighborhood for meat. He worked with his dad and learned to build houses. He attended USC (did I detect a few good natured boos in the audience?)and worked for Pabst Brewery. He made it through 3 years of college before he had to take a break and earn some more money to pay for that final year of college. He worked for a while as a worker’s compensation adjuster. He got his real estate license and married Kay (they are celebrating 55 years of marriage!). He joined the Junior Chamber of Commerce in Glendale and finally got his degree from USC. Upon graduation he joined Bank of America’s management training program (boy does this sound familiar to this author) but soon found out he could earn a better living in the world of real estate. Over the next, many years, he sold real estate, developed real estate, worked in the title industry and got his contractor’s license and built houses. Eventually one of our economic declines made him leave the real estate field, get his insurance license and that is what he has been doing ever since. He likes the outdoors; walking, camping, hunting and fishing. So there, now you know more about Bob Higgs!
Two student scholars were unable to attend our most recent award luncheon, so we gave them their awards today. The Larry Bello Memorial Scholarship went to Valentin Acosta Flores. This award goes to a junior college student who is majoring in occupational education. Valentin is a graduate of Elsie Allen High School and has a 3.7 GPA at Santa Rosa Junior college. He is studying automotive technology and wants to someday own his own automotive shop. The second award was the John Brown Veteran Memorial Scholarship that goes to a college student who has served in the military. This award went to Scott Morgan. Scott is studying English and would like to be a teacher or go into the technology field. He currently has a 3.84 GPA. He was 20 years old when he joined the Air Force and served in Afghanistan, Italy and Iraq.

Vickie Hardcastle, Wayne Rowlands, Scott Morgan, Valentin Acosta Flores & Steve Olson
There will be a cookie baking party at Rosso’s on June 22nd so that the Giro Bello riders will get homemade cookies along the way. Woohoo!
Next week’s program is very special. Zabitullah Aimal will be enrolling in Rotary’s Peace Fellow Program this fall at the University of Bradford in England. He was born and raised in Afghanistan, worked as a military translator for our troops, came to the United States and got a degree at the University of Nevada, Reno and has been working as a lobbyist in Nevada since his graduation.

Speaker Thea Daniels
TODAY’S PROGRAM: Thea Daniels and What Your Hair Says About You
Thea Daniels is a long time hair dresser and trains others for careers in the hair industry. She spoke about how important it is for us to take care of our hair as it is one of those things that is a first impression when you meet people. So, what does your hair say about you? Most people see the same person for many years. Since you see this person every 4-12 weeks, they know more about you than just about anyone. They become, like a therapist. Your hair also says much about your health. Stress, hormones, weight gain and loss, thyroid, hereditary issues can cause hair loss. They also might spy a mole on your scalp that needs to be looked at by a doctor. Also, when you lose your hair during chemotherapy, remember that is a good sign. The chemo is working!
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini