DIGITAL EDITION No. 77 May 21, 2014 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program For May 28th
This meeting will be for members only.
June 4: 25-Year Anniversary of the Fall of Communism
June 11: Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Academy Awards
June 18: Applying the Science of Story to the Art of Communications
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President Peggy welcomed all present to the FINEST Rotary Club in District 5130. The pledge was led by Tim Delaney (We knew he could do it!) . Casey D’Angelo then gave the invocation which focused on item number 1 in the Rotary 4 Way Test: Is it the truth?
Casey used an example of a traveler who visited a village and asked an old fellow he spied, “I’m looking for a new home. Are the people in this village nice, pleasant people?” The old villager asked the traveler, “Well, how are the people in the village you are from?” The traveler replied that the people in his village were not very nice and definitely were not pleasant to be around. The old villager told him, “You will find our population much the same way, I’m afraid.” With that response, the traveler ventured on looking for a more pleasant village. Later, another traveler came into the village ran into the same old man. He asked, “ Are the people in this village nice, pleasant people?I am looking for a new home. The old man again asked, “How are the people in the village you are from?” The man responded that the people in his former village are nice and pleasant. The old man said, “Then you will find the people in this village the same way!” Moral of the story (I think) is: One person’s truth may be different than another person’s truth.

Rotarian John Kirkwood from Uganda
Ryan Thomas introduced us to the only visiting Rotarian on this day, but man, he came a long way to do a make up! Hailing from the Jinja Uganda club was John Kirkwood. And isn’t that what is great about Rotary?
Guests of Rotarians included: Michael Kallhoff’s guest, Melissa Dobar of the United Way of Wine Country and Michael Wilson, a prospective member who was introduced by Jose Guillen.
What are Rotarians doing to clean up the water at the Potosi Mines?
Penny Tibbetts reported that, like John Denver, she has nothing but sunshine on her shoulders. Those of you who don’t know who John Denver is, please ask someone over 40, but trust me – his records are probably in your mother’s record collection! Check your father’s collection for the Led Zeppelin records…..

Doug Johnson and Bart Eddy
Doug Johnson is a man of many hats and today’s hat is the one worn by the Raffle Presenter (Raffler?). Bart Eddy was unable to draw the correct card for the $111.00 prize, but walked away with $10.00. Thanks for playing, Bart!
President Peggy introduced the assembled masses to John Kirkwood, our visiting Rotarian from Uganda. Our President had met Mr. Kirkwood at the District Conference. Mr. Kirkwood spoke to us about scholarship programs that the Rotary Club of Jinja is providing to students. He stated that in Uganda, “no money, no education.” He is encouraging the help of other Rotary Clubs in providing scholarships.
President Peggy announced that next week, (May 28) we will be having a Town Hall Style Meeting here for our Rotary Club members only. The meeting will begin at 12:15 instead of 12:25 or 12:30. There will be no raffle or announcements or regular business. So, if you were going to bring a guest next week, please bring them at a future date. Some of the topics will be:
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- Pillow Fights
- recommendations for addressing conflict within the club
- ideas on how to achieve better communication
- how to get more members involved in club projects
- how do we strengthen the club and make it more fun
- (This last topic is open. Email me with your ideas for topics. If there is a hot one that comes in from many members, it will be added to the list. My email address is: [email protected]).
There will be sign-up sheets for those wishing to speak, ground rules, and time limits for each speaker. So, come with ideas, feedback, etc.
Don’t forget, the June 11th meeting is an evening Award Night with red carpet, and a delicious meal. Come dressed as if you were attending the Academy Awards and ready to have fun.

Peggy Sobranis with Rotarians of the Month Cathy Vicini and Debra Dorfman
President Peggy was pleased to announce that this month there are two! For their great work in staging a successful replacement social/fundraiser for Casino Royale, Debra S. Dorfman and Cathy Vicini were awarded the honor of Rotarian of the Month. The event raised nearly $5,000.00 and a great time was had by all.
Doug Johnson – Thanked all those who helped out last weekend at the Petaluma Rotary ride event. Through a reciprocal agreement, our club provided members to help set up the course and also manned a booth to promote our own ride. Our Giro Bello leader then announced that to date, we have received 545 registrations for Giro Bello and that registrations are coming in at a rate of about 10 per day. We are far ahead of last year’s pace and expect a very successful event. Doug pointed out that there are (at least) 130 volunteer positions that must be filled to make this event a success, which means that every member of the club should be involved. This is a FUN event and is our primary source of funds for the programs we love to fund. Everyone in the club should WANT to participate! Talk to Don McMillan the volunteer coordinator, Doug or anyone else on the GB Committee to see how you can help.

Outstanding student Emma Conoway
Debra Dorfman and Eileen Carlisle presented the final scholarship award of this Rotary year in the amount of $1,750.00 to Emilie “Emma” Conoway. This young woman impressed the committee with her work ethic and desire to move forward against the odds.
President Peggy kindly offered our membership the opportunity to ‘fess up to trips and transgressions for a paltry $10.00. For some reason, our benevolent (or guilty as charged) members offered up many times that amount.
Bill Rousseau (no doubt raiding his campaign war chest since he is running unopposed) donated $50 to the club for a skiing trip. Bill is a smart man, so why was he skiing “uphill”?
Casey D’Angelo celebrated 35 years of marital bliss by also contributing $50 to the club.
Mike Kallhoff proudly announced that his daughter joined the Rotary homerun derby started a couple of weeks ago by Greg Johnston and Ray Giampaoli’s sons, hitting one in her softball game. BTW, Mike’s other daughter was named Student of the Year at Rincon Valley Middle School! $25 to the club in their honor.
Rick Allen told a great story about visiting his 91 year old mother and her new 94 year old beau. $20 to the club for this heartwarming story of senior romance.
Jeff Gospe brought son Jacob and like father, Jacob arrived late. As usual.
Wally Lowery who appears to be financing a college education for all his grandkids announced that one graduates from UC Berkeley and one from CS Riverside this spring.
Penny Tibbetts announced that her son graduated Friday and started a job on Monday. That is efficiency!
Doug Chase has spent the last couple of months in South America an donated $100 to the club foundation.
Julia Parranto started a Paul Harris in the amount of $100 for her daughter Andrea who many of us met last week.
Will Haymaker paid $100 for his grandson’s PH celebrating a successful shoulder surgery.
President Peggy also levied fines to Roy Thylin for spending to much money restoring a classic Porsche. Roy donated $50 to the club and $100 for his son’s PH.

Mike Kallhoff
Today’s program featured our own Mike Kalloff President of the United Way of the Wine Country.
Mike shared that the United Way began some 127 years ago in Colorado. It began as a singular organization raising money for all non- profit benevolent organizations. As more and more of these organizations came into existence, UW found they could not support them all. UW began to fund “agency programs” rather than individual agencies in order to have more control of dollars spent. In 2010 United Way moved to a new model with focused funding on long term change.
Today, Mike is in charge of a five county district that roughly mirrors Rotary’s District 5130. His area includes: Sonoma, Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. His agency still runs a workplace campaign to generate funds. 1.2 million dollars was generated that is distributed to over 400 local agencies. UW invests in their own programs such as Schools of Hope, leads coalitions such as Earn it! Keep it! And also funds other organizations with the same goals as UW. Some of these include:
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- 10,000 degrees
- COT’s
- Catholic Charities
UW funds programs in all five counties that connect people to the resources they need. 2-1-1 is the number to call to be directed to the proper program. United Way also organizes a one day event where over 2,000 local residents take on a volunteer role at 40 different agencies in a Day of Caring.
Mike shared more details of a few programs including a 1:1 tutoring program for grades 1-3. In this Schools of Hope program, each student gets two 30 minute sessions with a volunteer tutor each week. It’s an especially effective program as 97% of students improve in their reading proficiency. In fact, that reading proficiency is 49% higher than classmates who do NOT receive tutoring. Mike detailed the Earn it! Keep it! Save it! Program that allows volunteers to be trained to provide free tax preparations services for low income individuals.
How to get involved? Mike encouraged our huddled mass to:
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- Give financial support
- Open your business doors to a workplace campaign
- Advocate – Tell others about the changes going on at United Way
- Volunteer – Become a reading tutor, tax preparer and/or participate in the Day of Caring.
Ticket Sales Assistant: Sonja Butler
Greeters: Robby Fouts and Ginny Cannon
Visiting Rotarians: Ryan Thomas
Ticket Collector: Ray Dorfman
Pledge: Tim Delaney
Invocation: 4-Way Test – Casey D’Angelo
Raffle: Doug Johnson
Do your givin’ while you’re livin’…
then you’ll be knowin’ where it’s goin’. – Ann Landers
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Peggy Soberanis, President Elect: Mark Burchill, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Bill Rousseau, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Ron D. Burton, member of the Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Governor, District 5130
Helaine Campbell, Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Matt Fannin, Jose Guillen, Doug Johnson, Nicole Le, Robert Pierce, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini