DIGITAL EDITION No. 126 May 20, 2015 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le
Our Program for May 27th:
When you look in the mirror do you appreciate who you see? Do you wake up grateful just be waking up? I hope so. Liking who you are whether it’s maintaining a confident side part or adding a splash of interesting color into your life builds a confident foundation for LIVING. When you walk into a room your image speaks for you before you ever open your mouth, and, when you leave you do it with a positive lasting impression.
Wednesday, June 3rd: Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation
Wednesday, June 10th: What is the Electric Car?
Wednesday, June 17th: Debunking of President Burchill
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Casey D’Angelo with the Invocation
Past President Bill Rousseau called the meeting to order.
Past President and District Governor Norm Owen led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Casey D’Angelo addressed the assembly with a thought about the 4 Way Test. “Is it fair to all concerned?” Casey noted that treating everyone exactly the same in the classroom and in life is not necessarily fair to all concerned because individuals all have different needs and abilities.
Ed Smith was the only visiting Rotarian today.
The following were guests at the meeting: Mathew Wong was a guest of Kris Anderson.
Troy Aldrich spent his last day as a guest before his induction into our club later in the meeting.

Robby Fouts did not win the raffle
Steve Baime presided over the raffle, which today amounted to a paltry $31. Robby Fouts was unable to draw the winning marble and received the $10 consolation prize.
In 2014, the all Stars Animal Clinic was started. Who was the driving force behind this medical endeavor? Article on page 23.

Troy Aldrich
Past President Will Haymaker presented Troy Aldrich with his red badge of courage for joining our little association of Rotarians. Troy was joined by his sponsor Rich de Lambert. WELCOME TROY!
Don McMillan and Doug Johnson tag-teamed on Giro bello announcements. Don thanked those who volunteered to help at the rest stop for the Petaluma Rotary Club’s ride. Doug then announced that so far, over 500 riders have signed up for our event which is a little more than a month away. We are slightly ahead of last year, so things are looking good BUT!!! We need all hands on deck to make this event a success.
Don McMillan is looking for volunteers to:
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- Help place arrows on the ride route on the 26th
- Work the rest stops the day of the event (June 27th)
- Work at the site Friday afternoon/evening on the 26th and on the 27th to perform a wide range of set up and tear down duties.
- Provide pop up shade structures and folding lawn chairs for riders to use while eating, relaxing and listening to music on the O’Reilly lawn after the ride.
And finally, a request was made for each Rotarian to bake 4 dozen homemade cookies (Don requested chocolate chip) to provide riders as a little special touch. 2,200 cookies will be needed.

Past President Bill Rousseau
Past President Bill offered a light $10 fine for true confession. For some reason, many Rotarians offered more, which is not a bad thing!
Rich De Lambert donated $20 for something this writer missed. Kevin Brown offered $20 for a Colorado trip. Chip Rawson ($20) and Darrel Horn ($25) each confessed to upcoming trips to Hawaii. Will Haymaker took a $10 trip to Yosemite. Don and Jackie McMillan are planning a trip to New York on July 7th and offered $20. Finally Bart Eddy proudly announced that he is a new Grandpa for $10. Congrats, Bart!
On Friday afternoon May 15th nine club members met at Memorial Hospital’s Life Learning Center to help stuff Mighty Mouth dental bags. In just under 2 hours they filled 2500 bags with a toothbrush and toothpaste, a timer, a sample bottle of fluoride rinse, a fun flosser, a sticker, and an educational pamphlet on healthy teeth habits – printed in both English and Spanish. These bags are distributed to participating elementary schools twice a year. Sonoma County reports that children’s dental health is its number one unmet medical need. Our Rotary Club has contributed $7500 over 2 years toward this program.”

Pictured left to right are: Dan Bornstein, Kris Anderson, Vickie Hardcastle, Kim Graves, Jackie McMillan, Kim Murphy, Robert Pierce, Dan Schell, and Jose Guillen.

Speaker Sarah Ferris with Will Haymaker
Past President Will Haymaker Introduced our guest speaker, Sarah Ferris. Sarah gave a splendid overview of Project Amigo that included a beautiful video showing how the project has successfully helped children in the sleepy Mexican village of Colima to attend grade school, high school and college. Most of these students would never be able to attend school without Project Amigo. Some of the students are now leaders in the community. Some of the students featured have become healthcare professionals and lawyers. One student is studying architecture.
Sarah shared her experiences volunteering in Colima and encouraged Rotarians to do the same. She then answered questions about what types of duties volunteers can perform and assured the club members that travel in that part of Mexico is safe.
Past President Bill called it a meeting by attempting to tell a joke and failing miserably.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini