DIGITAL EDITION No. 175   May 11, 2016  EDITOR: Layne Bowen   PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le

Our Program for May 18th:


Scott Holder pic copyRotarian Scott Holder, who has been the keynote speaker to several large corporations, will share his life altering experiences in Nepal with us on May 18th.   He was born and raised in Sonoma County and describes it as a place where God goes on vacation.

He met his wife Tricia in church at the age of 4 and got married a short 21 years later. (She had to mature some!) They have two daughters. Miranda is a D1 gymnast at the University of Davis and Brittany is a senior at Santa Rosa High. Scott has a branch office for Edward Jones, a career that spans over 22 years.

Scott has many passions. Too many according to his bride! An avid pilot, Scott is a member of the Angel Flight West group, an organization that flies those in medical need for treatments all over the state of California.  He is a former board member of the American Red Cross and is a member of the Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary club. He is a multiple Paul Harris fellow. Not a stranger to fund-raising, Scott raised over $20,000 for Polio on Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa and along with matching grants, crossed the $50,000 mark for his attempt on Mt Everest for the Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary Polio campaign

Scott began his climbing on the local California mountains and has been up Mt Shasta too many times to count. He began his pursuit of the 7 summits in 2011 with Aconcagua in South America. Everest would have been his 6th continent.

Come hear about Scott’s adventures in Nepal that began with a climb of Mount Everest, and ended with something completely different.



Wednesday, May 18th: The Nepal Earthquake: The One Year Anniversary
Wednesday, May 25th: Club Assembly: 2020 Santa Rosa Rotary
Wednesday, June 1st: Junior Grants Program


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Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Invocation by Jeanne Levin

Invocation by Jeanne Levin


Jeanne Levin shared the invocation.

President Doug noted that Jack Abercrombie is back with us today.


A new red badger Bill Crowley won the cash today, some  $200. Bill donated $20 to the club.


President Doug shared that 8 members of our club attended the District conference.  Our club won five awards, including: the Governors Award, Presidential award, Leadership awards. Jose stood up to point out that Doug is “under reporting” Doug’s leadership of our club, citing the New Gen program as a major leadership achievement. Doug shared the video he presented to the District and then shared the upcoming New Gen event this Saturday at Armstrong Grove.

Rotarian of the Month Richard Lazovick

Rotarian of the Month Richard Lazovick


Richard Lazovick was recognized as Co Rotarian of the Month for his work with Steve “Mahbergah” on the new IT Committee.


Doug noted that volunteers are needed to help with the upcoming Rose Parade and the Amgen Tour Giro Bello booth. Don McMillan is looking for volunteers to help the next day at the Back roads Challenge bike event. The Bocce tournament is also coming up.

Yale Abrams introduced former Giants pitcher and Santa Rosa business owner Noah Lowery to discuss Jr. Giants a non fee based program for ages 5-13 underprivileged kids. This is a strongly volunteer based program and they are looking for volunteers to coach and mentor these deserving kids.

Jeanne Levin gave a quick overview of our Rotary Foundation that ultimately funds our Rotary supported organizations and scholarships.

May Birthdays: Bob Higgs, Matt Fannin

May Birthdays: Bob Higgs, Matt Fannin


May birthdays were celebrated by Laura Held. Matt Fannin and Bob Higgs were recognized for doing nothing more than getting older.


We are starting to work on the 2016/2017 Club Roster Book. Please review your information for accuracy and send any changes to the Club Secretary. If you had a new photo taken, please forward this as well.

Thank you, Jack Abercrombie, Club Secretary [email protected]


Doug took a moment to recognize Norm Owen whose wife won $150 on the Kentucky Derby.



Kelsey and Luciana

Rotary Youth Exchange was featured in today’s program. Jeff Gospe introduced exchange student Luciana Talamas, an active, athletic Santa Rosa High student from Bolivia whose family has a history of student exchange programs.

Luciana shared a video about her country and her experience as an exchange student in Santa Rosa. She noted that most Bolivians are Spanish speaking Catholics. She described the 3 different regions which are lowlands, valleys and highlands. She shared photos of beautiful sites in Bolivia and also some Bolivian history with us. Luciana is from Santa Cruz, a city of 3 million. Luciana’s sister who is an exchange student is currently doing time in Nebraska.

Finally, Luciana shared her experience in California as well a trip to Hawaii she took with a host family.

Kelsey McCaffrey, a Maria Carrillo student, shared her experience as an outbound exchange student to Spain. Kelsey had only a few months to learn Spanish after finding out she’d be sent to Spain. Kelsey’s first host family had two sons and they treated her as a full family member.  Her 2nd host family had no children at home and took her to movies and lovely dinners. Kelsey still continues to communicate with her host families. Finally, Kelsey was able to travel with Spanish students to Ireland, her ancestral homeland.

The presentations shared by these students were inspiring and showed the incredible value of sponsoring exchange students.

Exchange students with Jeff Gospe, Larryb Miyano and Craig Meltzner

Exchange students with Jeff Gospe, Larry Miyano and Craig Meltzner



Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers

President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary

President Rotary International

K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka

Governor, District 5130

Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise

Attendance Secretary

Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770

Board of Directors

Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson