Next meeting
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Role of Money and Lobbying in Politics

Chris Rogers – Vice Mayor

Chris Rogers, Vice Mayor will talk about the Role of Money and Lobbying in Politics.

Elected as one of the youngest councilmembers in 2016 and subsequently appointed as the youngest mayor in Santa Rosa’s history in 2020, Rogers has demonstrated exceptional leadership on the City Council. Representing District 5, he has been instrumental in addressing key issues facing Downtown Santa Rosa, Railroad Square, St. Rose Historic District, and Luther Burbank neighborhoods.


Wednesday May 15: Isidora, Our Exchange Student From Chile
Wednesday May 22: International Committee
Wednesday May 29: Dark for 5th Wednesday

Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).


–> 5/8/24 – Redwood Empire Food Bank – 2nd Wednesday of the month.  The next one is this week: May 8th – 5 PM – 7 PM

–> The Giro Bello is just around the corner! June 29, 2024.  Register to reserve your spot for one of the most scenic and fun bike rides on the West Coast – Now with a new start and finish, the Luther Burbank Center in Santa Rosa.  Click here for more info and to register.

For pictures and descriptions of previous socials and other events click here.

For more details and additional events, see the Announcements section below.

More socials, projects, & events coming soon!

Opening the Meeting

This wasn’t just a meeting. This was the Lee Abramson Public Safety Awards! When Kris Anderson called me to come out of retirement to write about the program, I had no idea the pressure that would be waiting for me as I got to my first meeting in four months. Luckily for me, most things never change. (One thing that DID change was that Keven Brown was clean-shaven. I still haven’t recovered that change.) President Ann kicked off the meeting by inviting Rich Rossi up to give the pledge and the 4-way test even though poor Rich had scarfed down his lunch so he could roam the room taking photographs that we’ll all look back on in 10 years and remark how good we looked back then. Apparently, no one else was available.

After Rich got us through the pledges, our opening thought was delivered in song! Karen Ball got up there with the Rohnert Park Community Chorale and they sang a song called “Unsung Heroes.” At least, that’s what I think they said. I made the mistake of sitting far away from the sound system and couldn’t hear half of what was being said. At any rate, they sang a song that used the words “Unsung Heroes” a lot (which I assume was intentional) while Karen waved her hands profusely. It all sounded great. Kudos to the Chorale for setting the stage!

Visiting Rotarians and Guests

We had some distinguished visiting Rotarians this week as District Governor Tom Boylan decided our club was as good a place as any to celebrate his birthday. We then sang him a song that resembled Happy Birthday. Alongside Tom was Assistant Area Governor Marilyn Lira. It wasn’t her birthday so that’s the last we heard from her.

There were a lot of guests. So many. Too many. I did my best to keep up with the announcements so sue me if I didn’t get everyone. The ones I did see included Santa Rosa Mayor Natalie Rogers, Santa Rosa Council Member Jeff Okrepkie, Santa Rosa City Manager Maraskeshia Smith, Sonoma County District Attorney Carla Rodriguez, Santa Rosa Police Chief John Cregan, Santa Rosa Fire Chief Scott Westrope and Sonoma County Assistant Sherrif Mike Merchan.

Other guests included Gil Butler of the Bohemian Grove, Rick Allen’s wife Patricia, Terry Abrahms, Karen Ball’s guest Janine Shepherd and lots of people with guns and/or badges.


Ann reminded everyone that the District Conference is coming fast and will be held at Sally Tomatoes on May 17th and 18th. You should register today. Search through your emails to find the info and register you slacker!

Ray Giampoli, ever the guy to take advantage of a situation, saw a room full of new blood and made his pitch to support Giro Bello. There are three ways to this: First, Sponsorships. Second, Ride in the event. Third, Volunteer. I’m not sure if anyone listened but I appreciate Ray’s willingness to shill to a group of people with guns.

Public Safety Awards

Ann turned the meeting over to Craig Melzner who reminded us that Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self” closely aligns with what our Public Safety officials do every day. It is our pleasure to honor one representative of the Santa Rosa Police and Fire Departments as well as the Sonoma County Sherrif’s office each year and we have been doing so since 1995.

Also check out the write-up on the SR City website – click here

Here are our three heroes and why they were being honored. Thank you to all of our local public safety officers. We appreciate you!

Honorees David Kim, Hunter Sollem, & Bryan Creek. Click for more pictures the combined honorees and their sponsors.

Santa Rosa Fire Department

David Kim

Captain Kim joined the Santa Rosa Fire Department in January 2002 as a Firefighter.

Click for more pictures of David Kim

Captain Kim was nominated for his leadership and dedication to the Fire Department but also for being the part of several low frequency/high risk events this year.

In May of 2023 Captain Kim led Truck 1 as the Rapid Ascent Team to the unit of origin ultimately performing a successful rescue of the resident and her dog. In July 2023 Captain Kim led Engine 8 as the first arriving resource at a working structure fire in an apartment complex. Captain Kim performed the rescue of an unconscious child in the room of origin where the victim was cared for and transported to the hospital.

As impactful as the incidents that Captain Kim was involved in were, his humble leadership and dedicated work ethic stand out daily. David is an exemplary Fire Captain, leader, employee, and human being that we can all look up to and depend on. David’s loyalty to this community and organization are evident to everyone and is appreciated beyond words.

Santa Rosa Police Department

Hunter Sollom

Click for more pictures or Hunter Sollem

On 5/30/2023 at approximately 0517 hours, officers were dispatched to a home for a hysterical female screaming for help. She was clutching her 1-year-old daughter that was blue and appeared to be suffering a medical emergency. Neighbors knew the mother was a drug user and luckily one had Narcan and administered a single dose to the infant. Another resident began performing CPR on the infant. Officer Sollom was first on the scene and sprinted to the infant.

He readily identified the CPR being administered was for an adult and not a 1-year-old and pulled the resident away. Officer Sollom performed infant CPR for 45 seconds and the 1-year-old finally regained consciousness. The 1-year-old was transported to the hospital and is expected to make a full recovery.

Officer Sollom responded to a call for service that all officers dread. Due to his swift actions and heroic effort, he saved the life of a little girl. Officer Sollom is commended for his bravery and for reminding us all that any given shift can result in the ultimate call to action. Thank you!

Sonoma County Sherrif’s Department

Bryan Cleek

Click for more pictures of Bryan Cleek

Lieutenant Bryan Cleek was hired by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office in September of 1995. During his tenure with the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, Bryan has enjoyed numerous assignments as not only a member and Sergeant, but as a Lieutenant. These assignments include the Specialized Emergency Response Team, the Use of Force Team, and the Administrative Separation Unit. Bryan has also held additional Lieutenant responsibilities ranging the Classification Unit, Institutional Services, the Crisis Negotiation Team, Inmate Programs, as well as the Jail Based Competency Treatment program.

As of recent, Bryan has simultaneously managed the Classification Unit and Detention Planning and Research. For nearly 7 years as the Planning and Research Lieutenant, Bryan has managed multiple interior and structural improvement projects that positively impact our incarcerated persons as well as our staff. These projects include the Sonoma Adult Detention Behavior Health Unit, the Mental Health Module dayroom project, the RModule dayroom and security upgrade project, the F-Module dayroom upgrade project, the Video Management System project as well as the new state Courthouse and jail connection project.

Bryan embraces the service above self-philosophy. Bryan is happily married to his wife Sheena of 32 years; together they have three children, Trey 29, Drew 25, and Sage 22, as well as three grandchildren.

Additional Pictures:

Click on the picture below to see more great pictures from the meeting.

Click on the above picture to see moregreat pictures from the general meeting.


DIGITAL EDITION No. 546, May 1, 2024  WRITER: Matthew Henry PHOTOGRAPHER: Richard Rossi & Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick


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Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Governor, District 5130

Tom Boylan DG - 2023-2024

Tom Boylan DG – 2023-2024

Club President

President Ann Gospe 2023-2024


Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

Ann Gospe – President
Casey D’Angelo – President Elect
(awaiting confirmation) – President Elect Nominee
Kris Anderson – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Karen Ball – Treasurer
Robert Pierce – Sergeant At Arms
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
(Open) – Club Service – Club Meetings
Matthew Henry – Club Service – Fund Raising
Charlie Howard-Gibbon – Club Services – Local Service
(Open) – Club Service – Records and Outreach
(Open) – Member Involvement
(Open) — Community – Service – Youth
(Open) – Vocational Service
Scott Bartley – International Service
Paul Hamilton – Foundation Representative