DIGITAL EDITION No. 118 March 25, 2015 EDITOR: Julia Parranto PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program for April 1st:
This week’s program will be a presentation by Shuffle’s Magical Ice Cream Shoppe, where we create magic and memories, whether you are six years old watching your first magic trick, sixteen years old on your first date, or sixty and ready to feel like a kid again! Shuffle’s offers hand-crafted Ice Cream made with local ingredients, Magical Entertainment, Magician Supplies, fresh daily Baked Goods (specializing in gluten-free) Italian Ices, Ice Cream Cakes, Ice Cream Sandwiches, Smoothies, Magic Classes & Lessons, Novelty Gifts, as well as an event space for Birthday Parties.
Our speaker will be owner JP Scirica who will highlight his new business and entertain us with some magic! This will be a fun program that you will not want to miss.
Wednesday, April 8th: Susan Brints – Global Grants
Wednesday, April 15th: Golden Gate Bridge
Wednesday, April 22nd: Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
was given by Ginny Cannon who gave us three great inspirational quotes.
Our District Governor, Kevin Eisenberg, was here today with his lovely wife.
Julia Parranto introduced Bob Goodman, a retired has-been she met while trolling for new members on Facebook.
Eileen Carlisle announced that all is sunny.

Bill Hatcher
Bill Hatcher provided this week’s REM. Bill is Director of Club Service V, which covers Marketing/Public Relations, Historian, Bulletin, Website and Photography. Sounds like Marketing and Website could use some help. Anyone?
Will Haymaker saved us all by knowing the correct answer to the question about adult literacy in the U.S. Thanks, Will!
Shannon McConnell raised the bar by bringing a video showcasing her company, a local provider of internet services. If your business has more than 10 employees, talk to Shannon about bettering your internet experience.

Robby Fouts and Wayne Rowlands
Robby Fouts asked Peggy Soberanis to draw the winning ticket, but Wayne Rowlands could not come up with the winning marble.
The Second Annual Inter-Club Bocce Ball Tournament is coming, so get ready!
We have one more week to sign up for “Crazy for You”, a dinner and a show combo on Thursday, May 21, 2015. Bring a check to the next meeting if you want to join some great club members for an evening out. Tickets are $35 each.
Doug Johnson announced three upcoming important dates for the Giro Bello: on April 12th, we will go down to Marin County to canvas that location – we need about 8 to 10 people to make it work (beer is consumed thereafter at Lagunitas in Petaluma, so this’ll be fun!); on May 2nd is the Wine Country Century where we will be handing out flyers for the GB; and the Rotary Means Business Networking Meeting will be held at the new Trecini Winery Tasting Room in Santa Rosa on Thursday, April 2nd beginning at 5:30pm. Our very own Cathy Vicini will be our host. This will be a fun event. Rotarians and guests of Rotarians are welcome. Come to this wonderful event and network with your fellow Rotarians, share a glass of some of Sonoma County’s finest wines, and appetizers. A donation of $10 is requested at the door.
Jackie McMillan sent an announcement identifying a “Hands on Project Opportunity” coming soon. The Memorial Hospital Mighty Mouth Program has 5,000 dental bags (embolden with our Rotary logo) that need to be stuffed with various dental supplies. These bags will be handed out to elementary school children in Sonoma County. More information will be forthcoming later.

Kim Graves
DG Kevin Eisenberg was on hand to induct new Rotarian Kim Graves, in what was the longest Induction experienced in the last several years. Speculation was rampant that Kim paid off the DG to promote her business to the Club. In other news, Kim will have nothing new to tell us when she gives her craft talk.
Wayne Rowlands’ new internet based image based personality mapping business, Face Affinity, got some good news, and, as a result, Wayne is donating $6,000,000 to the Club!
Today’s program featured a talk by Judy MacDonald Johnston.

Speaker Judy NacDonald Johnson
Judy’s impact in Sonoma County has been largely outside of her professional field. She was the trustee for Jim and Shirley Modini who left their 1,725-acre Healdsburg ranch to ACR (Audubon Canyon Ranch). She was a neighbor of the Modini’s and became their caretaker.
After the Modinis passed on, Judy gave a short TED talk in 2013 on how to have a good end of life, and for a while she was fully occupied with the communications that talk inspired. She is now “back to business” and talked about what she has learned about how the unexpected turns in our personal lives can intersect and enhance our professional lives.
Judy is resurrecting a business she had which involves a pre-school reading program that is subscription based and allows a child to more easily learn to read.
RCSR History: 1925 Articles from the Press Democrat
by Mark Burchill, President 2014-2015
(These are summaries of Press Democrat articles that featured the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa. The first article covers the earliest news stories in our files. One each from 1922, 1923, and early 1925.)
February 18, 1925
The plans for the Ladies Night next week are firming up. A ruling was passed that, on that evening, every member of the club is to bring either his wife, mother, or sweetheart. The evening will include a dinner, with dancing between courses, the music being furnished by a five piece orchestra. Rotarians will sing songs made famous at Rotary dinners.
The principal speaker at today’ luncheon has as his topic “Rotary, Past, Present, and Future.” He told of the early efforts of the club, and the manner in which the first meetings were conducted. The club was more formal, and lacked the fellowship which is an important factor today.
Rotary can be summed in three divisions, the speaker declared. These are Friendship and Fellowship, for which the club was primarily organized, because men were lonesome and wanted to enlarge their acquaintance. Second is the desire of Rotairans today to do something for the good of the community. Third is the business methods and business ethics of the club member.
February 24, 1925
Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Rotary International and the 3rd anniversary of the founding of the local organization, members of the Rotary Club and their ladies gathered at a colorful dinner dance in the ballroom of the Occidental Hotel.
At the close of the seven-course dinner, Carl Bundschu presented President Cockburn with a large cake with the words “Rotary International 1925” on the top. After a lengthy address of acceptance, Cockburn started to cut the cake and found it to be made of three well frosted pie pans. Much merriment was created by the incident.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini