DIGITAL EDITION No. 165 March 2, 2016 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le
Our Program for March 9th:
It is time once again for the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa to honor our Past Presidents. Come join your fellow Rotarians for conversations and words of wisdom from those who have helped guide our club, and other clubs, over the past years. This is a special day, honoring some very special people. We hope you’ll join us.
Our Past President Mark Burchill will be the Master of Ceremonies.
Wednesday, March 16th: Copperfields (St. Rose Conference Center)
Wednesday, march 23rd: Senator Mike McGuire: The Issues We Care About
Wednesday, March 30th: Charitable Grants Recipients
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
This will go down as the chaos meeting. Nothing horrible, mind you, but it was mildly amusing to see all the scrambling. First, Sally Tomatoes forgot that we were at St Rose today. Oops! Fortunately those who get there early to set up were able to contact Sally Tomatoes and we got lunch, a little late, but not too late. Microphones and audio visual were a bit problematic too. To quote President Doug, “Has the debunking begun?”
This bulletin writer was still in line to get lunch when the program started. Roy Thylin led us in the Pledge, but I do believe Ginny Cannon did the invocation.
Thank goodness visitors are supposed to sign in, so as I was juggling my lunch I figured I would just pick up the sign in sheets at the end of the meeting. Today’s visitors were: Del Raby and Warren Smith from the Sunrise Club, Barb Spangler from Valley of the Moon, and Chris Donhost from Vacaville. Our other visitors were Steve Ripple, Noel Glad and Mikki Cardoza. Mikki is interested in joining our club! Of course our speaker today was Jeff Weber, the public affairs officer for Keysight Technologies.

Anne Gospe Raffle loser
Robby Fouts said that there were still 9 marbles in the bag for the raffle. Ann Gospe’s number was pulled but she did not win. The $30 rolls over to next week.
Sunshine Report
Shari Shamsuvari’s mom is in rehab after heart surgery. Eileen Carlisle’s brother has started chemotherapy for his cancer.
Listen up! Mass Quantities of Announcements!
- The proposed March 5th dinner with Tony Roehrick has been canceled due to lack of participants.
- The March 12th dinner at Casey D’Angelo’s is on and there is room for a few more. $50 and it goes to Polio Plus. Contact Casey for details.
- Layne Bowen is hosting a cigar and whiskey sharing fund raiser for Polio Plus on Friday March 18th from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (or 7 or 8….) on his patio. The cost is $20 as a donation to Polio Plus, two cigars (one for you and one to share) and a bottle of whiskey, scotch or other preferred spirits to share (OK, President Doug, you can bring a six pack of Miller Lite (if you must). A drawing will be held for a fine bottle of 12 year old Bowmore Scotch. Please RSVP to Layne. This is an outdoor event, so if it is raining, it will be rescheduled.
- District Assembly is Saturday April 9th. The cost to attend the workshops is $50 but the club will reimburse you the cost. This is a fantastic event for anyone new in the club and for us old timers who want to make sure we are up-to-date in all things Rotary. We do carpool and they feed us well!
- Julia Parranto needs help on Saturday March 19th to help distribute Giro Bello posters in Marin County bike shops. They need 5 more to help Julia, Don McMillan and Ginny Cannon. After they finish, they usually stop for a beer at Lagunitas.
- On May 7th our club will have a booth at the Wine Country Classic at the Wells Fargo Center (which will be returning to its original name, Luther Burbank Center for the Arts, on March 12, 2016 – for the story of the renaming, follow this link: They need 8 people every 2 hours starting at 9:00 am and ending at 5:00 pm to hand out Giro Bello flyers.
- On May 21st we need several people to hand our Giro Bello fliers at the Amgen Tour of California event in downtown Santa Rosa. They can use 2 people every 2 hours starting at 9:00 am.
- On May 22nd, twelve people will be needed to staff a rest stop for the Petaluma Rotary Club’s Backroads Challenge biking event at its Tomales Bay location (next to Nick’s Cove Restaurant) from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
- Rotoract is having a bowling night at Double Decker Lanes in Rohnert Park on March 6th. The cost is $30 at the door.
- Santa Rosa East Rotary Club is having a St. Patrick’s Day dinner at the Friedman Event Center on March 19th at 5:00 pm. Please see the District 5130 website for the flier and details.
- SCARC will be hosted by the West Club on March 31st at Sally Tomatoes. Cost is $45.
- Keven Brown, along with Yale Abrams and Eileen Carlisle have invited us all for a Symphony fund raiser on March 24th at John Ash for music in the schools.
- Matt Fannin says we had 33 guests at last week’s meeting! He asked that those who brought a guest to please follow up with them to encourage them to join Rotary.
Greg Johnston-a special rare appearance
Greg Johnston has moved his AJ Printing Company to a new location on N. Dutton. Rumor has it that AJ Printing is hosting a chamber social this coming month at the new location.
- Shari Shansuvari has completed her Paul Harris and has officially retired as of February 5th.
This week’s speaker: Jeff Weber from Keysight Technologies
Jeff is the public affairs officer from Keysight Technologies. His background is in journalism. Keysight started in 1939 as a part of Hewlett Packard. They came to Sonoma County in 1972 and to the present location on Fountaingrove Blvd in 1975. In 1999 they were split off from Hewlett Packard as Agilent Technologies. In 2014 they were again split off and became Keysight Technologies.

Speaker Jeff Weber
Keysight is the number one electronic test measurement company in the world. They have 10,252 employees worldwide. In Santa Rosa, the corporate headquarters, they have about 1200 employees. 400 of those jobs are in manufacturing, plus another 400 contract employees.
They specialize in communications, industrial, computer, semi-conductor, aerospace and defense industries. To quote one of the slides, “We bring break-through electronic products to market faster and at lower cost.”
Keysight is committed to being a good corporate citizen. They have committed over $100 million into the Santa Rosa facility over the last few years. They are committed to staying in Sonoma County.
Keysight believes in volunteerism and philanthropy. Employees are allowed time to volunteer every month. Time is spent in the local schools teaching the kids about science, technology, engineering and math so that today’s kids just might want to pursue those areas for a career in the future.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Governor, District 5130
Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson