DIGITAL EDITION No. 117 March 18, 2015 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program for March 25th:

Judy Johnston MacDonald
Today we will be meeting Judy MacDonald Johnston.
Judy’s impact in Sonoma County has been largely outside of her professional field. She was the trustee for Jim and Shirley Modini who left their 1,725-acre Healdsburg ranch to ACR (Audubon Canyon Ranch).
After the Modinis passed on, Judy gave a short TED talk in 2013 on how to have a good end of life, and for a while she was fully occupied with the communications that talk inspired. She is now “back to business” and plans to share with the Rotary Club what she has learned about how the unexpected turns in our personal lives can intersect and enhance our professional lives.
Wednesday, April 1st: Shuffle’s Magical Ice Cream Shoppe
Wednesday, April 8th: Susan Brints – Global Grants
Wednesday, April 15th: Golden Gate Bridge
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Paige Amormino runs our meeting
Presiding: President Mark introduced us to Cardinal Newman Interact President Paige Amormino and her Interact President Elect Daphne Bradley. Paige then presided over the meeting from here……
Pledge by Paul Hamilton
Invocation: Mike Kallhoff gave the invocation
None present.
Steve Baime, guest of Steve Olson; Charlie Hummel, guest of Jack Atkin and a long time friend from Indiana; prospective member Kim Graves, guest of President Mark (I apologize if I missed anyone else.)

Bill Hatcher and Blaine Goodwin
The Raffle was led by Blaine Goodwin. Bill Hatcher had the right ticket but drew the wrong marble. $10 consolation prize.
What percentage of Americans ages 16 to 30 have read a book in the past year?
President Mark – March 25th is the deadline to purchase your tickets for the Gershwin show “Crazy Bout You” at 6th Street Theatre. The group of Rotarians will also meeet for dinner prior to the show.
Doug Johnson – Encouraged members to attend the District Assembly. Our Club will pay $50 for expenses.
Yale Abrams – The club will do a Hands On project on April 11th from 9am-noon finishing the Laguna Foundation Place to Play project. It will be followed up with a pizza party.
President Paige described her role as president of Cardinal Newman High School’s Interact Club.
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- President is elected in Spring
- Club does beach cleanups at Healdsburg on the Russian River and at Salmon Creek
- Helps at the Redwood Empire Food Bank
- Interact aides students at Cardinal Newman in identifying and completing their own community service projects.
- Paige works with CA Association of Student Councils

Daphne Bradley
Daphne Bradley told us that her project idea is to have seniors help younger class members in planning projects when they become seniors. She is active in Kids Street and is also planning a 6 week trip to the Philippines.
The following Rotarians confessed their trips and transgressions raising money for Interact:
President Mark – $20
Paul Hamilton – $50
Robby Fouts – $50
Ted Wilmsen – $25
Tim Delaney – $25
Wally Lowry – $25

Guest speaker from Wells Fargo Center
Wayne Rowlands introduced our speaker, Wells Fargo Center Executive Director, Richard Nowlin.
Mr. Nowlin shared some slides of changes that have been made to the seating, stage and sound system that allow the WFC to feature amplified shows in contrast to the Green Center which features acoustic shows. This allows both music halls to have a place and work in conjunction rather than in competition with each other.
Mr. Nowlin also described the many programs the WFC supports to provide musical instruments to schools in the area, educational programs, theatrical stage presentations and other visual arts.
Editor’s Note: While cleaning out our club’s storage locker, President Mark found a cornucopia of historical information about our club from the mid 1920’s. This is one in a series of stories about the early history of the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa.
RCSR History: 1922-25 Articles from the Press Democrat
by Mark Burchill, President 2014-2015
(These are summaries of Press Democrat articles that featured the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa. The first article covers the earliest news stories in our files. One each from 1922, 1923, and early 1925.)
October 12, 1922
Summary: Rotary Club condemns interference in building of new high school. Substantial debate on the new city charter. Rotary Club also says that City of Santa Rosa must end free water, in order to reduce the deficit in the city budget (poor copy, hard to read, cannot quote verbatim)
January 26, 1923
Headline: Rotary Club to Manage the Rose Parade
January, 1925
Louis Demeo recited Lincoln’s Gettysburg address in a most pleasant manner, while RF Bjorn gave Swedish dialect stories which delighted the big gathering. The meeting all around was the most enjoyable in months.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini