Next Meeting is via Zoom
Wednesday March 24, 2021
Our Local PBS and NPR Stations
Darren LaShelle
Darren LaShelle will give an overview of Northern California Public Media (NorCal), a nonprofit TV and radio station, broadcasting since 1984. He will provide history and background on the station, noting a period of growth that continues to this day. LaShelle will also discuss the relationship between NorCal and other Bay Area PBS/NPR stations, similarities, and differences, and the environmental media work NorCal is best known for. He will conclude with a Q and A session.
–> Debi will send you the Zoom login link for the 12:00 meeting. Feel free to put your feet up, grab a sandwich, and join the meeting. <–
All in-person meetings are currently on hold. Instead, we will be holding online meetings using Zoom. Please be on the look out for an email with the link from either Jeff or Debi.
Wednesday March 31: Ceres Project
Wednesday April 7: Past President’s Day – Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum
Wednesday April 14: Provident St. Joseph Community Health Investments
Wednesday April 21: Rotary’s Environmental Protection Focus
Wednesday April 28: COVID in Sonoma County
Keep checking back. New Programs coming soon!
Keep checking back. New socials coming soon!
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Watch The Meeting: Did you miss the meeting? Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
Click Here
Please note it is only available to view until 3/28/21
Opening Ceremonies:
Former President Jose O’Guillen, filling in for President Jeff Kolin today, wished everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
Pledge and Reflection:
Steve Baime led us in the pledge and read us some fun Irish Proverbs.
Visiting Rotarians:
Will Haymaker, Jackie McMillan, and Jennie Herring. Jennie was visiting from District 9920 – Auckland, New Zealand! She is a former district governor, current foundation chairperson, director for their magazine “Rotary Down Under,” and a vice governor. District 9920 is the largest maritime district in the world.
Sunshine Report:
President Jeff Kolin’s wife is having ankle surgery today in Los Angeles. Looks like Cecil Humes is recovered from his fall off his bike.
Paul Harris Raffle:
Julia Parranto won the 2nd prize – a bottle of Napa County wine. Twice her name was pulled for the $1000 prize, but she declined. Ultimately Doug Chase got it!
Hop to it for Hunger: We sold 92 bags of beer netting about $2500. Diane said more was available, so Julia Parranto, Craig Meltzner, Paul Hamilton, Jose Guillen, Peter Holewinski, Bill Hatcher, and Cecil Humes all bought at least I bag. Looks like another $450 for the Food Bank! Also, we collected 230 lbs. of food. Diane thanked everyone who assisted in making this project a success. Next year we will do it again.
Ham and Easter baskets will be our project at the Salvation Army next week, Wednesday March 24th from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. So, head to the Salvation Army right as next week’s meeting is ending.
On April 1st, we will have another opportunity to bag food at the Food Bank. Charlie Howard-Gibbon should have the sign up emailed out from the Food Bank Soon.
Everyone was encouraged to consider signing up for Rotary Direct (through for auto-donations to RI Foundation. This is one of our District Grant goals and our club currently has the lowest number of participants. We can do better.
District Assembly is Friday April 16th and on Saturday April 17th. The email from DGE Dustin Littlefield came out this morning at 6:42 am on Wednesday, March 17. If you are serving as a board member, a committee head or just want to know more about Rotary it is really a good idea to attend. It is free and is great training for all things Rotary. Ask anyone who has gone before.
Today’s Guest Speaker:
Mary-Francis Walsh, Executive Director for NAMI Sonoma County
NAMI is our local resource for all things in mental health. What they do: They operate a help line (866)960-5264 for anyone needing support education and help. They have classes, counseling, and training. They offer support to those with mental illness and their families. They have all kinds of information, resources, and referrals. Mental illness affects thinking, feeling, behavior and/or mood. It is very common but can deeply impact daily life. It is caused by multiple factors. It is no one’s fault, and recovery is possible. Common signs in adults: excessive worrying or fear, feeling excessively sad or low, extreme mood changes, prolonged irritability, or anger, avoiding friends and social activities, difficulties relating to other people, changes in sleep and eating patterns, difficulty perceiving reality, multiple physical ailments without causes and intense concern with appearance. In children it can be changes in school performance, excessive worry and anxiety, hyperactive behavior, frequent nightmares, aggression, or tantrums. Many conditions are common, like anxiety. 1 in 5 adults will have a mental illness starting as early as 14. 1in 20 adults will have a serious mental illness by age 24. 1 in 6 children (17 and younger) will have mental illness. It is not uncommon that mental illness will not be detected for up to 11 years. 50% of mental illness is anosognosia, when a person is mentally ill but unaware of their condition. Over 50% of the mentally ill also have a substance abuse. 90% of suicides have a mental illness. Suicide thoughts are treatable symptom. Suicides are up 35% since 1999. It varies from state to state but more rural states, like Wyoming, have higher rates than urban areas like New Jersey. Men are 4 times and transgender people 12 times more likely to commit suicide. The ripple effect of mental illness affects all of society. 2 in 5 people in jails have mental illness. 1-4 people shot by police have mental illness. Covid has made mental illness worse. Intervention is key.
Next week’s Program:
Darren La Shelle, KRCB TV and radio station.
Jose O’Guillen closed the meeting with the following Irish proverb: “May your day be touched by a bit of Irish luck, brightened by a song in your heart, and warmed by the smiles of the people you love.”
Program Slides:
Additional Pictures:
Governor, District 5130
Doug Johnson
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Club Service I, Membership, Julia Parranto
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Diane Moresi
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Pete Lescure
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe
DIGITAL EDITION No. 399 March 17, 2021 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick