Next meeting
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Development Manager for Community Matters
Maximilian Buschman
Community Matters is a nonprofit focused on creating positive changes in schools and communities and has been around for 25 years. Their programs work to reduce bullying and foster safer learning environments within the school systems across Sonoma County and beyond.
Max will present a compelling perspective on these matters that affect our community. They are particularly passionate about empowering youth, promoting positive school climates, and building stronger, more inclusive communities.
Wednesday March 26: Rebirth Of The Boys And Girls Club
Wednesday April 2: Past President’s Day
Wednesday April 9: Past District Governor – Running With The Bulls
Wednesday April 16: 1906 Earthquake
Wednesday April 23: tbd
Wednesday April 30: 5th Wednesday – Club Dark – Social
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
Giro Bello – July 12, 2025 – An annual tradition and our club’s main fundraiser, this ride is a great way to see beautiful Sonoma County, and is attended by riders from all over the Bay Area, and beyond.
Upcoming Board Meetings and Socials:
March 20: Fireside Chat at Kim Murphy’s Home 5:30pm
March 27: Our Club hosts SCARC at Iron and Vine Restaurant (Time TBD)
April 4: Multi- Club Social at Ferguson Observatory 6:00 – 10:00om (see flyer below)
April 7: Monthly Board Meeting. 4:00pm at the YMCA
May 6 & May 28: Roseland College Prep and Roseland University Prep both have Portfolio Days where their graduating seniors can showcase their best work for community panels. This is a great project for Rotarians to help out in the community. Please see flier for more information and to sign-up to help.
Upcoming District/International Events:
March 22 – April 1: Festival of Brotherhood in Mexico
April 5: District Assembly in Ukiah 8:30am-3:00pm Carpooling encouraged
April 19: Ell River Expo Fortuna River Lodge 12:00 – 4:00pm
May 2-3 District Conference in Fortuna. Stay tuned for more information
June 21-24: International Convention in Calgary Canada
Upcoming District Socials at Other Clubs
March 22: Petaluma Sunrise Rotary Poker Tournament Fundraiser
April 4: Multi-Club Social at Ferguson Observatory 6:00-10:00
April 12: Rotary Club of Windsor Evening in Seville Fundraiser
April 29: Rotary Club of Ukiah is celebrating their 100th anniversary at the Broiler Steak House in Redwood Valley
May 13: Rohnert Park Cotati Club has Bunco Night Tournament, 6:OOpm atSallyTomatoes.
More socials coming soon.
For more details and additional events, see the Announcements section below.
For pictures and descriptions of previous socials and other events click here.
More socials, projects, & events coming soon!
Rotaract Fund Raiser
if anyone would like to donate money to GRA (Global Rotaract Alumni Club) they can donate the money on the GOSC site and include a note that it is for GRA. This would help us tremendously to continue growing as a club and be able to conduct larger scale projects. Here is the donation link: Donate Now – Global Offsite Care
Opening The Meeting
Rotary Recap – March 12, 2025
Well, folks, we opened the meeting with President Casey once again proving he knows how to wield a microphone with authority (and no need to reboot it three times like the old days). He handed things off to Doug Chase for the Pledge, the Four-Way Test, and a very tactile Opening Thought that involved… props!
Doug came in hot with a jar full of golf balls, which, much like my calendar, looked full until I remembered I still had to do my taxes. He proceeded to add pebbles, then sand, then coffee into the jar, reminding us all that:
1. Family and friends = golf balls (the important stuff)
2. Jobs and responsibilities = pebbles (still matters, but chill)
3. The rest = sand (scrolling Instagram, checking fantasy baseball scores, etc.)
And finally, no matter how packed your life is, there’s always room for coffee. Amen.
Guests & Visiting Rotarians
We had just one visiting Rotarian, Chris Lorange from the Healdsburg Sunrise club, who came to promote their bike ride fundraiser. He also wore a hat that screamed, “I own padded bike shorts.”
Our speaker was Carlos Perez, introduced by Ray Giampaoli, who came to talk about the Levi’s Gran Fondo (spoiler: it’s not a denim-themed wine tasting).
Sunshine Report
Ginny reported… nothing. And honestly, that’s the kind of sunshine we like. As Bill put it: no news is good news.
Opportunity Drawing
Karen Ball ran the drawing and tried to make it exciting with $118 in the pot and only 5 marbles left (4 bad, 1 blue one that actually matters). She had Carlos draw the ticket, and TED WON. AGAIN. I’m starting to suspect Ted has a deal with the marble gods. Alas, he pulled a yellow marble and settled for $10. Casey immediately tried to guilt him into putting it into the Polio pail. Classic Casey.
Kevan Brown was on hand to celebrate March birthdays, which included only two brave souls: Robby Fouts and Rick Allen. Robby serenaded the group with what can only be described as a throat-clearing jazzy hum. We all clapped politely, unsure if it was over. Kevan, ever generous, gave Corrick’s gift certificates as presents, and in recognition of this ongoing generosity, he was named Rotarian of the Month. Way to go, Kevan! Now go restock your store.
Announcements Rapid-Fire Edition
• Sol Yoga: We’re donating $5,000 to bring yoga into elementary schools. Because nothing says “peace” like 2nd graders holding downward dog for 5 seconds before collapsing into giggles.
• Dolly Parton Imagination Library: We’re in! $7,500 to make sure all kids under 5 in Sonoma County get free books. Look out neighbors—you’re getting a registration form whether you want it or not.
• Fireside Chat: April 17th. Bring your deep thoughts.
• SCARC Meeting: March 27th at Iron & Vine. If you don’t sign up, Casey will find you.
• Student Portfolio Panels: Roseland U Prep and Roseland Collegiate Prep need your wisdom. Ann raved about last year’s experience, so you know it’s legit.
• District Assembly: April 5th in Ukiah. Register now. The club will reimburse you if you survive the drive.
• April 30th Social: No regular meeting, but we’re heading to Shone Farm for wine tasting from 4:30–6:30. I repeat, wine tasting. RSVP or miss out.
Recognition Time
Rich Rossi was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow by Doug Landin. Rich has taken more pictures of us than most wedding photographers and heads up our Giro Bello bike ride. He received his Paul Harris Level 1, which I assume means “you’ve donated a lot and still show up to meetings.” Thanks, Professor Rossi!
Bike Ride Palooza
Chris Lorange came back up to talk more about his club’s revived bike ride fundraiser. Four routes from 20 to 100 miles, ending at Bacchus Landing (which sounds like a winery and not a crash site). Four rest stops, fancy French snacks, and—wait for it—a raffle! For just $25, you might win:
1. Gift cards to top Healdsburg restaurants
2. A winery overnight stay with tasting
3. The satisfaction of supporting Rotary (no receipt required)
Guest Speaker: Carlos Perez, Bike Monkey
Carlos hit us with some impressive stats about the Gran Fondo:
• Started in 2009 with local cycling legend Levi Leipheimer
• Over $3.65 million raised for charity
• This year’s ride is April 19th with a $156,000 prize purse
• 7,500 riders. Seven different routes. One called “The Growler” that climbs 13,000 feet over 137.5 miles
• A story of an 8-year-old named Luke Lamperti who finished in the top 30. Now he’s one of the top young pros in the U.S. My 8-year-old self was mostly into Goldfish crackers and Ninja Turtles.
• Two-day festival on Windsor Town Green with food, vendors, and drone-streamed racing action
• Their new motto: The Biggest. The Richest. The Goodest. (Not a typo. That’s the motto.)
Carlos is passionate about bringing road cycling back to Sonoma County, and after hearing him talk, I might just get back on my bike. You know, once I find it. And maybe after a nap.
Closing Notes
The sun may not have been shining outside, but inside the Rotary room, we were all glowing with inspiration (and a healthy fear of Carlos’s biking stats). See you next week—unless Ted wins the raffle again. In which case, I’m starting an investigation.
DIGITAL EDITION No. 582, March 12, 2025 WRITER: Matthew Henry PHOTOGRAPHER: Rich Rossi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
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Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Governor, District 5130
Club President
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Casey D’Angelo – President
Kim Murphy – President Elect
Peter Holewinski – President Elect Nominee
Ann Gospe – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Andrea Geary – Treasurer
Robert Pierce – Sergeant At Arms
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
Rich Rossi – Club Service – Public Image
Heather Thurber – Club Services – Local Service
Kim Murphy – Club Service – Club Administration
Rick Allen – International Service
Mary Graves – Foundation Representative