DIGITAL EDITION No. 116 March 11, 2015 EDITOR: John Poremba PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program for March 18th:
!!This meeting will be held at the St. Rose Business Center!!
Come to the club meeting this week and learn about things that are happening at the Wells Fargo Center for the Arts. Founded in 1981, the non-profit Wells Fargo Center for the Arts is the North Bay’s premier Arts Center presenting world-class performances, nationally recognized education programs, contemporary visual arts, and many popular community events.
Richard Nowlin, Executive Director will be doing the presentation.
Wednesday, March 25th: Modini Legacy in Healdsburg
Wednesday, April 1st: Shuffle’s Magical Ice Cream Shoppe
Wednesday, April 8th: Susan Brints – Global Grants
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
President Mark Burchill called the meeting to order.
Robby Fouts led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Yale Abrams addressed the assembly with a thought for the day by quoting three past US presidents.
Ed Smith from the Russian River Rotary Club.
The following were guests at the meeting:
Sandy Handley, former Rotarian
Rachel Meltzner, daughter of Rotarian Craig Meltzner
Terry Abrams, wife of Rotarian Yale Abrams
Steven Baime, Insurance
Richard Lazovick, i tech tutor
Rob Lichau, Clothing and Apparel Decoration
Eileen Carlisle reports that according to her sister, Pam Williams, former Rotarian Genie Delles is cancer free.

Paul Hamilton and Craig Meltzner
Paul Hamilton facilitated the raffle. Rotarian Craig Meltzner was the winner of the $248 jackpot.
Kim Graves, corporate sales
Sponsored by: Doug Johnson
Rotarian Debi Zaft asked who is the current Rotary International President. Past President Norm Owen gave the correct answer. The current Rotary International President is Gary C.K. Huang.
Pete Lescure is the president of Lescure Engineering, Inc., a civil engineering firm that assists property owners, realtors and government agencies with their civil engineering needs. They assist property purchasers to ensure due diligence is completed on property transactions and assist owners in the building process. Lescure Engineering also works with municipalities in planning, engineering and surveying.

Dr. Kemmelagha of Nigeria is sitting to the left of Richard Allen
On March 10, 2015, our world community serviced committee voted to participate in an International Telemedicine Project in combination with Sebastopol Sunrise, Sebastopol Noon, Santa Rosa Sunrise, and Rancho Cotati clubs. This is a combined effort with the Rotary club in Yenagoa, Nigeria, and will help develop online medical consultation between western doctors and doctors in Nigeria.
Dr Kemmelagha, the main doctor from Nigeria coordinating the project, was visiting the Rancho Cotati club the evening of March 10, 2015 and Richard Allen was able to attend that meeting. Along with Dr Kemmelagha, Mary Graves and Alice Kibwa, former members of our club, and 2 member of the Sonoma State University Rotaract Club, attended the meeting. The group was thrilled to hear that our club would participate in this important project to help save lives in areas of the world that are underserved by modern medical care.

Peggy Soberanis
Immediate Past President Peggy Soberanis continues to serve the local Rotary Club. She serves on the Finance Committee, chairs the Past President’s Annual Program, chairs the De-bunking Committee and participates on the President’s Circle.
President Mark announced the Club is planning a night at the theater for May 21, 2015. Everyone is invited to join their fellow Rotarians and enjoy a new Gershwin musical play, “Crazy for You” being performed at the 6th Street Playhouse. Tickets are $35 per person. Interested Rotarians should contact Karen Ball or Mark Burchill. Reservations need to be made by March 31st.
Doug Johnson announced that the District Assembly will be held on Saturday, March 21st in Ukiah. Rotarians are encouraged to attend. The Santa Rosa Club will cover the attendance costs. Interested Rotarians should contact the Club Secretary Jack Abercrombie.
The Giro Bello is only 3 months away. There still is plenty of work to be done if we are to have a successful fund raiser. Rotarians are encouraged to please become engaged in this important event. If you are interested in participating to make this fundraiser a success please contact Doug Johnson or Don McMillan.
A reminder that next week’s meeting, March 18th, will be held at the St Rose Business Center.
Elizabeth Karbousky thanked all the Rotarians for their generosity in providing a start to her new daughter’ s saving account. Elizabeth and her husband Kevin matched the club’s contribution and were able to start a college fund in the amount of $2,000.
Robert Pierce donated $25 to the club for the picture of his dancing prowess.
As has been the tradition in our Club, the past presidents are honored at an annual meeting. Immediate Past President Peggy Soberanis hosted this year’s program and introduced the following Past Presidents who were in attendance:
Bill Pedersen 1965-66
Ed Anderson 1970-71
Bob Stone 1983-84
Wally Lowry 1991-92
Charley Niles 1993-94
Steve Olson 1994-95
Norm Owen 1996-97
Jeanne Levin 1998-99
Joel DeSilva 1999-2000
Will Haymaker 2002-03
Barbara Beedon 2003-04
Yale Abrams 2004-05
Steve Marburger 2000-01 (Sante Fe, NM)
Debi Zaft 2006-07
Kathleen Archer 2008-09
Fred Levin 2009-10
Marnie Goldschlag 2011-12
Bill Rousseau 2012-13

Bob Stone, Charlie Nile and Yale Abrams with Nona Lucas, Peggy Sobranis and Ginny Cannon
Kathleen Archer donated $25 to the John Brown Scholarship Fund in celebration of her son’s newly found employment.
Marnie Goldschlag donated $60 to the Club for the last three trips she took.
Stephan Passalacqua donated $50 to his Paul Harris to celebrate his daughter’s birthday.
Wally Lowry donated the minimum to the Club in honor of his granddaughter’s hiking the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada.
Will Haymaker requested that Fred Levin donate $25 to the Club since Will brought him into the Club.
Craig Meltzner donated $100 to the John Brown Scholarship Fund to celebrate his daughter’s new job in California.
Elizabeth Karbousky donated $100 to her Paul Harris in honor of her new baby daughter.
President Mark closed the meeting with a last reminder that next week’s meeting will be held at St Rose Business Center.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini