Next meeting
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Vision For The Year
Ann Gospe
President Ann Gospe will host the first meeting of her presidency. We’ll meet her board and learn about her priorities and goals for the year. Thanks to all of the amazing input from her board and club members during our small group chats, it should prove to be an exciting year with plenty of social and service to keep us all engaged.
To be held at Bennett Valley Golf – in-person only.
Wednesday July 12: Jewish Community Center Free Clinic
Wednesday July 19: 30 Project Documentary
Wednesday July 26: Free To Be
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
Redwood Empire Food Bank – 2nd Wednesday of the month. The next one is July 12th – 5 PM – 7 PM
Giro Bello – was June 24, 2023 – huge success. Story and pictures coming soon. Click here to view pictures of the ride.
August 13-16 – ShelterBox is launching ShelterBox Adventure Trek. The first outing will be August 13-16 in Yosemite National Park.
More socials, projects, & events coming soon!
Rotary Announcements
(Check back soon)
“Welcome to the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa where we imagine a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.”
Opening Ceremonies:
President Kris tried to open the meeting as normal, but that is not what happened. She was told to sit down with her guests….and the debunking began.
Former President Queen Jeanne got up to the podium and played the part of President Kris. My character forgot to ring the bell. I asked Steve Marburger to sing the Pledge of Allegiance, but I was corrected, and we recited the Pledge and the Four-Way Test. His Reflection was three quotes from Steve Jobs:
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. It is easy to jump on the bandwagon and follow along with what everyone else is doing. But true leaders are the ones coming up with out-of the box ideas that set a new standard for business as usual.”
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. In order to fulfill your purpose, the world needs you to be who you are. Trying to copy someone else or act like someone you’re not will only limit you contribution.”
“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the Non successful ones is perseverance. Being an entrepreneur is challenging, and it is easy to give up and move on to something else. But the biggest part of being successful is having the stamina to stick through the hard times without quitting.”
Debunking continued….
Visiting Rotarians:
Peter Anderson (Kris’s brother), JoAnna Duthler, Jim Green (Debi….this gentleman wants an application to join our club!)
Guests of Rotarians:
Jim Manos (Kris’s husband), Lynette McGee, Diane Zimmerman, and Tim Carrol
Sunshine Report:
All is good in the club
I think there were 8 marbles and no clue on the amount in the pot. Heather Thurber’s number was called but she did not pull the blue marble. The pot rolls over to next week! There was no second chance raffle today.
Rotarian of the Year:
President Kris was allowed to do this part. Earlier in the meeting she mumbled something to Robert Pierce that the Rotarian of the Year would not mind that she was doing the math on the back of the Rotarian of the Year’s greeting card. Robert wanted to know the final count of registered riders (627) and the number of people who actually rode (569). Why? Because Robert Pierce is the Rotarian of the Year! Robert not only ran a highly successful Giro Bello, but he has been out reliable Sargent at Arms for the entire year. No easy task with our move from the Epicenter to BVGC. Congratulations Robert!
Debunking continued….
Today’s program was a fund raiser for the benefit of finding Obie II. For those who did not know, Laura Stephens and Chiara Puddu abandoned him in the snow of Colorado. Kris’s character got off track and asked who was doing the Pledge and Four-Way Test, etc. Julia as the heckler yells out, “We already did that”. Kris/Jeanne mumbles on about snow in the U.P. (Upper Peninsula of Michigan don’t cha know). The mortgage business has been slow, so Kris became a cabi stylist to make some additional money. So, we had a fashion show! Ann Gospe modeled a “Tea” shirt. Jeff Kolin wore a double-breasted suit (two Juicy bras), Kim Murphy dressed for tennis (?) and lastly Rose Francis wearing a dress with a plunger neckline.
At this point, Ray says that Obie may have been found! And the slide show about Obie began. Obie was seen in: Mar-A-Lago with the top secret documents, working with Sam Bankman-Fried and cryptocurrency, with Kevin Costner on the set of Yellowstone, with Zelensky in Ukraine, with the Gospe’s in Hawaii, NYC for the Met Gala, in England to meet Queen Elizabeth, at the Rotary headquarters and they sent him with Jennifer Jones to Melbourne for the convention. He was last seen on a picnic. However, he still has not come home. The debunking ended with President Kris/Jeanne saying she would take the Rotary pint glass home for her favorite wine or maybe a margarita….” Oh, well, do we have a second chance raffle today?” All past presidents in the room shout out, “Ring the bell!”
Thank you to the cast of ‘Characters:” Julia Paranto, Ray Giampaoli, Jeanne Levin, Craig Meltzner, Steve Marburger, Fred Levin, Kim Murphy, Jeff Kolin, Rose Francis, Dan Balfe, Bill Hatcher, Mary Graves, Ginny Cannon, Curt Groninga, Sam McMillan. My apologies if I left anyone out!
Program Slides
Two great slide shows this week
Finding Obie II – Fund Raiser:
President Kris Anderson Highlights:
Club Job Openings:
Still need a few bulletin writers. Need a person on the board for Vocational Service Recognition
Additional Pictures:
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Governor, District 5130
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kris Anderson – President
Ann Gospe – President Elect
Casey D’Angelo – President Elect Nominee
Ray Giampaoli – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Karen Ball – Treasurer
Robert Pierce – Sergeant At Arms
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
Andrea Geary – Club Service – Club Meetings
Matthew Henry – Club Service – Fund Raising
Charlie Howard-Gibbon – Club Services – Member Activities
Pete Lescure – Club Service – Records and Outreach
Casey Carter – Member Involvement
Mary Graves Community – Service – Youth
Tim Fawcett – Vocational Service
Scott Bartley – International Service
Paul Hamilton – Foundation Representative
DIGITAL EDITION No. 506 June 28, 2023 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Richard Rossi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick