DIGITAL EDITION No. 82 June 25, 2014 EDITOR: Sam Saunders PHOTOGRAPHERS: Nicole Le
Our Program For July 2nd

Our new president Mark Burchill promises this first meeting of his term will be quite different. Plan to come and see what is in store for the Club for this upcoming year.
July 9: Don’t Shoot! I’m the Guitar Man
July 16: What’s New in Solar?
July 23: Fundraising Events Conference
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President Peggy Soberanis opened the last meeting of this Rotary year with a welcome to her Debunking and with a sigh of relief that she made it through the year. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vickie Hardcastle. Kris Anderson invoked 5 quotes from children’s TV host Mr. (Fred) Rogers that got all of us nodding our heads in agreement. Our official greeters today were Knick Knickerbocker and Julia Parranto.
According to Ginny Cannon, there were no visiting Rotarians in the audience. Or, none who cared to be identified as such.
Our guests included: President Peggy’s husband, Lou. Faith Bredfeld, significant other of Past President Rich de Lambert. Sandy Handley (former Rotarian) was introduced by Eileen Carlisle. Ginny Cannon hosted her son Chris. Peter Holewinski was the guest of Past President Debi Zaft. Jack Abercrombie hosted his wife Pris, Jennifer Gustafson (checking us out) and Steve Marburger, transferring from Santa FeNew Mexico. President Elect Mark Burchill introduced his wife, Mel, and also Michael Wilson.
Past President Debi Zaft sponsored Peter Holewinski into Rotary as President Peggy pinned Peter and handed him his red badge and Rotary information kit. Welcome Peter! He was solicited for Giro Bello before he could even get off the stage! Really.
Doug Johnson (AKA Mr. Giro Bello) (Rotarian of the Year 2013-2014) encouraged all Giro Bello volunteers to actually show up and do some work. He is looking for more riders. Doug, have you walked the railroad tracks lately? Those are fertile fields of untapped bicyclists.
President Elect Mark Burchill called for more volunteer performers for our Talent Show to be held on July 30. Talented performers preferred. If you are related to Jeff Dunham, see Mark.
Using her remaining chance to ferociously extract resources from members, President Peggy took full advantage of the opportunity to levy these ‘self-inflicted’ fines and pad the Club bank account:
Secretary Jack Abercrombie visited Nebraska to see his granddaughter graduate from college and he acknowledged that his daughter received the high honor of being named Teacher of the Year by the Rotary Club of Fremont NE. For that, Jack donated $100 to his daughter’s Paul Harris.
Past President Wally Lowry was deeply proud, if not etched, that his grandson graduated from UC Riverside with a degree in engineering – no job yet, but that will change soon. Wally donated $25.
Tim Delaney dumped $50 for having survived babysitting duty for his daughter’s children and dog, the latter having left an early Christmas ornament on their bedroom carpet. We hope he didn’t discover that at 3AM on his bare-footed way to the bathroom.
Greg Johnston notified us that Greg Beedon (husband of former Club Rotarian Barbara Beedon) merged his sign business into AJ Printing. That transaction cost Greg another $50 toward his Paul Harris Fellowship.
Steve Reuter had a round number birthday anniversary and he went sky diving for the first time. The exhilaration moved him to donate $100 to our local Club Foundation.

Shannon McConnell and Darren Elliott, “Speed Dating”
Under a carefully choreographed script and production by Past President Jeanne Levin and with Past President Bill Rousseau acting as master of ceremonies, the debunking cast gave a fond farewell to President Peggy with a re-enactment of her year as Club President under the theme from Sound of Music. The parodies included drawing on Peggy’s background as a nun in a convent, her years as a Girl Scout Executive and finally her year as Club President. The acting was convincing and included a skit on Speed Dating with four strange suitors, Peggy’s insatiable appetite for member surveys and her style of levying fines by the power of suggestion.
The final skit was Mother Superior (Julia Parranto) asking Peggy (Shannon McConnell) to take her vow to never be a Rotary President again. Peggy took that vow wholeheartedly. Amen sista!
The cast of characters included, in addition to the above, Jack Atkin, Debi Zaft, Darren Elliott and Yale Abrams as nuns, Darren Elliott, Bill Rousseau and Greg Johnston as dates, and Jose Guillen as chairman of the Club Survey Committee, biker Jack Tolin, and Fred Levin as the Jewish man wanting to convert to join the nuns. Chip Rawson was the light grip. Wayne Rowlands helped with the slide show. Did I miss anyone??
See all the great photos here: Debunking of President Peggy
President Peggy (gladly) accepted the Past President pin and badge from President Elect Mark and Mark accepted the President’s pin and badge from Peggy. Peggy pledged her support for Mark during his year as Club President and turned it over to his capable leadership. President Peggy thanked today’s debunking team, the Club volunteers and all members for the privilege and challenge of serving as President this Rotary year. She’s glad she did it, and feels that one year is long enough.
Thank you Peggy! We are better now than we were before you became Club President.
Peggy promises to be an active Rotarian in her post-presidency period. Next week: President Mark Burchill brings Hope and Change and a whole lot more!!!
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Peggy Soberanis, President Elect: Mark Burchill, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Bill Rousseau, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Ron D. Burton, member of the Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Governor, District 5130
Helaine Campbell, Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Matt Fannin, Jose Guillen, Doug Johnson, Nicole Le, Robert Pierce, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini