Next Meeting is via Zoom
Wednesday June 9, 2021
Foundation Scholarships & Operation
Doug Chase
The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation is proud to present the 2021 scholarship recipients in this Wednesday’s monthly meeting. A program highlighting the current Foundation operations will be presented.
–> Debi will send you the Zoom login link for the 12:00 meeting. Feel free to put your feet up, grab a sandwich, and join the meeting. <–
All in-person meetings are currently on hold. Instead, we will be holding online meetings using Zoom. Please be on the look out for an email with the link from either Jeff or Debi.
Wednesday June 16: RYE Keynote Speaker
Wednesday June 23: President’s Year in Review
Wednesday June 30: Debunking
Keep checking back. New Programs coming soon!
Keep checking back. New socials coming soon!
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Watch The Meeting: Did you miss the meeting? Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click Here)
Please note it is only available to view until 6/13/21
Opening Ceremonies:
Rick Allen led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. The reflection was a poem about food. He then quoted many famous people about their relationship to food.
Visitors: Cookie Garrett who is completing an application. She was brought to the club by Mary Graves. Cookie is a former Rotaract member and works for Sonoma State University
Sunshine report:
Jack Abercrombie is still in rehab. Pris thanks us for the cards that have been sent.
Blaine Goodwin will bring Rio Ray’s Salvation Army replacement very soon.
Robert Pierce needs more helpers for Sargent of Arms duties effective July 7th. Call him if you are available.
Rotary East-West Club has a special speaker on June 17th. Dr Jack Waxman on Rumatology and Covid. President Jeff provided this Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 960 7799 7814
Doug Johnson donated two NASCAR raffle tickets for Sonoma Raceway this weekend. Bill hatcher got them for $250.00.
Bill Hatcher says he is engaged! So, he donated $250 to the Foundation. Casey and Pam D’Angelo just celebrated their 42nd anniversary so he donated $50 to the club. Ann and Jeff Gospe just moved into their new home (and Rotary social location), so they donated $250 to the club’s 100th Anniversary Fund.
Membership Drive Results:
You must wait until next week.
Today’s guest speaker was Dr. Ed Bauman from Bauman Wellness on Eating for Resiliency
Dr Bauman is a wholistic health doctor for the past 50 years. The tools for resilience and longevity include eating a proper diet, sunlight and nature, movement and mindfulness, hydration, sleep and rest, detoxing, periodic fasting, a positive mental attitude and service to others.
Be mindful of what you eat. Your plate should be half vegetables, one quarter starch and one quarter protein. Eat a variety of food. Dr. Bauman spoke of the benefits of eating seeds, drinking herbal tea, eating salmon and other fish. Eat vegetables from your own garden, the farmers market or organic if possible. To get rid of that pandemic roll; drink water all day long, and introduce turmeric, garlic and ginger into your diet.
See the attached slides/screenshots from his presentation for more detail. for Wellness week June 12 –June 20th for some free information.
Program Slides:
Additional Pictures:
Governor, District 5130
Doug Johnson
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Club Service I, Membership, Julia Parranto
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Diane Moresi
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Pete Lescure
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe
DIGITAL EDITION No. 410 June 2, 2021 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick