DIGITAL EDITION No. 272 June 13, 2018 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For Wednesday, June 20, 2018
President’s Year In Review
Julia Parranto
Wednesday June 27, 2018: Debunking of President Julia – Jose Guillen
Wednesday July 4, 2018: Club is DARK – President Tony Roerick
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Opening Ceremonies
Pledge: Dave Berman
Reflection: Peter Holewinsky
Elana Trabouri , Holly Garritson, Rio and Rachael Ray, Jackson Collins, and Jenny Herring.
Visiting Rotarians
Jennie Herring, a Rotary DG from New Zealand and Pacific Islands and Johann Scrimshire.
Jeanne Levin announced Carolyn Fassi is having a hip replaced. Great to see Tim Fawcett back again today!
With 91 Yankee dollars in the pot today, Tony Roehrick twice called a number with no response. Finally, he called a second number, but Steve Olson did not pull the right marble.
Cathy’s Joke
Not worth repeating…..drew a loud, long groan from the assembled masses. Just joking, here it is…..
As a Yale crawls out of his wrecked car, the local sheriff asks him what happened.
He began, “It was the strangest thing! I looked up and saw a tree, so I swerved to the right. Then I saw another tree, so I swerved to left. Then there was another tree, and another and another…”
The sheriff thought for a minute and then said, “Sir… I don’t know how to tell you this, but the only thing even resembling a tree on this road for thirty miles is your air freshener.”
Paul Harris Presentation
Kim Graves acknowledged Diane Moresi and Tony Roerhick with PH Awards. Diane’s is for her granddaughter. Tony’s is his 3rd.
New Member
Rio Ray was given his red badge as a new member in our club, accompanied by his wife Rachel. Welcome to our Rotary family!
President Julia showed some photos and acknowledged those from our club who volunteered for the shed building hands on project on Saturday.
Pete announced there will be a brief parking committee meeting after today’s meeting.
Debi announced the buy Tim Fawcett lunch sign up sheet will go around again. Thanks for everyone’s participation so far.
Cathy reminded us to drop money into the little polio bucket on your table.
Thanks to Safeway and Oliver’s for donating food to Giro Bello!
Jackie McMillan announced shirts are here for Rotarians as well as sponsors.
Bill Crowley did a cruise from Lisbon to Amsterdam and donated $100. Kathleen Archer also spent a month in Europe and donated $100 to her PH. Sam McMillan donated $100 to his PH in honor of Jennie from New Zealand.
Cathy handed the mic to who rendered a joke that was only slightly better than Cathy’s joke.
Jeff Gospe is making a trip to France with his family to supervise their wine intake.
Diane Moresi donated $250 to Giro Bello in honor of her and Robert’s 45th anniversary.
Kathy Schwartz celebrated her son’s medical bills from breaking a kneecap after shooting pool and dancing by donating $100.
Steve Olson donated $100 to the foundation in honor Jennie’s visit. Ted Wilmsen donated $100 as well.
Banner Exchange
President Julia presented our Rotary banner to visiting Rotarian Jennie Herring , a PDG from New Zealand.
Jeff Gospe introduced Ben Stone, who long ago was a Rotary Exchange student in England. Ben presented Sonoma County’s and Santa Rosa’s economic outlook.
Ben discussed EDB services and how it benefits the community. Ben discussed various programs EDB provides.
Santa Rosa population has continued to grow moderately since the recession. Unemployment is only 2.5 %. Service account for about half the jobs in SR. Santa Rosa home prices are about the county average. Sebastopol and Healdsburg are the most expensive due to building and growth restrictions. Ben discussed effects of fire on the north bay. 40% of small businesses lost in the fire will not return. Rebuilding of lost homes has been slowed by a shortage of construction workers and insurance issues. 80% of people have not settled with their insurance companies.
Looking ahead, Ben discussed challenges facing the county including an aging population, workforce development and diversification of business. He emphasized the need to develop healthcare to serve an aging population. There is an emphasis on cooperative job development between the colleges and local industries to keep kids in the area after graduation.
Strategic planning will keep Sonoma County growing into the future.
New Member Information & contact changes for existing members.
Rio Ray
The Salvation Army
(707) 542-0981
[email protected]
Dan Balfe
Retired Communications
(805) 909-0725
[email protected]
Casey Carter
Primary Care Physician
(707) 800-5863
[email protected]
Rose Wognum Frances
(707) 322-8208
Best reached the old fashion way – by phone! ????
Will Haymaker
Cell # (707) 953-0848
Law offices of Julia Parranto
(707) 573-8868
Tim Fawcett Go Fund Me
“Tim Fawcett has been a member of the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa for over 20 years and every year he has been the Club’s Santa for our annual Christmas party for children.
Last Christmas, Tim didn’t show up for the party and the club records found we only had a P.O. box address for him. After four to six hours a friend of Tim’s dropped by to find him latying on the ground as he had fallen off the roof onto his head. Tim spent the next month in Memorial Hospital at a cost of 1.3 million dollars. He had some insurance, but not nearly enough to cover this type of accident and care.
Tim now is living on $50.00 a week from the state. He has a home and two cars, but he cannot drive. It is a very slow recovery with no light at the end of the tunnel. He still has no sense of smell, taste and very little short term memory. He has no tv (and doesn’t want one), but has a radio, a computer and four walls.
Some club members are working on getting him federal disability, but it is a slow process. They are trying to keep him busy with walks, calls and visits. Last Sunday, they held a very successful picnic which Tim was able to attend. Between the club meeting and picnic, we were able to raise $2,000. A GoFundMe account has been set up in Tim’s name and currently, it has over $2,200 in deposits. To keep it going, a steady stream of contributions is needed. If you are able to help a fellow Rotarian, please go to”
Rotary Rhine River Cruise August 19-26, 2019
So far 22 Rotarians from our club and friends have signed up for the Rotary cruise on AMA Kristina. There are cabins remaining. If you are interested in joining us, please book as soon as possible to get the best cabin category.
Click here to get more information on pricing, itinerary, etc. Printed fliers are also available at our meetings. The early booking discount deadline has been extended to May 31, 2018.
Governor, District 5130
Bob Rogers, Rotary Club of Sebastopol
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Ray Giampaoli, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi, Laura Held, Peter Holewinski, Steve Baime and Jeff Kolin