DIGITAL EDITION No. 80 June 11, 2014 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHERS: Diane Moresi & Kris Anderson
Our Program For June 18th
Your communication happens not when you say or write something, but when that information reaches the conscious mind of another person. Recent neural and cognitive research has uncovered the tortured path that lies between your audience’s sensory organs (eyes and ears) and their conscious mind—a snare-filled path of cautions and dangers that your information must successfully traverse. I will demonstrate what happens to your information along this pathway and how communications success relates to effective story structure.
Today our presentation will be from storyteller Kendall Haven. The only West Point graduate to ever become a professional storyteller, Haven also holds a Doctorate Degree in Oceanography (Oregon State University) and spent eight years as a Senior Research Scientist for the Department of Energy before finding his true passion for storytelling and a very different kind of “truth.” With 32 years experience as a master storyteller, and as author of 34 books, he is an internationally recognized Subject Matter Expert (SME) on story structure and on story architectural design and serves as a story consultant to departments in various governmental science agencies from DoD and the Navy to EPA, to NASA, NOAA, and NPS (the National Park Service). He was also selected as the only storyteller to participate in the 2012 Department of Defense Narrative Networks Research Program.
June 18: Applying the Science of Story to the Art of Communications
June 25: Debunking of President Peggy
July 2: Introducing President Mark Burchill
July 9: Don’t Shoot! I’m the Guitar Man
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President Peggy Soberanis
This was not your usual Rotary meeting, so this will not be your usual bulletin! President Peggy and the board decided to have an awards night to celebrate all the work that Rotarians do for our club. First of all this was an evening meeting and the food was kicked up a notch at the Flamingo for the event. About 6:45 PM President Peggy started the festivities with Jim Johnson leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Dapper Ray Dorfman was then introduced as the emcee.
Awards were handed out by board directors Jack Tolin (Membership), Robert Pierce (Club Meetings), Doug Johnson (Fund raising), Cathy Vicini (Member Activities and Community Service), Matt Fannin (Records and Out Reach), Debra Dorfman (Youth Services) plus International Service and Member Involvement to their teammates. In between we were entertained by the Rotary Band (Karen and Dennis Ball, Chip Rawson, Darren Elliott, Layne Bowen, and Don McMillan) and Dan Schell told some stories and sang for us.

Awards ready to be bestowed upon deserving recipients
President Peggy also announced some awards we received at District Conference:
1. Community Service Excellence – for our Charitable Project Grant Program that annually donates $24,000 to local non-profits for projects they are developing or are in need of support. Our Club and our Club’s Foundation each contribute $12,000 to make this happen. Congratulations again to Will Haymaker and Ted Wilmsen!
2. Our Club Public Image Excellence – Our club now has several state of the art websites, a branded digital weekly bulletin, a number of social media pages & groups, and a robust email system. This award is truly due to the work of Wayne Rowlands. Congratulations, Wayne!
3. Vocational Service – RMB – Rotary Means Business encourages Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them, and by referring others to them. Our club’s RMB began attracting Rotarians worldwide and eventually, due to Mark Burchill’s work,our RMB became recognized as an official Fellowship of Rotary International. So, congratulations, Mark, for bringing this recognition to our Club!
4. Top Club Project – Giro Bello – This is our club’s top fund raiser and has grown from its first year in 2010 to a very successful and fun event for both Rotarians and bikers alike. It’s an event that receives money from the public (riders, sponsors), and the proceeds support the Club’s charitable projects. Congratulations, to our initiator, Carmen Sinigiani, to Diane Moresi, our second Chair, and Doug Johnson, our chair last year and this year.
5. Quiet Rotarian Award – Our Club’s choice for the District’s Quiet Rotarian Award this year was Wayne Rowlands.
Wayne is more able than most to see the big picture and he works accordingly to make us a better club. Although not his career field, Wayne recognized the need for, and future value of, our online presence. He has used his talents to create, develop and maintain the club’s outstanding websites. Unlike even some professional web site firms, Wayne makes additions and changes to our site at a moment’s notice. He also manages the websites for both club fundraisers, our local Rotary Means Business and the Rotary Means Business International Fellowship.
If that isn’t enough work to keep a Rotarian busy, Wayne has chaired the Program Committee and the new club fundraiser, the PillowFights. He donates generously to the Club and its Foundation. He hosts Rotary gatherings at his home. He is active in the community outside of Rotary, especially with the Salvation Army, and truly exemplifies the Rotary Motto “Service Above Self”. Congratulations, Wayne!
Mark Burchill’s first meeting as president of our club will be July 2nd! President Elect Mark is promising an exciting first meeting. Surprises galore!
Steve Marburger, who is employed in the field of Information Technology. Jack Abercrombie is his sponsor. Steve is a new Sonoma County resident, moving here from Santa Fe, New Mexico where he was a Rotarian in the Del Sur Club.
The 2014/2015 roster book will be going to print early next month. Please send any changes to your information to me soon. Also, new members need to have your photo taken and forwarded to Dan Johnston at [email protected]. There are some older members who need to have their photo updated. Check with our club photographers to get an updated photo taken.
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Great music….
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Great food….
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Great shoes!
To see the photographic evidence (all 167 pictures) of the fun that was had at the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Academy Awards Night, click the following link to go to our Gallery page! Awards Night Photo Gallery
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Peggy Soberanis, President Elect: Mark Burchill, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Bill Rousseau, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Ron D. Burton, member of the Rotary Club of Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Governor, District 5130
Helaine Campbell, Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Matt Fannin, Jose Guillen, Doug Johnson, Nicole Le, Robert Pierce, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini