Next meeting
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Disaster Relief
Larry Harrison
ShelterBox is a cutting-edge charity that hand-delivers emergency shelter for families devastated by natural disaster and conflict.
Their signature ShelterBoxes and ShelterKits contain the tools to transform lives and rebuild communities.
Larry will speak about why ShelterBox was organized. A quick video introducing members to ShelterBox. Some historical information to give a quick background on ShelterBox’s work the past few years. He will also have a Ukraine update on their mission in the war zone. And also, an update on their ongoing deployments.
There will be time for questions.
PLEASE NOTE: In-Person & Zoom meetings returned! Please register.
–> Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid. Use this link to pay. CLICK HERE!
Wednesday June 15: Elder Abuse & Fraud Scams
Wednesday June 22: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Zimbabwe
Wednesday June 29: Debunking!
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
International Rotaract Alum Club Social
Keep checking back. New socials coming soon!
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Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Watch The Meeting: Did you miss the meeting? Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click here for recording – starts a few minutes into the meeting.)
Please note it is only available to view until: 6/12/22
Opening Ceremonies:
President Ray greeted us, and Kris Anderson led us in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Her reflection were a few quotes on optimism:
“Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and work and play and look up at the stars,” Henry van Dyke. “An inexhaustible good nature is one of the most precious gifts of heaven, spreading itself like oil over the troubled sea of though, and keeping the mind smooth and equable in the roughest weather,” Washington Irving. “I am still determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may be, for I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not our circumstances,” Martha Washington. “The most delightful advantage of being bald – one can hear snowflakes,” R.G. Daniels.
Visiting Rotarians:
Happ Culp, Fred Ptucha, Dan Lambert – all from the East/West club
Dennis Ball, Leonid Lashchenko, Katya Lashchenko
Sunshine Report:
All good
Pete Lescure said there were 9 marbles and $29.00 in the pot. Doug Johnson had the right number but pulled a yellow marble. The pot rolls over.
June Birthdays:
Keven Brown had some picture frames as gifts this week. President Ray Giampaoli and Rose Frances were here today and got a gift. Other June birthdays: Dave Berman, Jeff Kolin, Knoel Owen, and Steve Reuter. Please note that Keven will continue with birthdays next year so you might want to show up on the first meeting of the month if your birthday is in that month.
Welcome to our newest member:
Curt Groninga was installed as a new member today. He previously was a member of our club back in the 1990s before work got in the way of Rotary. We are happy to have him back! His wife’s name Vicki, his birthday is in April, and he is an honorary member of the Rotary Club of Cherkasy Central. Jeff Kolin is the person who invited him back to Rotary.
Giro Bello Update:
Matthew Henry says we are up to 351 riders and still need lots of volunteers! This link will get you to the SignUp Genius
Truck drivers are needed. People to help with registration on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning are needed, plus more.
100 Birthday Party:
President Ray was selling more 100 Birthday pins for Mark Burchill as he has left for Houston for the Convention. 100 Anniversary shirts are available to purchase, only until the end of the month of June. Go to Polo shirts are $37.00, dress shirts are $48.00, and sweaters are $54.00.
100 Black Men:
Mary Graves announced that the 100 Black Men are having a golf fundraiser on Friday, July 15, 2022, at the Windsor Golf Club. It will be a scramble format. Entry fee is $175.00, but only $150.00 if you sign up by June 17, 2022. Dinner guests are $45.00. For more information you can call Arthur at (707) 333-9191. Applications were on the tables.
Today’s program: An update on Rotary in Ukraine.
Curt Groninga interviewed Leonid Lashchenko and his daughter Katya Chen about what is happening in Ukraine and the Rotary Club of Cherkasy-Centre. Leonid was a first responder after the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986. Most of those twenty first responders have died from their exposure to Chernobyl. He helped in the founding of Ruska Polyana Sanitorium where many had gone after the nuclear fallout. It is now an emergency shelter. Their family has raised $31,000 just themselves for the hospital and Ruska Polyana. The goal is to raise enough money for 6000 first aid kits. Here in our area, we have raised about $81,000 so far. They cost about $24.50 each. Jeff Gospe showed us a map of Ukraine so that we could see how far away Cherkasy and other cities are away from the fighting in the southeast. It is not that far away! There will be an art sale at Montgomery
Village on July 16, 2022, from 2:00 – 5:00 to raise money. There are about 41 million people in Ukraine. 35% of the population or 14.5 million people have left the country or been internally displaced; another 33% or 13.5 million now live under Russian occupation. A video of current RC Cherkasy-Centre President Denys Andrushchenko was played for us. Denys said the population of Cherkasy has not changed much. People have left, but people around the war zone have come to town. They are doing their best to welcome these new people to Cherkasy; helping them to find a home and a job. About 25,000 have arrived. Most may never be able to leave and go home. Rotary in Ukraine has about 70 clubs and 1000 members.
Curt Groninga and Fred Putcha have a 30+ year association with Cherkasy. Cherkasy is a sister city of Santa Rosa and Curt represented SRJC in student exchange programs. There was a yellow flyer on today’s tables with more information and a donation QR code. Today, if you gave $100.00, they had a free tee shirt to give away. See Curt Groninga if you did not get one of these flyers.
Useful Links From Presentation:
Slideshow Verbiage
Santa Rosa Art Show / Fund Raiser Flyer
Deny’s Andrushchenko Phone Video
Cherkasy Rotary Denys Andrushchenko
Family Deny’s Andrushchenko Video
Emergency First-Aid Kits
Program Slides
Click on picture to the program’s slides
Additional Pictures:
Governor, District 5130
Dustin Littlefield
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
President Elect, Kris Anderson
Club Service I, Membership, Julia Parranto
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Diane Moresi
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Pete Lescure
Club Director, Casey Carter
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe
DIGITAL EDITION No. 459 June 1, 2022 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick