DIGITAL EDITION No. 136 July 29, 2015 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le
Our Program for August 5th:
Al Maggini will share some highlights of his varied and successful life— from flying 35 missions over Germany with the Army Air Corp in WWII to over 60 years in the securities business and philanthropic fabric of our community. He has served on the Board and was the President of the Hanna Boys Center, remaining an honorary Emeritus Member. He also served on the Board of Trustees of the Santa Rosa Junior College for 35 years and was President of that organization. Al has an extraordinary record 61 years of commitment and leadership with Memorial Hospital. He began as a fund drive volunteer and advisor to the Sisters, and then in 1975 he was selected as a charter member of the Board of Trustees. 2016 will mark the 25th anniversary of the SRMH Foundation which Al founded and remains a member of today. Al will celebrate his 100th Birthday in September!
Wednesday, August 12th: The Vanishing Honey Bees
Wednesday, August 19th: Rotary Peace Fellow Returns for Part II of the Middle East Today
Wednesday, August 26th: Juvenile Delinquency
REMINDER: The August 5th meeting will be held at St. Rose
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Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
President Doug started the meeting by asking Wally Lowry to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. He was slow out of the gate, but with the help of other Rotarians around him, Wally managed to get it done!
This was followed by a rambling invocation during which the speaker, Dan Schell told us to, “Sit down, this could take a while.” And it did. Dan was relating to a previous recent program about Rotaplast. The gist of Dan’s story about a small child with a cleft pallet who had basically been ignored as broken by her family and who felt no joy in life had cleft pallet surgery (presumably by a Rotarian doctor). When he returned he saw a girl full of life and a big smile who exclaimed, “There is God” upon seeing the doctor. At least that’s how this bulletin writer interpreted it!
We had a flag exchange today, with visiting Rotarians from Zurich, Switzerland. They were finance secretary Robert Froelich and physician Denise Wahlen. Also visiting (sort of) was past and future SR Rotary Member Tony Roehrick. Dr. Shari Shamsavari was also in attendance (aren’t you a real member of our club, yet?)
We had a number of guests today including: Tim Mooney of AAA was checking our club out. Aubrey and Jen Cordova (granddaughter and daughter of Steve Olson. Steve’s wife Elaine was also in attendance. Jeff Kolin has returned from the wilds of Beverly Hills and was in attendance today. Though he failed to introduce her by NAME, Cecil’s wife GERRY Humes was his guest today. Joshua Lazovick was introduced by his father Richard.
Other guests were today’s speakers Susan and Neil Silverman and their guests Van and Anh Ly.
Cathy Vicini’s joke of the week:
Murphy and Declan were walking home from the pub. Murphy says to Declan, “What a beautiful evening, look at the moon.” Declan stops and looks at Murphy, ‘You are wrong, that’s not the moon, that’s the sun.’ Both started arguing for a while when they come upon a real drunk walking in the other direction, so they stopped him. ‘Sir, could you please help settle our argument? Tell us what that thing is up in the sky that’s shining. Is it the moon or the sun?’ The drunk looked at the sky and then looked at them, and said, “Sorry, I don’t live around here.”
President Doug reminded us that when we purchase a lamb or hog from a 4H kid, we’re not just buying some meat, we’re helping our youth!
Jack Abercrombie yelled “last call” for those who wish to change and address, phone number, email address or other piece of personal; information in the club roster.
Elizabeth Karbousky announced the upcoming club social on Thursday August 6th at Kunde Winery from 5 to 6:30pm. Those attending are asked to rsvp and bring a finger food (sorry, I can’t figure out how to spell hors dourves???? And apparently spell check doesn’t speak French!)
Annual Employer Best Practices Awards Breakfast
The Sonoma County Mayors’ Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities has opened the nomination period to recognize employers, employees and service providers for their leadership in the employment of people with disabilities, for the 12th Annual Employer Best Practices Awards Breakfast to be held on Wednesday October 28, 2015 at the Flamingo Hotel in Santa Rosa. Your nomination is an important step in recognizing employers and community members for their efforts. Use this link to access a nomination survey and

Dr. Denise Wahlen and Emily Harrington
explanations of award categories:
Today, a visiting Rotarian from Switzerland, Dr. Denise Wahlen was the lucky winner. Her number 33 was drawn and she took home $74!
President Doug’s new take on improving our club’s Paul Harris contributions is gaining traction and may become the fun highlight of our Wednesday’s meetings. Today, a number of people who contributed to the Paul Harris squares President Doug solicited last week (to overwhelming success) benefited by having their number drawn. Prizes included: wine donated by Cathy Vicini the class clown, port jelly donated by Lena Humber and fair tickets donated by (Steve Olson, Sam or Ted, I’m guessing). Lots of winners, lots of fun! Sounds like an ad

Steve Olson with his granddaughter, Aubry, and Jeanne Levin
for Cache Creek, doesn’t it? Finally, David Brown had his number drawn and will become the “Instant Paul Harris” winner once the paperwork gets cleaned up (whatever that means!).
Vicky Hardcastle presided over Paul Harris Awards earned by the following Rotarians:
- Steve Olson’s granddaughter Aubry received a Paul Harris in her name. This is Steve Olson’s 6th Paul Harris!
- Jeanne Levin also received a Paul Harris.
Well-traveled professional photographers Susan and Neil Silverman presented photos and stories from their recent trips to Cuba. The Silvermans, who moved to Sonoma County from their native Rochester, New York in 1973 have been doing photography professionally since 1992. Previously, Neil had been a dentist, retiring to pursue photography, travel and music (he’s a wild man on the saxophone!) Their love of travel and culture was obviously passed on to their two sons who are presently living in Beijing and Tokyo. Each is married and each has a child with a rich cultural mix.

Susan and Neil
Many thoughts were shared by the two as they “tag teamed” their impressions of life in Cuba. The overwhelming theme seemed to be that the people in Cuba are generally very friendly and for the most part happy, in spite of the limitations of living under communist rule and multigenerational trade embargo. The result is an aging fleet of classic American cars, many running, many not; food shortages and rationing; a confusing combination of currencies; and a propensity for people to walk around carrying cakes to celebrate quinciniera’s????? (spell check doesn’t speak Spanish, either!) or other happy life events.
Susan and Neil encouraged those interested in seeing Cuba in its present form to do so soon. While they shared many photos of life in Cuba under the current system, they expect big changes once trade is normalized with the US. Already there are changes such as buildings, once dull and gray now being painted in bright colors. The photos they shared were mostly of poor but dignified, hardworking and proud people they encountered to the accompaniment of Cuban music. It was an interesting and entertaining program. This writer can’t wait for them to return to our club one day and share a program on China!

Richard Lazovick
Greeters: Fred Levin & Richard Lazovick and son Joshua
Lunch Ticket Taker: Mr. Wicker T. Basket
Lunch Ticket Sellers: Ray Giampaoli & Diane Moresi
Raffle Ticket sellers: Bob Sorensen & Emily Harrington
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President:Doug Johnson, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Julia Parranto, Past President: Mark Burchill, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Governor, District 5130
Erin Dunn, member of the Rotary Club of Fortuna Sunrise
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Jack Atkin, Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Tim Fawcett, Gesine Franchetti, Bill Hatcher, Will Haymaker, Elizabeth Karbousky, Steve Olson