DIGITAL EDITION No. 232 July 26, 2017 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For August 2, 2017
Joe Aaron
Our speaker today is Joe Aaron. Joe lives in Sonoma, CA. His subject today is the economic and social impact technology is having on society. Mr. Aaron is a graduate of what he says is the eleventh best college in Georgia, the University of West Georgia. He is also a graduate of the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California, where he studied the Egyptian dialect of Arabic. He began his professional career as an FBI Agent where he worked foreign counterintelligence specializing in Middle Eastern affairs. From 1978 until 1981, he was the spokesman for the FBI’s San Francisco office. In 1982 he entered the securities business with Morgan Stanley where he specialized in traditional money management. In 1998, he founded Wood, Hat & Silver, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor, where he ran a hedge fund until retiring in 2006. Finding he had too much time on his hands, Mr. Aaron turned his attention to the future. His focus is on demographics and technology and the impact they have on our economy.
Wednesday August 16th: Eric Mindling – Discovering Oaxaca
Wednesday August 23th: Club Assembly # 1
Wednesday August 30th: Linda Shivley – Laugh Your Worries Away
Wednesday September 6th: Get Your Next Client – Kristine Carey
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Pledge: Layne Bowen
Invocation: Chip Rawson who shared some thoughts on miracles.
Lots of guests today, including some non-Rotarian volunteers at Giro Bello. Among those in attendance were: First Lady of our Rotary Club, Rose Frances and other Rotary spouses, Trish Allen, Allan Hardcastle, Elaine Olson, Dennis Ball, Bill Archer and Rita McMillan. Other guests were: Katelyn Johnson, Tommy Abel, Michael Moore, Robert Breazeale, speaker Mario Uribe, Linda Churchill, Larry Fee, John Gnam, Angie Sparks and prospective Rotarian, Michael Moore. Welcome, guests!
Nope, none of them!
Ginny Cannon announced that former club member Sandy Handley is battling cancer. Wally Lowry has been moved out of intensive care and into a private room. He will be sent to a rehab facility soon. Recent Past president Jose is in the hospital for an undisclosed illness. Former member Jack Lavar’s wife Linda just had a 12 hour surgery for cancer. Steve Marburger was having a knee replaced today – word is he’s having his knee replaced with an elbow. (sorry, but with so much sad news, a little levity is needed).
Karen Ball had $233 to give away today and with only 3 marbles in the bag, Larry Miyano got lucky and drew the yellow marble! Larry’s buying tonight, folks!
Cathy did her best to tell a funny joke (bless her heart!) But even combining, cycling, pain and an attempt at humor, could not pull it off. Sad. 😉
Doug Johnson shared some Giro Bello numbers with us. We had 847 riders with gross profit of $74,300. Sponsorships were off about $4,000 from last year totaling $32,300. About half that amount was sponsorships generated from club members. Event receipts for ridership, jersey sales, etc.…totaled $41,700. Somehow I came up $300 short here – was that the donation to the Boy Scouts for their Bike Valet work? We also receive in kind donations of food, beer from Lagunitas, use of a truck, etc. that save us money and/or generate income. There was a modest increase of ridership this year after a two year decline. It was noted that only 50% of riders one year come back the next, even if they really like the ride. It’s always important to focus our efforts on marketing to increase ridership and sponsorships.
- Andrea Geary is still looking for someone who can actually play bocce ball to enter the annual Rotary Bocce Tournament on August 19th. She also needs referees.
- Debi Zaft is updating the club roster and encourages anyone who has had a change of address to send her the new information. For those who have had a recent facelift or hair color change since your last photo was submitted (most likely from brown to grey) either send a new photo or get with a club photographer soon!
Artist Mario Uribe told us about Art Start, an 18 year old 501C3 non- profit educational arts organization. Mario emphasized the importance of art in any community and examples of the work of Art Start are everywhere in Sonoma County, especially here in Santa Rosa. Art Start provides training and mentoring for young local artists in the community. Locally, you can see Art Start work on many benches, mosaics, sculptures and murals throughout the community. Mario shared that art is not just visually pleasing, but is also healing, citing the Andy Lopez project in the new park bearing his name in Southwest Santa Rosa as an example. This writer, taking a walk around Spring Lake only minutes after our meeting ran across a young woman from Art Start named Angelina who was working on a mosaic at the Children’s Memorial Grove shade structure at Spring Lake. The mosaics are purchased by those wishing to honor a child who has passed away,
again a healing use of art.
*New Membership News
Michael Moore has submitted his application and is being considered for membership.
NOTE: Hover your cursor over the above pictures to see descriptions.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Julia Parranto, President Elect: Tony Roehrick, President Elect Nominee: Cathy Vicini, Past President: Jose Guillen, Secretary: Debi Zaft, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes
President Rotary International
Ian Riseley of the RC of Sandringham, Australia
Governor, District 5130
Bob Rogers, Rotary Club of Sebastopol
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Ray Giampaoli, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi, Laura Held, Peter Holewinski, Steve Baime and Jeff Kolin