DIGITAL EDITION No. 83 July 2, 2014 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHERS: Kris Anderson
Our Program For July 9th
Our guest presenter today will be Buzzy Martin – Musician, Youth Advocate, Author.
An established professional who loves the music he shares, Buzzy Martin is living proof of the rewards of following one’s childhood dreams and is now the author of Don’t Shoot! I’m the Guitar Man – Soon to be a major motion picture!
Buzzy will tell us about his program of Mentoring Through Music is to provide at-risk youth ages 8-14 the opportunity to raise their standards in life and discourage gang participation through music. This is accomplished with the building of positive self-esteem and encouraging personal discipline while learning musical skills.
July 16: What’s New in Solar?
July 23: Fundraising Events Conference
July 30: Special Evening Talent Show!
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President Mark Burchill rang in a new Rotary year with plans to make sure that it’s not same ol’, same ol’ at the Flaming-O. Mark’s club motto this year is,” Rotary Club of Santa Rosa, where Fellowship and Service Come Together”. Will Haymaker then led us in the pledge. The invocation was given by Cathy Vicini.

Jack Tolin displays his glow stick
President Mark shared RI President Gary Huang’s theme of “Light Up Rotary” and passed out glow sticks to emphasize the theme. The theme of our district governor, Kevin Eisenberg is “Pride and Joy”. P. Mark then proceeded to tell the assembled masses of changes and goals we can expect this year:
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- More fellowship through service
- Making meetings more interesting & surprising
- Bringing back some old traditions (ex: old way of doing raffle – winner each week)
- No more, “we’ve always done it this way”.
- Change in order of meeting elements
- Fewer verbal announcements at each meeting – more announcements will be left in writing on tables at each meeting.
- Shedding the “Lone Wolf” image our club has by interacting more frequently with other clubs in Santa Rosa, Healdsburg and Windsor. This will include a joint social for the district governor’s visit Aug. 12th. (editor’s note: Sebastopol, we’re not sure about you yet…….we’ll see!)
- SR and North County presidents have agreed to attend each other’s first meeting.
- When a visiting Rotarian is introduced, we’ll Say “Hi, ______” rather than clapping. (However, if they do something really cool, we’ll still clap like crazy!)
- Evening Meetings will be held periodically when there is a 5th Wednesday in a given month. This month, the evening meeting will be a talent show.
- Rotary Educational Minute – Mark will share some aspect of Rotary (such as where does the money go?) when you are recognized.
- Rotary Bux — Mark was vague on the use and value of these strange looking pieces of (fake) currency, but he assured us that we want to collect them.

There’s something funny about this money….
Jack Abercrombie asked that Rotarians who have had address, classification or phone number changes write those changes on a sheet going around the room for inclusion in the upcoming roster book.
Yale Abrams announced that the goal this year is for more hands on projects for Rotarians to participate in. These are excellent opportunities for fellowship.
Doug Johnson thanked club members for their participation in the Giro Bello and asked that we all remove any signs we see around the area for the event. Do not throw them away – they can be used again next year. A full report will be presented about the event next week.
(Editor’s note: Who had a hit with this song in 1971?)
Penny Tibbetts reports that all is sunny in SR Rotaryland……
Lots of visitors graced our club today. Of the visiting Rotarian variety, we had:
PDG Mike Merrill, Secretary Tarina Hall and President Matt Delaney from Santa Rosa West. From Santa Rosa East, ADG Ann McGinley and President Mike Hogan were in attendance. From Sunrise, we had Scott Holder. John Cinnaman from Petaluma Sunrise and President John Avakian from Healdsburg were in attendance. President Pam Moulton from Healdsburg Sunrise attended. Windsor had a large contingent which included Past District Governor Maureen Merrill, Past President Larry Wassem, and President Brenda Sales. Finally, from Russian River, we welcomed Ed Smith.

Mel Konrad brought her husband, Mark Burchill
Guests of Rotarians included:
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- Mykhael Wilson, a Rotary member in waiting, guest of Mark Burchill.
- Mel Konrad, wife of the aforementioned Mark Burchill.
- Steve Marburger an IT consultant relocating from New Mexico, guest of Jack Abercrombie.
- Michael Brouse, guest of Ray Giampaoli
Tim Delaney asked his son, guest Rotarian Matt to draw the winning ticket. It was held by Ray Giampaoli, who walked away with $56. GO RAY!

Rich de Lambert speaks
Rich de Lambert has led an interesting and full life. In response to President Mark’s desire to have veteran Rotarians share their stories, Rich told us of his life and many accomplishments. An Oakland native, Rich was a star tennis player and he also played tennis while in the military. Rich attended both San Jose State and after the military, Cal Berkeley. He attained both a real estate license and a teaching credential at San Jose State. Rich noted that his uncle was an ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
In his professional life, Rich was Chairman of the United Way in both Santa Rosa and Sonoma and retired from Wells Fargo in 1992 as District Manager after 31 years in banking.
He has taught tennis in Santa Rosa for years, helped start La Canterra Tennis Club as well as the tennis program at Cardinal Newman High School. In addition, Rich ran tennis tournaments around Santa Rosa for many years. A man of many talents, Rich was a tap dancer (we expect to see your dancing talents on display at the talent show on the 30th, Rich!) and once had a show on KRON. He also taught business and finance at SRJC.
Rich has been a very active Rotarian for many years. He was the president of the Santa Rosa club, which raised $200,000 for Polio Plus during his tenure. Rich was also instrumental in starting up clubs including: Santa Rosa Sunrise, Windsor and the evening club. During his time in Rotary, he has also attended international conventions in Munich and Las Vegas (along with Wally Lowery).Rich has also been chairman of the United Way and is working currently on a dialysis project in Tonga. Rich is understandably very proud of the fact that he has recruited 25 people into Rotary.
Another feature this year will be the opportunity to pay “Happy Dollar” fines which are not allowed to exceed $10. This will allow Rotarians to donate for minor trips and indiscretions without feeling like they are in a contest to see who has the deepest pockets. Today, many took advantage of this opportunity – too many to name in this issue.
Taking a page from the reign of Queen Jeanne Levin, President Mark made some bucks for the club by auctioning off a fine bottle of New Zealand Pinot, some Aussie chocolates and then threw in an unwanted can of Vegemite. After heated bidding, guest Rotarian Larry Wassen walked away a winner at $150. Mark asked that Rotarians who travel bring back a gift that can be auctioned off to raise money for the club (unless, of course it’s something he personally wants.) 😉
President Mark will give Rotarians the opportunity to share their business in a quick one minute. John McHugh took advantage of the chance to tell us how he helps his clients hire the right person the first time.
The Secret Greeter is back! Bart Eddy was today’s SG and he chose Jack Geary. Jack Geary won two Rotary Bux!
Lunch Sales Assistants: Eileen Carlisle and Karen Ball
Greeters: Ryan Thomas & Matt Everson
Ticket Collector: Larry Miyano
Raffle: Tim Delaney
Visiting Rotarians: Nona Lucas
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Jose Guillen, President Elect Nominee: Doug Johnson, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, John McHugh, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini