DIGITAL EDITION No. 231 July 19, 2017 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For July 26, 2017
Mario Uribe
On July 26th, Santa Rosa artist and Creative Director of ArtStart, Mario Uribe will be our guest speaker. ArtStart is a non-profit dedicated to mentoring and training young artists in Sonoma County. Mario will also speak about their latest project, a mural in Roseland and how it came about. A PowerPoint presentation will compliment his presentation.
After receiving his BFA from CalArts in 1971, Uribe has worked as an artist in a diversity of media, including animation, painting, performance art, video, printmaking, drawing, murals, sculpture, oriental calligraphy, illustration and graphic design. He has exhibited widely in this country, Europe, Asia and Mexico. His works form part of museum and private collections. He is a practitioner of traditional Japanese Zen arts, including the tea ceremony.
Our own fine arts ambassador Keven Brown will host this program.
Wednesday August 2nd: Joe Aaron – The Economic and Social Impact of Technology
Wednesday August 16th: Eric Mindling – Discovering Oaxaca
Wednesday August 23th: Club Assembly # 1
Wednesday August 30th: Linda Shivley – Laugh Your Worries Away
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NOTE: Hover your cursor over the pictures to see descriptions.
Opening Ceremonies:
Peter Holewinski led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. For the invocation, Layne Bowen said how much he appreciated being a Rotarian and thanked us all for being Rotarians and friends.
Visiting Rotarians:
Meryl Hayes from Santa Rosa Sunrise, Bob Hirsch from Sebastopol and Mike Lennon from Calistoga
Michael Moore (guest of Doug Johnson), Matt Everson (guest of Kathleen Archer), Gail Ervin (guest of Matt Fannin), and the following were all guests of Casey D’Angelo: NewGen students Rima Makaryan, Suhas Nagappala, Rob Giacomini, Mike Lennon’s son and Marisol Cornejo, and Montgomery high Principal Randy Burbank.
Sunshine Report:
Not so good today. Wally Lowry fell on Tuesday and is in intensive care at Memorial Hospital, room 260 West, He is in pretty good spirits, but they are keeping him for observation. Doug Garrison is also out for an unknown reason. Sadly, President Julia announced the passing of international president elect Sam Owori. He died unexpectedly after surgery.
Polio Plus Goal for this year:
President Julia announced that this year’s goal is $4000. That is double last year’s goal but we blew through that goal and earned about $3700. So that is $300 more. Let’s see if we can blow through that one too!
PeaceBuilders Video:
President Julia showed us a video and announced that there will be 6 peace conferences in early 2018 in various locations around the world. Vacation anyone?
Today there was $198.00 in the pot and four marbles remaining. We had trouble finding someone with a valid ticket and had to redraw twice! President Julia’s number was, at last, pulled. She gave visitor Suhas Nagappala from Montgomery High School the chance to pull the marble. Unfortunately he did not pull the correct marble and got the $10.00 instead.
Joke of the Day:
Two pieces of rope went into a bar……….
Kathleen Archer is inviting all who helped at the Felta rest stop for the Giro Bello to join her at next week’s meeting to have some wine with their lunch. Hey, it can’t hurt to start recruiting your team for next year!
Cathy Vicini says that Knox is healing after his surgery, but he’s not happy with her!
Karen Ball announced the Bocce Ball Tournament coming up on August 19th. She needs 4 power hungry people to be referees. You don’t need to know anything about the game
Chuck Wear, Tim Delaney and Jack Tolin are looking for meeting fellowship volunteers for August. See them for an assignment.
Secret Greeter:
President Julia asked Kathleen Archer to be our secret greeter this week. The first person who said hello to her was Matt Everson. I guess Matt will be back soon for his free lunch!
Will Haymaker’s grandson just got his master’s degree in economics in Barcelona Spain. He will now start working on his PhD in Economics. He will be studying why more women are not on boards of corporations.
Ray Giampaoli just celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary to Jodi.
Today’s Speaker – New Gen Peace Builders class of 2017
First up was Suhas Nagappala to talk about the HOPE project. The idea behind their project was to identify the misconceptions about the homeless and how to deal with those misconceptions. They went to two of different homeless camps to talk to the people who lived there. They found the people, in general, were not lazy, not criminals and not mooches on society. Quite often they were normal middleclass people who befell a job loss or illness that sent them tumbling downward to homelessness. 50% of the homeless do have jobs. Many are the victims of crime, not the perpetrator. Only 11% get some sort of financial support from the government. Yes, there is alcoholism, drug abuse and mental illness. The new theory to help them all is to get them first off the streets and out of the bushes into a home. From there you can get them the support they need.
Next up was Rima Makaryan and Rob Giacomini to talk about Plant Roots of Peace. This is a program started by Heidi Kuhn. This program focuses on removing landmines so that the land can be farmed. For this project the kids are working to raise $15,000 to remove landmines from the Quang Tri area of Viet Nam. This will help 50 families earn a living as farmers in an area that has been too dangerous to work for almost 50 years. The money will be used to clear the mines, by prosthetics for those who have lost limbs and rebuild the land for farming.
To donate to this project:
NOTE: Hover your cursor over the above pictures to see descriptions.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Julia Parranto, President Elect: Tony Roehrick, President Elect Nominee: Cathy Vicini, Past President: Jose Guillen, Secretary: Debi Zaft, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes
President Rotary International
Ian Riseley of the RC of Sandringham, Australia
Governor, District 5130
Bob Rogers, Rotary Club of Sebastopol
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Ray Giampaoli, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi, Laura Held, Peter Holewinski, Steve Baime and Jeff Kolin