Next Meeting is Hybrid
Wednesday July 21, 2021
NOTE: This is a Hybrid Meeting.
See details below.
Family Justice Center of Sonoma County
Marsha Lucien
The Family Justice Center provides centralized services and resources for victims of domestic abuse, child abuse, and elder abuse in collaboration with its partner agencies at the Family Justice Center located at 2755 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa.
Oh Yes, we are MEETING IN PERSON! We will be meeting in person every week on Wednesdays from 12-1:30pm in the 300 Room at the Epicenter, 3215 Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa.
Register to attend at In person attendance and virtual attendance require pre-registering.
–> Debi will send you the Zoom login link for the 12:00 meeting once you have paid. Feel free to put your feet up, grab a sandwich, and join the meeting. <–
In-Person / Hybrid Meeting details:
Effective July 7th, 2021, we will be hosting in-person and online meetings. In-person meetings will be located at the Epicenter Sports Center located at 3215 Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa, CA. Use the first door, closest to Piner Road. There will be greeters at the door to guide you.
Meetings times are the same.
–> Please note that you NEED TO MAKE A RESERVATION IN ADVANCE so we have a proper count. Payments received by Saturday will be considered for the upcoming meeting. Payments after that will be for the following meeting.
–> Debi Zaft will email you the link for online, once you have paid. Use this link for details and to pay. CLICK HERE!
Wednesday July 28: Redwood Gospel Mission
Wednesday August 4: First Club Assembly (Members sign up for committees)
Wednesday August 11: PAWS – Performing Animal Welfare Society
Wednesday August 18: Sonoma County Ecology Center
Wednesday August 25: “100 Black Men”
Keep checking back. New Programs coming soon!
Keep checking back. New socials coming soon!
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Watch The Meeting: Did you miss the meeting? Here is a link to the recording of last week’s meeting:
(Click here) (Please note the first part of this meeting was not recorded.)
Please note it is only available to view until 7/25/21
Opening Ceremonies:
President Ray welcomed us to our second in person meeting. Scott Bartley led us in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Reflection, a quote from Winston Churchill. “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Visiting Rotarians:
District Governor Dustin Littlefield, Assistant District Governor Brian Reed, Randy Hartt from Suisun Bay
Sunshine Report:
Jack Abercrombie is now receiving hospice. Please keep him and Pris in your thoughts and prayers.
President Ray reminded us of all to bring a fiend to Rotary.
Karen Ball wants everyone to know that they must pay for their lunch by the Saturday prior to the meeting to give the Epicenter an accurate count for meals. If not, you will pay $3.00 more for lunch.
President Ray announced his Peak for Polio fund raiser and asked if anyone else had come up with their own challenge. Kris Anderson is going to go for 200 Jazzercise classes this year. Casey Carter is going to do spin classes.
Carolyn Fassi told us that you can still get the radios from the fire department that work without power. The NOAA All Weather radios are critical in the event of loss of cell towers.
Casey Carter was warning about the current status of Covid in our county.
Mark Burchill announced the sale of tickets for the 100th Anniversary Party on December 3, 2021
Kris Anderson is looking for 6 people to rotate writing the bulletin. Kim Murphy said she would help. We need 5 more! That way you only have to write the bulletin every 6 weeks. It is not difficult and if you are, like Kris, and have a brain glitch and cannot remember a name, ask the person next to you.
Rotarian of the month:
Robert Pierce! For all the research and hard work with his Sergeant of Arms committee to do our hybrid meetings.
Matthew Henry’s son got his driver’s license. He donated $50 to Polio Plus.
Susan and Dean Nowacki just celebrated their wedding anniversary in Hawaii. She donated $50 to the club and $50 to Polio Plus.
Kim Murphy is a proud grandma to Cyrus, so she donated $100 to the club and $100 to Paul Harris.
Paul Hamilton donated $100 to the club and $100 to the Larry Miyano fund.
Nicole Le was happy to be back (she is one of our photographers) and is celebrating one year in their new dental office. She is donating $100 to the local foundation and $100 to Paul Harris.
Mike Moore said there were 9 marbles and a pot of $52.00. Sam McMillan’s number was pulled, but he did not pull the blue marble. Pot rolls over to next week.
Today’s guest speaker in District Governor Dustin Littlefield:
Dustin is a member of Arcata Sunrise Rotary Club. He asked, “Is not meeting again in person a lot like the first day of the new school year?” Yep! He thanked our club leadership for all the work that was done to keep us together this last year. He thanked Doug Johnson for his leadership and training for him to do his job this year. Hybrids, Membership and Projects was the focus of his talk. “What is Rotary?” means many things. He joined the surfer fellowship and made friends with a whole different group of Rotarians around the globe who love surfing. Talk about Rotary to your friends. Share your experiences. Invite them to a meeting, to help on a project, and/or a social. We serve to change lives. “Rotary is the rent I pay to have a home on this earth.” Hybrids: He was at PETS when the global shutdown began in March 2020. We all quickly discovered Zoom. It is a love/hate relationship that will be with us into the future as not all are not ready to attend a meeting in person. Zoom also allows us to have a diverse membership and attract members and speakers that might not be able to attend a regular meeting. During times of crisis, Rotary has always lost members but not as much as you would think. Only 1% are usually lost. The Depression was 5%. Why is there a decline? Competition. Membership retention means we need to be flexible. Hybrids allow us to stay relevant. Rotary was the original LinkedIn.
Rotary’s goal is to increase membership to 1.3 million members by the end of 2022. “Each one, bring one” and we can achieve that goal locally and internationally.
Projects: it is the year to dream big. Bigger more collaborative projects. The Seven Areas of Focus is a great starting point for projects. Environmental projects are happening all around the world. Lean into the new technology, invite your friends to Rotary and be collaborative.
Program Slides:
(No program slides this week)
Additional Pictures:
Governor, District 5130
Doug Johnson
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Club Service I, Membership, Julia Parranto
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Casey D’Angelo
Club Service III, Fundraising, Diane Moresi
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Pete Lescure
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Rio Ray
Community Service II, Youth, Andrea Geary
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Dan Balfe
DIGITAL EDITION No. 416 July 14, 2021 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick