DIGITAL EDITION No. 230 July 12, 2017 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson & Diane Moresi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For July 19, 2017
Casey D’Angelo
This year our Rotary Club sponsored a group of 21 students from seven different high schools in Santa Rosa to be a part of the NewGen Peacebuilders program. They learned about different types of violence and ways that peace can be built. An essential part of the program is developing a Peace Project that they then implement. This year the group chose two different projects with about half the students working on each. One of the projects is H.O.P.E. (Homeless, Opportunities, Possibilities, and Equality) is bringing awareness of the Homeless in Santa Rosa. The second project, Plant Roots of Peace, worked with a non-profit group on raising awareness and funds for a project in Vietnam that removes landmines from fields and gives farmers supplies to plant and grow peppercorn trees. At our July 19th meeting, students will describe each of their projects and how the program has impacted their lives.
For Pictures from El Presidenté’s Debunking,
click on the picture below:
Wednesday July 19th: New Gen Students
Wednesday July 26th; Santa Rosa artist and Creative Director of ArtStart
Wednesday August 2nd: Joe Aaron – The Economic and Social Impact of Technology
Wednesday August 16th: Eric Mindling – Discovering Oaxaca
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Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
NEW: Giro Bello Signup Genius:
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NOTE: Hover your cursor over the pictures to see descriptions.
Thanks, Jose for your year of dedicated service leading the club, but a bright , shiny new president stepped up to the podium today and began her reign of …..well, we’ll see as the year goes by, but it appears to be a benevolent dictatorship. More about that later…..
Pledge: Matt Fannin led the pledge by transcendental meditation from another place.
Invocation: PP Don McMillan told a bible story about Jesus’s purchase of a robe from his Jewish tailor, Mr. Finklestine. Or maybe it was a joke….., I dunno – couldn’t tell. That story didn’t make it into my summer Bible school class in Kansas……
New First Lady of our Rotary Club, Rose Frances was in attendance to witness Julia’s maiden voyage at the helm.
Fred Levin introduced Mike Moore.
Ginny Cannon announced that all is sunny in Santa Rosa!
Tim Delaney presided in an attempt to give away $180, but Bart Eddy drew a bad marble and walked away with a mere $10.
Cathy told a particularly bad joke which many of us believe we’d already seen her post on Facebook. On another note, a moment of silence for her dog Knox, who forfeited the family jewels last week….It was a good run, Knox. Seriously, you got lucky more than a star NBA player and all the men in the SR Rotary Club combined. (pure speculation from looking around the room.)
- Doug Johnson announced that the district goal for “Pedal for Polio” amounts to $35.00 per member which will count toward our goal of $4,000 for our club.
- Andrea Geary is looking for someone who can actually play bocce ball to enter the annual Rotary Bocce Tournament on Auguist 19th. She also needs referees.
Jackie (She does it all) McMillan announced upcoming socials (Stompers Baseball, Transcendence Theater Broadway Under the Stars and other upcoming events.) If you don’t attend at least some of these events, you must not be very social! Jackie also has sponsors t-shirts and leftover wine tasting certificates if you’d rather drink than be social.
- Sam McMillan announced that our club will again support local ag kids by purchasing two hogs and two lambs at the fair. We’ll also have a Rotary Club table at this year’s fair.
- Don McMillan rescued a pop up tent from the Felta rest stop. Anyone know who it belongs to?
- President Julia announced that there would not be fines for birthdays in her year of benevolent dictatorship. There will be no fines for vacations, births of new grand, great grand, great, great, grand or other children, either. Donations are welcome but not required!
- “Cahman” Sinigiani has been world travelling with her family, taking in the sites of Europe and staying at Air B&B’s, youth hostels, and a gypsy caravan…..$100.
Bill Crowley went to Ireland and came back with a fake accent. Fake, fake, fake and fake! But he did bring President Julia some whiskey fudge. $60.
- Craig Meltzner has returned from a LOA and shared the good news of an impending grandchild! $100.
- Don & Jackie McMillan went to Vernal Falls, then Tahoe and each donated $50. Word has it they hooked up with Kim and DeWayne for some golf.
- Sam McMillan finished up his grandson’s PH.
- Jack Tolin told us in true Jim Johnson (RIP, my friend!) style of his odyssey travelling on the train system of Alberta, Canada. He would have made a great hobo…..$102.00
President Julia then shared her vision for our new Rotary year, with an emphasis on youth. Some featured items:
Elimination of Polio will still be the world wide goal for Rotary this year. While new cases of wild polio virus are down, there has been an uptick in vaccine related cases, mostly in Syria.
- RI President Ian Rineley has requested that trees be planted, one for each member of each club in Santa Rosa.
- He also requested that we record all hands on volunteer hours worked in the community. This does not count fundraising efforts.
- Our club is hosting a 4 Way Test Media Contest for juniors in high school, with a total of $5,000 in college scholarships being offered to the winners. More to come!
Other goals focus on membership retention and making each member of the club feel needed and valued. More and better socials, including a joint social on September 11th when the District Governor visits are also in the works.
NOTE: Hover your cursor over the above pictures to see descriptions.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Julia Parranto, President Elect: Tony Roehrick, President Elect Nominee: Cathy Vicini, Past President: Jose Guillen, Secretary: Debi Zaft, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes
President Rotary International
Ian Riseley of the RC of Sandringham, Australia
Governor, District 5130
Bob Rogers, Rotary Club of Sebastopol
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Ray Giampaoli, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi, Laura Held, Peter Holewinski, Steve Baime and Jeff Kolin