DIGITAL EDITION No. 276 July 11, 2018 EDITOR: Layne PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Rethinking Rebuilding the Homebound Way
Elena Traboulsi & Michael Carter
Home is more than a house – it sits at the center of our lives providing comfort, security, and warmth. The Firestorm on October 9, 2017 took all that away from 5300 of our friends and neighbors. In a continuing effort to aid in our county’s recovery process, our program on July 18th will showcase Homebound, formed in November, 2017 by Tom O’Brien, Cardinal Newman Class of 1998.
Homeowner Consultants Michael Carter and future Rotarian Elena Traboulsi, will describe their company’s mission to provide end-to-end homeowner support through personalized concierge service, removing common hassles experienced by homeowners managing a build process.
If you or someone you know is still struggling with the unrelenting maze of rebuilding, we welcome you to attend this informative meeting on July 18.
Wednesday July 25, 2018: Agriculture/ Career Technical Education and the County Fair – Annette O’Kelley
Wednesday August 1, 2018: Erin Brockovich – Still Fighting 22 Years Later (RSVP Only)
Wednesday August 8, 2018: Tony Roehrick – 1st Club Assembly
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Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Opening Ceremonies
Pledge: Rick Allen
Reflection: Don McMillan
Tommy Able, Audrey Brown, Michelle Baime, Katelyn Johnson.
Visiting Rotarians
None present today.
Ginny Canon reported that Jack Abercrombie is suffering from a blood clot. Please keep him in your thoughts.
Rich de Lambert ran today’s raffle, with $168 and 2 marbles in the pot. Unfortunately, Roy Thylin picked the right ticket, but not the right marble and walked away with the $10 consolation prize.
Cathy’s Joke
Two immigrants from Africa arrive in the United States and are discussing the differences between their country and the U.S. One of them mentions he’s heard that people in the U.S. eat dogs and if they are going to fit in, they better eat dogs as well. So they head to the nearest hot dog stand and order two “dogs’’. The first guy unwraps his, looks at it, and nervously looks at his friend.
“Which part did you get?”
Jackie McMillan asked that anyone attending our Rotary meeting August 1st with speaker Erin Brockovich sign up so we can get a good head count. Jackie reports that 51 club members have not indicated whether they are coming to that meeting. Please email Jackie at: [email protected] by July 18th with either a YES, a YES with # of guests or a NO, not able to attend.
Student Audrey Brown is selling tickets to a dinner Aug. 3rd to raise money for her exchange student trip to Denmark.
President Tony honored Julia for her work this past Rotary year with its fire related challenges. Julia welcomed Tony to the President’s chair and pinned him with a hug.
New Member Induction
Sponsor Ray Giampaoli helped introduce Holly Garretson who we’ve gotten to know with her attendance the last few weeks.
Rhine River Cruise
Jackie says only 3 cabins are still available for the 2019 Rhine River Cruise.
August 3rd Transcendence Theater
So far, 13 club members have signed up. Two picnic tables have been reserved. Tickets are still available at the $63.00 level. Contact Jackie if you are interested in joining the fun!
Diane Moresi was introduced as the new program chair, taking over for Jackie McMillan. Diane introduced today’s speaker, our new club president Tony Roehrick. Diane noted that family and baseball (SF Giants) are Tony’s passions.
Tony asked us to look around the room and appreciate who we are and how honored he is to serve as our president. Recognitions for vacations (along with a gift) will be reinstituted this year. The past year had a shortfall of some $10,000 and it is projected that if we do things the same way this year, we’ll have a $9,000 deficit. The board has determined that an increase in dues to $175 semi-annually, the first increase in 5 years is needed to make up the deficit. It has been decided that reinstituting recognitions and fines will also help make that up. Tony recognized his own trip to Toronto by donating $100 to the foundation. He then auctioned a t- shirt he acquired from the International Hockey Hall of Fame. Tony then recognized others who attended the Toronto convention:
Sam McMillan brought back a gift of Canadian beer and moose droppings. Sam also donated $100 to his Paul Harris.
Steve Olson was also recognized for his attendance at the Rotary Convention and donated the $100.
Doug Johnson announced he is in charge of organizing our District participation, attendance and yes, the District reception for the Hamburg Convention. next year. They fill up fast, so if you’re interested in going, act soon.
Peggy Sobranis was recognized for a river cruise she took with her sisters.
Tony recognized Cecil Humes for his many years of service to our club.
Tony spent the rest of the meeting reviewing the various facets of our club services. Locally, the focus for this year and probably future years will be continued fire relief, using matching grants. Potential projects include rebuilding Coffey Park, providing 10 lending libraries for new homes of fire survivors neighborhoods. Rebuilding Coffey Park is another opportunity as well as homeless relief. Renewal of the New Gen Peacebuilder program is planned for this fall. Membership sustainability through retention and new members will be emphasized.
Internationally, areas of focus are peace and conflict resolution, disease prevention, water and sanitation among others. “Be the inspiration” is the Rotary theme for 2018/19. New District Governor Barb Spangler’s district theme is “Do What Matters”.
Finally, Tony discussed the idea of “giving strategically”. Think about donating an amount monthly.
Tim Fawcett Go Fund Me
“Tim Fawcett has been a member of the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa for over 20 years and every year he has been the Club’s Santa for our annual Christmas party for children.
Last Christmas, Tim didn’t show up for the party and the club records found we only had a P.O. box address for him. After four to six hours a friend of Tim’s dropped by to find him latying on the ground as he had fallen off the roof onto his head. Tim spent the next month in Memorial Hospital at a cost of 1.3 million dollars. He had some insurance, but not nearly enough to cover this type of accident and care.
Tim now is living on $50.00 a week from the state. He has a home and two cars, but he cannot drive. It is a very slow recovery with no light at the end of the tunnel. He still has no sense of smell, taste and very little short term memory. He has no tv (and doesn’t want one), but has a radio, a computer and four walls.
Some club members are working on getting him federal disability, but it is a slow process. They are trying to keep him busy with walks, calls and visits. Last Sunday, they held a very successful picnic which Tim was able to attend. Between the club meeting and picnic, we were able to raise $2,000. A GoFundMe account has been set up in Tim’s name and currently, it has over $2,200 in deposits. To keep it going, a steady stream of contributions is needed. If you are able to help a fellow Rotarian, please go to”
Additional Photos
Governor, District 5130
Barb Spangler, Valley of the Moon Rotary Club
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Club Service I, Membership, Ryan Thomas
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Jeff Kolin
Club Service III, Fundraising, Steve Baime
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Brandon Urich
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Andrea Geary
Community Service II, Youth, Laura Held
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Peter Holewinski