DIGITAL EDITION No. 110 January 28, 2015 EDITOR: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program for February 4th:
Robert Rubin is a marine biologist and director of The Pacific Manta Research Group. He earned a Ph.D. in comparative physiology and marine ecology from the University of California, Irvine, studying animals that live at environmental extremes. He has conducted research on fish eating bats, ice breeding seals and sea elephants that dive to depths in excess of 5,000 feet on a single breath. His field studies of the oceanic manta rays have been chronicled and aired international by The Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, BBC and National Geographic.
Robert developed an interest in marine creatures as a teenager while teaching in a youth summer camp on Catalina Island, where he learned to SCUBA dive. The elegance and grace of giant mantas resulted in what is now a passionate pursuit of a scientific understanding of these charismatic giants; which he affectionately refers to as “Flying Carpets of Ebony Silk”.
Robert has taught marine biology at several colleges and universities in California and elsewhere. The recipient of numerous awards for teaching excellence, he has been recognized for his teaching by the California State Assembly and Senate, The Congress of the United States, the University of California, Irvine and Santa Rosa Junior College. He is the recipient of the ASCD award for teaching excellence, and in 1996, he was chosen by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as the California College and University Professor of the Year.
Wednesday, February 11th: Kendall Haven – Story Teller
Wednesday, February 18th: Club Fellowship
Wednesday, February 25th: High School Student Recognition
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President Mark Burchill opened the meeting. Doug Johnson led us in the Pledge and Laura Held gave us the invocation.
Today’s visiting Rotarians were very familiar faces! Dan Erickson from Healdsburg Sunrise and Roger Olson from Healdsburg Lunch.

John Sawyer and Caroline Fowler
So many today that I could not possibly list them all! So for those who did signed in, here they are: Jim and Linda Mann, Brian Mann, Hank Schreeder, Mike Musgrove, Tony Gossner, David Berman, Jim Gerien, Susan Dell’Immagine, Amiel Needham, Eric Goldschlag, Vicky Sheldon, Melissa Leonelly, Taileah Montero, Joe Bjornstrom, Caroline Fowler, John Sawyer, Erin Carlstrom, David Bannister, Gary Schwartz, Terry Abramson……….
Today’s head table included President Mark Burchill, Brian Mann, Hank Schreeder, Tim Fawcett, Mike Musgrove, Tony Gossner, and Marnie Goldschlag
No report today…Good!

Erin Carlstrom did not have winning marble
City Council Member Erin Carlstrom’s number was pulled, but she did not get the right colored marble. She gave back the $10 consolation prize under the dutiful watch of City Manager, Caroline Fowler!
Looking like a bunch of deer caught in headlights, we all fear that Debi Zaft will call on us to answer the question. Karen Ball read the magazine and knew the answer. Jimmy Fallon lost a bet and had to bring his show to Chicago.
Tim Fawcett is the chair of Vocational Services. He spoke about the committees that are part of this division of our Rotary Club; Youth in Agriculture, chaired by Sam McMillan and vice-chair Steve Olson, Public Safety Awards chaired by Marnie Goldschlag, and the Four Way Test chaired by Mike Kallhoff.
President Mark pointed out the blue flyers on the tables. They have a list of categories we should consider when looking for new members……The next wine tasting social will be at President Mark’s home on February 16th. There will be blind tasting zinfandels and meritage blends. Please let him know if you would like to participate…..Dave Brown was selling the last of the squares for the football pool. Numbers will be emailed to the participants before the game starts on Sunday….Ted Wilmsen is looking for dictionaries. Please return the extras and if your school was short, let him know!…..Matt Fannin says the meeting next week will be really interesting! An expert on manta rays is coming. A good meeting to bring a guest!

Brian Mann and Hank Schreeder
Marnie Goldschlag knows these people so well! She makes for an excellent emcee. If you missed this meeting I cannot begin to describe the banter, the humor and specialness of this meeting. This is our annual meeting where we honor members of the Santa Rosa Police Department and The Santa Rosa Fire Department. To mix it up a bit, Marnie showed a video just before the introduction of the policeman of the year and the fireman of the year. THEN she made Hank Schreeder, the police chief, introduce Tony Gossner, the fire chief. Too funny!
Tony Gossner has been the fire chief since last August. He had been the acting chief since December 2013. He has been a member of the Santa Rosa Fire Department for 24 years. He started his career in 1986 with CALFire.

Mike Musgrove
Tony introduced us to the Fire Fighter of the Year, Mike Musgrove. Mike began his career in 2001 with CALFire. He joined the Santa Rosa Fire Department in 2005. He drives the “long trucks” per Tony. Mike is certified in many areas and acts as acting captain as is needed. He serves on the fire department’s honor guard. Chief Tony says that Mike likes to be “involved.” People like to be around him. He is a leader and always there for his fellow firemen. He works harder than anyone else. Patience, caring and doing the right thing with integrity. When asked to stand and receive his award, Mike thanked Mark Basque, Chief Sebastiani, Chief Schuman and Chief Tony Gossner. He thanked his significant other, Melissa and his two girls, Eva and Olivia. “It is an honor to serve.”
Next up was Chief Tony Gossner introducing Chief Hank Schreeder. All kidding aside (and there was lots of kind, humor) Hank Schreeder has been with the Santa Rosa Police Department since 1991. He has been a motor officer, field training officer and a member of the Special Response Team and Sex Crime and Family Violence detective. He was promoted to sergeant in 2000, Lieutenant in 2006. Several more promotions and he was appointed Chief in December 2013.

Tony Gossner
Hank introduced the police department’s police officer of the year, Brian Mann. He was chosen for this honor by his fellow officers for several reasons, but in particular it was his conduct when the Bennett Valley Jewelry store was robbed last year. Brian was at the shopping center when he heard the shots. He ran to the scene and tackled one of the suspects without knowing if he was armed. No other police officers had yet made it to the scene. Brian’s prompt action brought a very dangerous situation quickly under control. Brian, when he stood up to receive his honor, said that he is very proud to be a police officer. He was very gratified by the honor. He even brought flowers for his wife!
The meeting was concluded with a prayer for all public safety officers and firefighters.

Marnie humbled by the gift of flowers
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, John McHugh, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini