Next meeting
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Annual Meeting

Casey D’Angelo

Wednesday we will have the mid-year Annual Meeting that will highlight all of our activities so far this year and showcase those still to come.

We will hear about the many projects our members participated in the first 6 months of our Rotary year and the impact we make. Each Board member will talk about their focus areas and the plans for member involvement in the next few months.

A major focus will be on plans for the return of “fireside chats”, the SCARC our Club will host in March, and the Giro Bello on July 12.


Wednesday February 5: Acupuncturist in Santa Rosa
Wednesday February 12: Press Democrat Columnist
Wednesday February 19:
Wednesday February 26:
Global Rotaract Alum Club

Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).




More socials coming soon.

For more details and additional events, see the Announcements section below.

For pictures and descriptions of previous socials and other events click here.

More socials, projects, & events coming soon!

Opening The Meeting

Susan Nowacki led us in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four- Way Test. She said that January 20th was the 30th anniversary for the “Day of Service” which is when we celebrate Martin Luther King Day. Her Reflection was a quote of his, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?”


Renee Domen and Rosemary Giacomini from the Charles M Schulz Museum

Sunshine Report:

All is good this week. President Casey reported about 17 members were at Norm and Bev Owen’s memorial last Saturday.

50/50 Raffle:

Fred Levin said there were only 7 marbles in the bag with a pot of $103. Kim Murphy’s ticket was called…and she won!

Rotarian of the Month:

At last! We now know that the December Rotarian oof the month is Steve Marburger. Steve has really been a help to so many Rotarians with their computer needs. He has valuable information to protect our information on our computers, tablets, and phones.

Book of Why?

The books are here, and we were to pick them up after the meeting for delivery in February. Thanks to all who helped load them into our cars (Sean, Ray, Ted, etc).

Annual meeting:

Next week is our annual meeting. We will be discussing club business and nominations for the board, among other things. President Casey would love to have all in attendance for this meeting.

December 6, 2025, Craft Fair:

Patty Kolin passed around a clipboard for people to sign up to make something to the Christmas Craft Fair. It can be arts and crafts, but it also can be baked food, and other projects. If everyone in the club made 10 “things” we would have a lot to sell and make a little bit of money for the club. Got any ideas? Please share them!

Boys and Girls Bike Give Away:

On February 1, 2025, the Boys and Girls Club will be giving away bikes and they need volunteers to help. See President Casey for the details. Sounds like the event will be in Petaluma this year.


Robby Fouts bought a new truck and donated $100 to the local foundation.

Support the Larry Miyano Engineering Scholarship

Mary Miyano has donated a vintage, never been worn, Giro Bello Jersey to Rotary to be auctioned o: with the proceeds going to the Miyano Engineering Scholarship. The original clothing tags are still attached to this striking 2010 jersey. Our own vintage auctioneer, Ray Giampaoli will auction the jersey at this Wednesday’s meeting. Come bid on this unique item and support the Miyano Scholarship.

Charles M Schulz Museum

Renee Donman is the Director of Membership and Group Tours. Rosemary Giacomini is the Volunteer Director for the Museum. The museum is now 23 years old! It opened in 2002. This year they have lots to celebrate. It is the 75th anniversary of of the comic “Peanuts,” It is the 60th anniversary of the Charlie Brown Christmas special on TV. It is the 50th anniversary of the Beagle Scouts. It seems most of our members have been to the museum and many are members. There are three exhibit areas, the huge wall made of over 10,000 cartoons that make up Lucy holding the football. There is a research center, art collection, Charles Schulz’s office, gift shop and more. The newest exhibit is “Nice Shades! Beyond the Lines in Peanuts.”  Also showing now is “Here Come the Beagle Scouts.”

Did you know that the comic has been translated into 37 languages? There is a museum in Tokyo that is all things Snoopy. If you happen to go to Japan this summer they will be having a show, “Snoopy and Fashion.”

We all know that Charles Schulz grew up in St Paul, Minnesota. His cartoons reflect this. Shultz got the nickname Sparky from a cartoon horse. He had a dog named Spike. His very last dog was Andy. So, we know where Snoop’s brothers got their names.
Snoopy fought in WWII as did Shulz. What a cast of characters he created! Most cartoons do not have that many characters. Snoopy also became an astronaut in 1968.

The ice shows?  They are back but not done to the scale they were in the past.

There are lots of classes for people of all ages at the museum. Ou can sign up for a tour. Memberships start as little as $50. You get free admission to the museum, a membership card, and a collectable lapel pin.  Want to volunteer? Most volunteers work two 3 hour shifts a month.  Kids as young as twelve can be volunteers for certain jobs.



DIGITAL EDITION No. 575, January 22, 2025  WRITER: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Rich Rossi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick


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Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness

Governor, District 5130

Jim O’Grady DG – 2024 – 2025

Club President

President Casey D’Angelo, 2024 – 2025



Debi Zaft – Club Secretary

Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Board of Directors

Casey D’Angelo – President
Kim Murphy – President Elect
Peter Holewinski – President Elect Nominee
Ann Gospe – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Andrea Geary – Treasurer
Robert Pierce – Sergeant At Arms
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
Rich Rossi – Club Service – Public Image
Heather Thurber – Club Services – Local Service
Kim Murphy – Club Service – Club Administration
Rick Allen – International Service
Mary Graves – Foundation Representative