Next meeting
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Annual Club Meeting
President Ann Gospe
We will be taking a quick glance back at the year so far and looking forward to our plans for finishing the year strong.
Wednesday January 31: Club Dark – 5th Wednesday
Wednesday February 7: From Government to Grapes
Click here for the current calendar (Subject to updates).
Redwood Empire Food Bank – 2nd Wednesday of the month. The next one is February 14th – 5 PM – 7 PM
SRJC Rotaract Fundraiser – You can make your donations here: Click here to donate
SRJC and Sonoma State Rotaract members support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. If you would like to donate, you can make a donation here.
For more details and additional events, see the Announcements section below.
More socials, projects, & events coming soon!
Rotary Announcements
See the Announcements section below.
Jeff Kolin started the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, the 4-Way Test, and a reflection based on Dr. Margaret Wheatley’s writing, “Turning to One Another.”
Past President Jeff also pointed out that today was Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day! Who knew?
Visiting Rotarians
Dan Rosachi was visiting from the Sunrise Club to check off one more red badge requirement. He is a colleague of Jeff Gospe’s and was peppered with many questions as to why he didn’t join our club!
Diane Moresi introduced her guest, Amy Jones, the current Rincon Valley Union School District Superintendent. That made three Rincon Valley superintendents in the room and the President of the Rincon Valley Union School District Board of Trustees, Jeff Gospe! Wow!
Steve Marburger has RSV.
Natasha Perez’s son, Julian, is ill.
Matthew Henry thanked the members for the generous donation at the last meeting. He is very grateful.
Julia Parranto thanked her Rotary family for the support who volunteered to help care for Rose, allowing Julia to travel to France for her nephew’s memorial service. As it turned out, she could not go, but the love she felt from those eight Rotarian women was appreciated.
Jeff Gospe shared that he just met with Hospice to provide care for his mother.
Opportunity Drawing
Guest speaker Terri Stark drew the lucky ticket for the drawing today. With $227 and only three marbles, one would hope that the lucky number holder would win the pot. As it turned out, Casey D’Angelo had the winning number but did not win! With a prompt reminder from President Ann, Casey put his $10 consolation prize in the Polio Plus bucket.
Robert Pierce announced that he would be taking individual photos next week at the meeting of those Rotarians who would like a new Rotary photo. He asked for a show of hands of those who will take advantage of this opportunity to have a new photo and make a $100 donation to the club. He needs at least five members to make this opportunity worthwhile. When was your last picture taken? Is it the truth? Update it now!
Secretary Debi Zaft reminded everyone that it was the last day to RSVP for SCARC, which will be held on January 25th. Please let her know ASAP.
Jim Green announced that the International Services Committee voted to spend $800 on educational lap trays for young students in South Africa. For more information, go to
Isidora Sarria, our exchange student, will cook a Chilean dinner to raise funds so she can participate in Rotary’s Western Safari Trip at the end of this school year. The dinner will be on March 2, 2024, at Ann and Jeff Gospe’s house from 4:00 – 9:00 pm. The cost is $75.00 per person or $125.00 per couple. Seating is limited! If you want to attend, RSVP to Isidora via text at (707) 909-5620 or email [email protected].
Russian River Keepers’ clean-up project is coming soon. It requires “able bodiness,” according to President Ann. She has recruited her son and Isidora to participate. Invite friends or family to participate, as well. Contact President Ann for more information.
Jeff and Patty Kolin will host a Valentine’s Brunch, with Chef Casey D’Angelo providing delicious food. The brunch is a fundraiser for the club. However, the cost is still up in the air. Make your reservation with Casey soon, as seating is limited.
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation – Rotary Moment
Rotarian Doug Landin is the Rotary Foundation chair. He gave highlights of the mission and goals of the Rotary Foundation.
Click on Rotary Foundation Areas Of Focus and Overview Of Rotary Foundation to view more information.
100% Paul Harris Club was attained during Past President Jeff Kolin’s year. President Ann would like to see if we could achieve 100% again.
Super Bowl Pool
President Ann announced that approximately 35 squares remain on the board for the Super Bowl. Let her know as soon as possible if you would like to participate. It is $20 per square. Fifty percent of the funds raised will go to the Ukraine project, with the other half going to the winner(s). The opportunity to participate will now be presented to several clubs and at the SCARC meeting.
Susan Nowacki introduced today’s speaker, Terri Stark, of the Stark Reality Restaurants group. Terri shared her story of meeting her husband, Mark, and migrating, as she put it, to Sonoma County to open eight restaurants between 2006 and 2024. Stark Reality Restaurants was founded in 2006. It is one of Sonoma County’s largest employers, with approximately 400 employees. Many of its employees have worked with them for more than ten years.
As Mark Stark has said, “At least 20 employees who started out washing dishes and bussing tables now own their own houses; more than anything else, that is our greatest accomplishment.”
Terri shared that she does all the “un-fun stuff” in their partnership, while Mark does all the food. However, she enjoys the opportunity to design all the interiors of their restaurants to use her creative side.
She said the question always arises: “How do we run eight restaurants completely different from one another, all within a 15-mile radius.” The answer, she said, is the people of Sonoma County.
Terri’s story started with Willi’s Wine Bar in 2006 when they had very little money, but with hard work and the community’s support, they made it work and haven’t looked back.
The first three restaurants were opened in the first two and a half years. They were followed by Stark’s in 2008, Grossman’s in 2019, and Auggie’s this year.
Their succession plan might be in place as their daughter, age 33, and husband work at Auggie’s.
Terri’s presentation was entertaining, informative, and inspiring.
To learn more about each of the eight restaurants, visit the following link.
Program Slides
No program slides this week.
Club Job Openings:
Need a person on the board for Vocational Service Recognition
Additional Pictures:
Click on the picture below to see more great pictures from the meeting.
DIGITAL EDITION No. 532, January 17, 2024 WRITER: Kris Anderson PHOTOGRAPHER: Richard Rossi & Jeff Gospe PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
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Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Governor, District 5130
Club President
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Ann Gospe – President
Casey D’Angelo – President Elect
(awaiting confirmation) – President Elect Nominee
Kris Anderson – Past President
Debi Zaft – Secretary
Karen Ball – Treasurer
Robert Pierce – Sergeant At Arms
Julia Parranto – Club Service- Membership
(Open) – Club Service – Club Meetings
Matthew Henry – Club Service – Fund Raising
Charlie Howard-Gibbon – Club Services – Local Service
(Open) – Club Service – Records and Outreach
(Open) – Member Involvement
(Open) — Community – Service – Youth
(Open) – Vocational Service
Scott Bartley – International Service
Paul Hamilton – Foundation Representative