Here are some photos and videos of past events and projects.

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Santa Rosa Junior College Rotaracts

Santa Rosa Junior College Rotaract

Rotaract is the college version of rotary. The students are community service oriented and manage their own projects, just like Rotarians only with more energy and technology expertise

Rotary & Rotaract Support The Food Bank

As usual, we worked from 5:00 to 7:00 at the Redwood Empire Food Bank on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 (our standing second Wednesday of the month appointment) and there was a huge turnout!

From our club we had Kris Anderson, Sam McMillan (Rita too), Rick Allen, Tasia Henderson (and son), Richard Lazovick, Odalis Medianero, Robert Pierce. We were joined by several members of the Sonoma State University Alumni Rotaract Club, Santa Rosa Junior College Rotaract Club, Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary Club, and the Coast Guard. I believe we bagged 7623 pounds of apples! There were so many people we actually finished early. See you all next month on December 14th for our next work evening.

(Click on images below to expand and to see all)

SRJC Rotaract – Youth In Action

SRJC Rotaract – Youth In Action

On October 28th we had the kick off meeting for Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) Rotaracts.

With Odalis as the Rotary representative, Micaela as club president, Julianne as vice president, 5 additional Rotaracts, and Richard as assistant Rotary representative.

(Click on images below to expand and to see all)

Another Successful Meat Auction

On Saturday October 15th, 2022 another successful social and meat auction supporting “Youth in Agriculture” was held at the home of President-elect Ann Gospe and Rotarian Jeff Gospe!

During the evening, guests participated in three different fundraising activities. One way to be able to take home prizes was to win one of the many hand-curated lots of wine and cuts of lamb or pork by drawing a playing card.

The live auction, led by Past President Ray Giamapoli, offered select cuts of meat paired with a bottle of wine. Rotarians left with hams, wild-caught salmon, center-cut lamb chops paired with condiments, and legs of lamb!

The Paul Harris Squares board, overseen by Past President Debi Zaft, filled all 100 squares. Multiple winners received a bottle of wine or a dessert of their choosing…though everyone was waiting for the grand prize of an instant Paul Harris. To everyone’s surprise guest Kay Schultz, a former Healdsburg Rotarian won!

Thank you to the Gospes, Rotarian Steve Olsen, Rotarian Sam McMillan, and Past President Ray who made the whole event successful once again.

Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Hosted SCARC

On Thursday, August 25, 2022 the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa hosted the monthly Sonoma County Area Rotary Club (SCARC) meeting at the Moose Lodge. This month’s program was on what our local Rotary clubs are doing in Ukraine. Jeff Gospe was our featured speaker with Curt Groninga also participating. We had an excellent turnout for our club and the others with 57 people in attendance. The catering was provided by Sonoma County Catering with Ray Giampaoli’s wife, Jodi, managing the meal. Due to this meeting rotating between the clubs, this was our first time to hose in the last three years.

Youth Exchange Welcome Social

On Aug. 11th we held a Youth Exchange Welcome Social for about 40 Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa and the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa East/West, including 4 exchange students (our Santa Rosa clubs’ 2 inbound exchange students from Sweden and Italy, our outbound to Germany, and Sebastopol’s inbound from South Korea).

Youth Exchange Welcome Social – 8/11/22

On Aug. 11th we held a Youth Exchange Welcome Social for about 40 Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa and the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa East/West, including 4 exchange students (our Santa Rosa clubs’ 2 inbound exchange students from Sweden and Italy, our outbound to Germany, and Sebastopol’s inbound from South Korea).

2020 Club Rotary Guadalajara – our sister club in 2012

A visit was made by Shari with her family Rotary in Guadalajara, where she was a member between 2006-2012, before  transferring to Rotary club of Santa Rosa. Club Rotary Guadalajara and our Santa Rosa club became  sisters in the program of bringing an Orchestra of under privileged  children a federal program in Mexico assigned to the Secretary of Culture in the state of Jalisco to improve the lives of poor children. The program was jointly coordinated by both clubs and successfully implemented in 2012 at the Green Music Center.
These photos are members of the club Rotary Guadalajara in hotel Quintana Roo where they meet every Tuesday for lunch. Their speaker was a professor from the University of Guadalajara speaking on women’s issues and lack of services provided for women with low income status.
It is amazing so many years of working towards progress in women’s issues and it seems they are regressing backwards.
The highest rate of assault, death and violence against women was in 2019 in the history of status of women.

2018 Children’s Holiday Festival

On Saturday, December 15th, our annual Children’s Christmas Festival took place at Spreckels Performing Arts Center.  108 students, plus several adult chaperones, from six elementary schools were hosted by Santa (Tim Fawcett) and his elves (Judy Glenn, Steve Baime, Kris Anderson and Casey Carter); the children  saw a performance of the Nutcracker Ballet, and afterward enjoyed punch and cookies (baked by elves Debi Zaft, Andrea Geary, Kim Graves, Kathy Schwartz, Ann Gospe, Kris Anderson, Diane Moresi, Casey Carter, and Judy Glenn), and a gift for every child from Santa.  It was lots of fun for everyone!

2017 Dictionaries For 3rd Graders

2017 Children’s Christmas Special