DIGITAL EDITION No. 303 February 6, 2019 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Diane Moresi PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For Wednesday, February 13, 2019
High School Scholarship Recognitions
Ryan Thomas
On February 13, 2019, the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa will continue its long tradition of recognizing the achievements of an outstanding student from each of our local high schools.
The entire meeting will be devoted to this program so that we can fully honor these students in the presence of their family members and peers from the other local high schools. The achievements of these students is always impressive and worthy of recognition. They bring us much needed optimism for the future of our world.
Ryan Thomas will be our Moderator. The principals of all the high schools will also be our guests. The schools represented are:
Santa Rosa High School
Maria Carrillo HS
Piner HS
Ridgway HS
Roseland Collegiate
Elsie Allen HS
Montgomery HS
Cardinal Newman
Roseland University Prep
Each student receives an engraved plaque from the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa for their scholastic and personal achievements within their school and their community. After recognitions, Ryan also encourages the honorees to apply for the Stan Lance Scholarship given by The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation.
Congratulations to All! These are our future community leaders!
Wednesday February 20, 2019: Jeff Gospe – Exchange Students
Wednesday February 27, 2019: How A Mountain Was Made – Dr. Greg Sarris
Wednesday March 6, 2019: Arequipa Sanatorium: Life in California’s Lung Resort for Women – Lynn Downey
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness
Opening Ceremonies
President Tony began the meeting
Pledge: Dan Schell
Reflection: Yale Abrams
Visiting Rotarians
None present today.
Ron and Roxanne Voorhees have turned in applications for club membership. Chad and Nour Maxwell who also have applied for membership.
Ginny Cannon reported that today, all is sunny!
Robby Fouts presiding over $91 Yankee dollars. Layne Bowen had the winning ticket and also drew the winning marble!
Cathy’s Clown Show
A mother decides to go into a pet store. She hears this parrot says hello to her. She laughs and the store clerk said the bird is looking for a new home since where it grew up had to shut down. It was a brothel. The mother just thinks this is the cutest bird and her kids would love it. She takes it home and when the kids come home the bird says hello and the kids are having fun saying hello back and forth.
Then the father arrives home, and he sees the parrot.
The parrot sees him and promptly says “Hi Dan”.
Mark Burchill is still looking for 4 host families for French visitors. If you are interested, please contact Mark asap. ([email protected])
Diane Moresi asked for volunteers for a science event serving 4th through 8th grade students. (Click here for the flyer.) (Click here for the volunteer form.)
Ryan Thomas urged members to attend next week’s meeting when we will be honoring high achieving students from ten area high schools.
Ray Giampaoli is looking for 45k in sponsorships for Giro Bello this year. Get to work spending other people’s money. If everyone in the club can get a $500 sponsorship, we will actually exceed that goal!
Peter Lescure is looking for volunteers to help out at Rotary meetings. You know you’ve always wanted to be a greeter……..
Ted Wilmsen needs to know how many volunteer hours were expended in the dictionary program for Rotary International.
There will be a brief board meeting after today’s club meeting.
Doug Johnson announced the Super Bowl raffle winners. Sam and Ted who do everything together, apparently were the big winners, winning $300.
Rotarian of the Month
Dan Balfe was recognized for his work with Polio Plus, District Grants directorship and overall volunteerism.
Shari Shamsavari shared her time in the Dominican Republic on a Rotary project.
She donated $100 to the club and $100 to Polio Plus.
Diane Moresi introduced Jason Lea. Jason presented a program on the teacher shortage in Sonoma County. In 1994 Jason visited seniors at Richmond High School while in law school at the time. That visit was life changing and steered him into public education.
Jason was a principal and currently is at the Sonoma County Office of Education. The theme today is attracting and keeping teachers. Jason discussed the barriers most people hiring for any business face: High cost of housing, cost of living, return on educational investment, support systems, physical requirements, etc…..
In 2018, there were 904 teacher vacancies in Sonoma County. Jason noted that administrators have 18 months to evaluate a new teacher. After that, it is very difficult to release a tenured teacher. Jason shared some steps the state is making to help attract teachers. Some include: 4 year BA/Credential programs, classified grants, a teacher residency grant program and a Local Solutions Grant for special education teachers.
Jason noted that retirements account for 54% of teacher loss. One solution is an intern credential program. Jason noted the difficulty in attracting talent from other Bay Area counties due to poor road access.
Finally, Jason discussed the North Coast School of Education which is working to meet the needs of educational training and qualification, especially in special education.
Governor, District 5130
Barb Spangler, Valley of the Moon Rotary Club
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Club Service I, Membership, Ryan Thomas
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Jeff Kolin
Club Service III, Fundraising, Steve Baime
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Brandon Urich
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Andrea Geary
Community Service II, Youth, Laura Held
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Peter Holewinski