DIGITAL EDITION No. 111 February 4, 2015 EDITOR: John McHugh PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le
Our Program for February 11th:
The only West Point graduate to turn professional storyteller, Kendall Haven also holds a Doctorate in Oceanography. Now a master storyteller, Haven has performed for over 6.8 million worldwide during his 30 year career and has led the research effort for the National Storytelling Assn. into the architecture of effective story structure and into the process of story-based influence and persuasion. An internationally recognized Subject Matter Expert on the cognitive and neuro-science of story, Haven created the first detailed, tested model of dynamic story architecture that accounts for the neurology of how narrative material is processed, understood, remembered, and recalled in a receiver’s mind.
Haven is the only storyteller or story writer recruited to be part of the recent DoD DARPA research program to explore the cognitive neurology of how stories exert influence. He serves as a story consultant to departments in various governmental science agencies (Navy, DoD, EPA, NASA, NOAA, and NPS) as well as for numerous corporations, nonprofits, and educational organizations and was selected as a featured presenter at the 2013 and 2014 Aspen Ideas Fest. Haven has published 34 books of and on stories and storytelling and has won 20 major awards for his writing and performance storytelling.
Wednesday, February 18th: Club Fellowship
Wednesday, February 25th: High School Student Recognition
Wednesday, March 4th: Susan Swartz
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President, Mark Burchill opened the meeting. We were led in the pledge by Pete Lescure
Don McMillian with the help of assistants Karen Ball, Chip Rawson and Jackie McMillian led us in an old time revival to get us charged up for Giro Bello. I felt like I should have jumped in the Flamingo’s pool to be baptized. On a serious note, this year’s Giro Bello could be the biggest fund raiser we have ever had, but to pull it off all of us need to participate in some way.
From the Sebastopol Club, our Past President Barbara Beedon. From the Windsor Club, retired grape grower John Hackenberg.
Our guests today were Robbie Chase, Elaine Olson, Dr. Frank Chong, President of Santa Rosa Junior College, Don Crane, Rosanna Hayden from Artisan Staffing, and Kim Graves, from Safe-In-Home
Eileen Carlisle reported that the sun was shining.

Raffle $10 winner Bill Rousseau
John Poremba conducted the raffle today and the lucky ticket was drawn by Past President Bill Rousseau. There was $117 in the pot but Past President Bill didn’t draw the special marble out of the bag so he got the consolation prize of $10.
Four Rotarian’s have birthdays this month, Chuck Bartley, Darren Elliott, Marcia Konkel, and Jeanne Levin Three of February’s babies were absent so we sang happy birthday to Chuck Bartley who got a birthday and Valentine’s Day gift from our Birthday person Laura Held.
How many of you knew that Past President Bill Rousseau is the Sonoma County Clerk, Assessor, Recorder and Registrar of Voters. He gave us a brief description of each office and said that he has Chief Deputies that run the Departments on a daily basis while he is doing lots of traveling to Sacramento to participate on various State Committees that affect each of the departments he is responsible for. Whew, what a Job.

Jack Geary
This week it was Jack Geary’s turn to speak to us about the role of the Sargent of Arms. It’s pretty clear that our meetings would not run as smoothly as they do without the hard work Jack and his team performs each week. So many things that we have come to expect at our meetings would not happen as smoothly were it not for Jack’s leadership. Thanks Jack for the work you do.
Steve Marburger came from New Mexico; he was born in Las Cruces the home of the best red and green chilies. His dad was a great influence in his life and first introduced him to computers (the great big ones the Federal Government used to make the Bomb and other things) at first he didn’t like them at all.
His dad’s work took the family to southern California where he became the 67th member of the Mickey Mouse Club. Then back to Albuquerque New Mexico where he grew up, started college and then Skied his way out of college. He spent some time on Ski Patrol but the pay wasn’t good so he moved to Denver and got back into school. He took some Human Resource Classes but didn’t like them so he took a computer class and was hooked. He moved back to New Mexico and opened a successful computer business.
He and his wife decided to move to California because she has family in Fairfield so they chose Santa Rosa and we are glad they did.

Robby Fouts
There is one among us that seems to be there every time something is needed. He gives of himself and his resources whether it is a hands on project, Giro Bello, The Grand Fondo or something else that needs attention. We can always count on him to deliver. Our Rotarian of the Month is Robby Fouts.
On behalf of the Club Foundation our own Norm Owen presented Darrel and Nancy Horn a Crystal Legacy Bowl as a symbol of their commitment to the Club Foundation.
Twenty-six years ago our Club Foundation was founded to contribute to scholarships and projects that provide benefits to our local Community. In 1997 Darrel Horn joined our club. Today Darrel and his lovely wife Nancy are being honored for their commitment to the vision of our Club Foundation. Darrel and Nancy are Legacy Society Members of our Foundation for providing Financial Assistance through their Estate Plan for Scholarships to SRJC Students seeking a career in the food Processing Industry.
President Mark—there are still a couple of slots available for the Wine Tasting.
Julia Parranto—Shared some of the thank you notes she received from the kids at the Christmas Program
Doug Johnson—let us know that the Giro Bello is open for business and that we have collected $8000 in ridership fees thus far.
David Brown—announced the winners of the Super Bowl Pool. Blaine Goodwin won $150 for the first quarter, a Rotarian from Petaluma won the second quarter. The big winner was our own Jackie McMillan. She took home $300.
Ted Wilmsen—reminded us to bring back extra dictionaries and supplies.
Sadly we learned that Ray and Debra Dorfman will be leaving our club because they are relocating to the Palm Springs area. They will be missed.

Dr. Robert Rubin
Doctor Robert Rubin a Professor at Santa Rosa Junior College whose work has been documented on the Discovery Channel, Animal planet, The National Geographic and elsewhere had us all on the edge of our seats as he told us stories about “The flying Carpets of Ebony Silk” known to scientists as Manta Biostris which are commonly called Manta Rays.
Through his eyes he opened up a new world to us that is exciting, compelling and thought provoking. By his own admission his presentation was not a scientific one but rather one of exploration to understand how these magnificent fish with wing spans up to 20 ft. have come to seem to be more like mammals then fish.
They have a brain similar in size and structure to ours. They use milk to feed their young in the womb. They exhibit complex behaviors one expects in mammals. They can recognize themselves and others and appear to have a sense of self. Could something new and exciting be happening?
As Doctor Rubin described prehistoric transitions where land mammals moved into the sea he posed the question; could these Big Fish with their large brains and complex behavior signal another transition? He asked us to imagine what that might be.
Today 1:30pm came all too quickly.
Greeters: Bart Eddy, Rich deLambert
Lunch Ticket taker: Doug Chase
Lunch Ticket Sellers: Chip Rawson, Joy Parker
Raffle: John Poremba
Scribe: John McHugh
Microphones: Cathy Vicini
Marnie humbled by the gift of flowers
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, John McHugh, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini