DIGITAL EDITION No. 258 February 28, 2018 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Nicole Le PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Bijan Nafea
Medtronic’s locally developed products
Stents used for opening cardiac arteries, and a potentially revolutionary therapy called Renal Denervation are a few of things we will learn about in this most informative program. Bijan Nafea, Sr. Principal Design Assurance Engineer for Medtronic, and his colleague Chriselle Peterson, Engineering Manager for Medtronic will be our speakers on March 7th. They will share with us the latest devices being designed here in Sonoma County and bring along some “show and tell” for us to see.
Bijan has over 30 years of experience in the quality, product development and compliance engineering roles. He is currently responsible for managing testing of Medtronic devices including international product standards certification (radio, product safety, EMC, etc.) as well as human factors evaluations for the Coronary and Renal Denervation division.
Chriselle Peterson started her Medical Device career at Medtronic in 2005 as a member of the Coronary Design Assurance Engineering team. She has been part of New Product Development Programs for coronary stenting, including drug eluting stents, and other catheter based technologies and accessories. She is also passionate about supporting STEM programs for youth, especially the local Sonoma County event for Expanding Your Horizons, created to nurture girls’ interest in mathematics and science courses and to encourage them to expand their career vision to include science- and mathematics-based careers.
Guests are welcome to join us on March 7th to celebrate this star of business we are blessed to have here in Santa Rosa.
Wednesday March 14, 2018: Giordan Vilamoski; Chris Gullixson – RYE Inbound and Out Bound Students
Wdnesday March 21, 2018: Welcome to the Exponential Age – Colton Briner – Emerging technologies that will disrupt industries
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Opening Ceremonies
Pledge – Ted Wilmsen
Reflection – Rose Frances
Lots of guests today! Dan Balfe’s wife Linda was there to see him be inducted into our club. Also present was Taunya Moore, Larry Carlin, Paul & Ilse Lazovick, Ellen Vanderberg, David Vogel, speaker Craig Anderson and PD columnist Chris Smith.
Visiting Rotarians
Dan Balfe, Pam Davis, George Batchelelder, and Steve Amend.
Rotary Fire Relief Grant Presentation
Jose Guillen and Rich de Lambert presented fire relief checks of $2,500 business and $3,200 personal assistance to David Vogel.
Sunshine of Your Love
Ginny Cannon noted that all is sunny. We welcomed back Richard Lazovick and the person who donated his new kidney, Taunya Moore. Chris Smith, who wrote the Press Democrat article about the transplant was also present.
A Cathyless Jokeoff
Since our guest speaker today plays the banjo in his spare time, banjo jokes seemed to be in order…….
Layne told a joke about a banjo player returning home from a gig who stopped at 7-11 to buy a Slurpy. He locked his car with his banjo in the back seat. When he returned his worst fears were realized – the back window had been broken out and someone had thrown in another banjo!
Doug Roberts countered with his own banjo joke, “Do you know what perfect pitch is? It’s when you throw an accordion into a dumpster and hit a banjo!”
Layne countered with, “If you drop and accordion and a banjo off the top of a tall building, which one lands in the dumpster first?” Answer: Who cares?
Wobby’s Waffle
With $72 in the pot, Ted Wilmsen had his ticket drawn (when doesn’t he have his ticket drawn?) He did not pull the “spinner” from the bag though and the pot lives on!
New Rotarian, Dan Balfe was inducted into our club. He was a member of the Cambria club.
New Member Inductee
Welcome to Dan Balfe, our newest member to be inducted into the club.
Blue Badge
Michael Moore got his blue badge and did about 3 minutes of hilarious stand up comedy to celebrate the occasion.
- Jackie McMillan shared the new Giro Bello jersey for 2018. Jackie also shared information for the 2019 Rhine River Cruise. Please go to the end of this bulletin for details.
- Ray Giampaoli announced we now have raised over $40,000 in raffle sales money for fire relief. If everyone sells at least a ticket a day, we will reach our goal!
Today’s program featured Craig Anderson, Executive Director of Landpaths who was chosen by Bay Nature Magazine as it’s 2014 “Conservation Hero”. Craig speaks internationally to the Land Trust Alliance and is one of the most respected environmentalists in California today.
Craig started out by giving us an update on conditions and access to various parks including Annadel, Hood Mountain and other regional parks. He also emphasized that it’s a great time to experience west county opportunities such as whale migration season at Bodega Head.
Craig shared lots of photos of various projects Landpaths has developed and promoted, reaching out to youth, people of various cultural and economic backgrounds and to those who have not had the opportunities to experience our beautiful outdoors. Sonoma County is home to many beautiful parks and wild lands, and Craig shared how Landpaths is involved with getting people out there.
Many of Landpath’s acquisitions are open to the public for docent led tours and hiking, kayaking and biking. In addition, Landpaths sponsors Owl Camp and Bayer Farm, a ten- acre working farm in southwest Santa Rosa. It was an interesting and inspiring program, one that will hopefully result in some Rotary/Landpath hands on project and outing opportunities.
Jackie McMillan has been working on details behind the scenes with Eva Atkin and AMA
Sent info to all clubs in our District 5130 – then Gary Lieberstein of Napa – former DA and Rotarian came on board – he is personal friends with the owners of AMA
Introduced a fundraising element to this cruise and a wine host (Monticello – 3 generations Rotarian family)
AMAKristina is a Brand new ship with 79 cabins – 158 people –
AMA is extending Early booking discount until April 30th – usually March 1st cut off and a portion of each booking will go to our District 5130 Fund until April 30th
We want our club to have first choice of cabin category – then we will open to all other Rotary clubs, then to Wine Club members. Lower priced cabins will go quickly!
$400 pp deposit required; balance due 90 days before departure (May 21, 2019)
Faire includes all meals. local wine, beer and soft drinks, all daily excursions and entertainment on the boat, lectures by wine host and tastings, daily cocktail hour, wifi and bicycles
Does not include airfare or gratuities.
Contact Eva Atkin to make your deposit and cabin choice – 529-1865, [email protected]
Governor, District 5130
Bob Rogers, Rotary Club of Sebastopol
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Kathleen Archer, Ray Giampaoli, Steve Marburger, Jackie McMillan, Diane Moresi, Laura Held, Peter Holewinski, Steve Baime and Jeff Kolin