DIGITAL EDITION No. 114 February 25, 2015 EDITOR: Julia Parranto PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson
Our Program for March 4th:
Susan Swartz is a long time journalist, newspaper columnist and author. She was a reporter at the Press Democrat for almost 30 years and during that time her columns were distributed nationally via the New York Times News Service. She has also done radio commentary on KRCB.
She’s written two books about women over 50 whom she calls “Juicy Tomatoes” and which have been translated into several languages. Susan’s presentation will focus on some of her journalism career, how news biz has changed, and asking audience where they get their news.
She lives in Sebastopol with her writer-husband Bob Klose and is currently working on something completely different, a play about women and connection.
Wednesday, March 11th: Past President’s Day
Wednesday, March 18th: Wells Fargo Center for the Arts
Wednesday, March 25th: Modini Legacy in Healdsburg
Visit our district at:
Check out Rotary International at:
Come see us at: http://rotarymeansbusiness.
Pledge of Allegiance: Was ably led by our own Blaine Goodwin. Thanks, Blaine!
The invocation: Was topical and given by Kevin Brown. Our future is in good hands with all these great kids in charge! We give thanks for all these wonderful high school students in our midst and exhort them to: “go change the world.
Ryan Rondon from the Sebastopol Sunrise club. Hi, Ryan! (Remember: we say”hi” to visiting Rotarians, and clap for guests. Some of you are unclear on the concept!)
Steve Olson introduced his faux brother, Roger Olson.
There were many guests there to support the HS students that were being honored today.
All is sunny, per Eileen Carlisle, who asks that if you know of someone who is ill or injured, let her know so she can let all of us know.
Debi Zaft asked us about the blue rubber gloves in the latest issue and Bob Sorensen immediately leapt to his feet and let us know that they were donated by Rotary Clubs to combat the Ebola virus in West Africa. Way to go, Bob!

Casey D’Angelo and Rich de Lambert
Rich de Lambert announced that there’s $180 in the pot, and only six marbles. Casey D’ Angelo drew the winning number, but only won $10.
Pres. Mark announced that it’s not enough to just “like” our club’s Facebook page; apparently we are supposed to also join the Facebook group Rotary Club of Santa Rosa. Who knew? Bonus prize if you go on the group: a picture of Rich de Lambert with actual hair!
Cathy Vicini is in charge of member activities, but shamelessly foisted her reporting responsibilities off on to her underlings. Yale Abrams, who ably runs the district award program and the Rotary International award program. Yale needs new committee members to help out, so join up!
Karen Ball has been running our fun social committee, which hosts various events designed to promote fellowship among our club members. If you haven’t been to one of these events, you are definitely missing out.

Peter Holewinski
Peter Holewinski gave what may go down in history as the longest craft talk ever (including even mine), which will reportedly result in a massive fine. Nonetheless, Peter presented a multimedia extravaganza of a tale of international travel, intrigue, family, and deep Sonoma County roots. He has seen the world indeed. On the other hand, he claims to be Italian, so given his last name; it was all probably a tall tale, right?
Peter had an interesting career. He went to work for Chase and got “an MBA in a box”. Throughout his career, there was a lot deregulation going on, apparently. He has worked in Chicago, New York, Southeast Asia, Europe including Paris and Amsterdam, Africa, and many financial companies as well as Lucent Technologies. He was also involved in the Boy Scouts in Europe. He has visited every country in Europe and every country in Asia. He spent a lot of time in Vietnam, which he says does not cater to tourists or foreign investment.
The students honored today were named the Outstanding Student at their high school. They are:
Adam Kagel, Cardinal HS
Kate Trapnell, Santa Rosa HS
Acacia Lara, Roseland Univ. Prep
Joseph Lin, Rincon Valley Christian School
Daniel Rosenthal, Maria Carrillo HS
Julissa Camancho, Piner HS
Bradley Greiner, Elsie Allen HS
Daniel Rondon, Montgomery HS
Kudos to the high school recognition team, especially Ryan Thomas, for delivering a wonderfully satisfying program. Instead of honoring one student per month with a quick presentation during the meeting and before the program, this year we had all eight high school honorees presented as our program. Each was introduced at length by his or her principal; each was accompanied by proud parents or other family; and each was presented with a nice plaque from Ryan Thomas on behalf of the Rotary Club. All of the students had GPAs over 4.0; all are looking at Bright futures; all were involved in extracurricular activities of an amazing variety. All are stellar examples of what young people can become and achieve. One of them, a trumpet player, even told us a joke: “what do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft? Answer: A flat minor” LOL
Not to be outdone, another young man regaled us with his magic show, (with the assistance of our treasurer, Cecil Humes) which is something he puts on for charity on a regular basis (he has performed overseas too.) His focus is on the healing nature of magic, and he performs in hospitals and rehab facilities. Quite a performer, that young man!
If you missed today’s meeting, you missed something special!

Adam, Joe, Kate, Daniel, Daniel, Acacia, Julissa and Bradley
Matt Fannin announced that the membership committee will meet next Wednesday after the meeting.
Pres. Mark again try to get us to pay attention to the items for sale in the back of the room. If you haven’t checked it out, get back there and do so!
Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Officers
President: Mark Burchill, President Elect: Doug Johnson, President Elect Nominee: Jose Guillen, Past President: Peggy Soberanis, Secretary: Jack Abercrombie, Treasurer: Cecil G. Humes, Sergeant at Arms: Jack Geary
President Rotary International
Gary C.K. Huang, member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Governor, District 5130
Kevin Eisenberg, member of the Rotary Club of Calistoga
Attendance Secretary
Jack Abercrombie P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 707-538-4770
Board of Directors
Karen Ball, Tim Delaney, Debra Dorfman, Tim Fawcett, Bill Hatcher, John McHugh, Jack Tolin, Cathy Vicini