DIGITAL EDITION No. 305 February 20, 2019 EDITOR: Layne Bowen PHOTOGRAPHER: Kris Anderson PUBLISHER: Richard Lazovick
Our Program For Wednesday, February 27, 2019
How A Mountain Was Made
Dr. Greg Sarris
Dr. Greg Sarris will discuss his latest book, How a Mountain Was Made.
In the tradition of Calvino’s Italian Folktales, Greg Sarris, author of the award-winning novel Grand Avenue, turns his attention to his ancestral homeland of Sonoma Mountain in Northern California.
A recent review calls the book, “Stunning…. Neither an arid anthropological text nor another pseudo-Indian as-told-to fabrication. Instead, Sarris has breathed new life into these ancient Northern California tales and legends, lending them a subtle, light-hearted voice and vision.”—Scott Lankford, Los Angeles Review of Books
Dr. Greg Sarris is currently serving his thirteenth term as Chairman of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria. He holds the Graton Rancheria Endowed Chair in Writing and Native American Studies at Sonoma State University, and his publications include Keeping Slug Woman Alive: A Holistic Approach to American Indian Texts (1993), Grand Avenue (1994), and Watermelon Nights (1999). Greg lives and works in Sonoma County. Visit his website at
Wednesday March 6, 2019: Arequipa Sanatorium: Life in California’s Lung Resort for Women – Lynn Downey
Wednesday March 20, 2019: Achon Uganda Children’s Fund – Mike Fee
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Opening Ceremonies
Pledge: Steve Baime
Reflection: Will Haymaker shared an inspirational thought.
Happy birthday to Rotary on its 114th anniversary! Consider making a special gift to Rotary.
Visiting Rotarians
None present today
Don and Jackie McMillan, though as Jackie later pointed out they are paid members until July 1st.
Ginny Canon reports that we’re all good in the sunshine department.
Robby called Layne’s ticket but since he had won the pot two weeks ago, Layne passed and drew another ticket that belonged to Pete Lescure.
Blue Badge Presentation
Charlie Howard Gibbons was awarded his red badge by sponsor Sam McMillan.
Doug Johnson shared his experience at the West Club auction spending over $3,000 for a paella dinner. Doug will try to recoup some of his funds by hosting a paella dinner at a cost of $45 or $50 per person.
Ray Giampaoli is looking for $45k in sponsorships for Giro Bello, so get out there and market our event to your customers, suppliers and friends.
Mark Burchill is still looking for a couple of hosts for French visitors in April. Please contact him asap if interested.
Ted Wilmsen wants leftover dictionaries and envelopes back.
Presidential Survey
At this point, the meeting took a technological left turn as President Tony tested a texting questionnaire technology that failed miserably.
Recognitions: Jackie McMillan (PV Project).
Jackie McMillan shared a water filter project in Puerta Vallarta that she and Don have been supporting for a number of years. 15 clubs are now participating in taking filters to various villages.
Annual Meeting to Nominate Officers and Directors.
Nominations for President for 2021-22: Ray Giampaoli
Nominations for directors 2020-21 and 2021-22: Dan Balfe, Michael Moore, Rio Ray and Kathy Schwartz.
As chair of the committee, President Tony certified that each of the named nominees has consented to serve.
President Tony asked for any nominations from the floor. Hearing none, nominations closed and the slate was approved by the Club members.
Larry Miyano presented Laurentius Ardie Martono, exchange student from Indonesia. Laurentius thanked his host families, Craig Meltzner, Mary Graves and others for their hospitality. Laurentius hails from the district of Gamelin on the island of Java. Over 700 languages are spoken, with a population of 261 million people. Over 87% are Muslim, 9% Christian. There are also Hindus and Budhists. Laurentius shared photos of historical buildings and temples, and school children. He described European colonization and then showed photos of volcanic mountains, lakes, rice fields, etc….as well as photos of beautiful beaches. Indonesia is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. Laurentius shared photos of local dancers in colorful costumes, showing different styles from different islands. He also shared photos of traditional foods that we wish were being served on Wednesdays at the Flamingo.
Finland is a small country of some 5 million people, and Tommy drolly stated, “so basically there was no one there”. Current SRJC and former Maria Carillo student Tommy Abel shared his year of exchange in Finland. Tommy first lived in an agricultural town of 14,000 and noted the people were somewhat shy. The school system while being among the best in the world, is extremely permissive. Tommy noted Finland is not very nationalistic and seemed relieved when their 100th anniversary year was finally over. He visited Lapland, which is 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle. He was also able to visit Sweden and St. Petersburg, Russia as well as Eastern and Western Europe. Tommy ultimately lived with four host families.
Remembering Bob Matteri
Many members of our club joined Rotary after Bob Matteri retired and moved to Arizona. He was one of our most active members for over two decades and continued to support our club foundation until just prior to his passing.
Here is an article about Bob from Steve Olsen that you might find interesting:
Remembering Bob Matteri
When Bob Matteri passed away recently and it was announced to the club, many members likely thought to themselves “who was Bob Matteri”? Let me take a moment to share a little about Bob and his deep commitment to Rotary. He joined our club in 1982 and remained very active until he retired and moved to Arizona. His classification was Sanitary Engineer as he was a Director of Empire Waste Management. Bob returned to Sonoma County a few years ago to be closer to his family. He grew up on a dairy farm on Petaluma Hill Road just south of Santa Rosa. He was an active member of the Santa Rosa High FFA Chapter and had Wes Jamison as his Ag Teacher. Even though he left the farm for a job in town, he never forgot his agrarian roots or the important role Mr. Jamison played in his life. Bob was one of the founders of the Jamison Fund within the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Foundation and generously contributed to the fund since it’s inception. He also served on the Jamison Fund Steering Committee and helped launch the new Jamison FFA Merit Award Program three years ago.
Bob was a Paul Harris Fellow and a Founder of the local foundation. He served on many committees over his time in Rotary including committees for the Disabled Youth Park, Disability Awareness Symposium and Environmental Support. He was also an active member of the clubs Program Committee as well as the Youth in Ag committee. Bob was a quiet Rotarian who didn’t seek the limelight but rather enjoyed rolling up his sleeves and going to work – just like he learned on the dairy farm growing up.
I invite the current members of the club to join me in contributing to the Jamison Fund in Bob’s memory. This would be a very appropriate was to honor Bob and support a project near and dear to his heart.
Steve Olson
Governor, District 5130
Barb Spangler, Valley of the Moon Rotary Club
Attendance Secretary
Debi Zaft P.O. Box 505 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Board of Directors
Club Service I, Membership, Ryan Thomas
Club Service II, Club Meetings, Jeff Kolin
Club Service III, Fundraising, Steve Baime
Club Service IV, Member Activities, Anne Gospe
Club Service V, Information Technology and Records, Brandon Urich
Community Service I, Member Involvement, Andrea Geary
Community Service II, Youth, Laura Held
Vocational Service, Carolyn Fassi
International Service, Peter Holewinski